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Ecological presentation projects for preschoolers. Presentation "environmental education of preschool children." decoration of corners and walls

“A man became a man when he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of a wave and the solemn silence of the night - he heard, and, holding his breath, listens hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life.”
V. A. Sukhomlinsky.
Relevance of the work
Early age is the most favorable time for sensory development, for the accumulation of ideas about the world around us. Environmental education can and should begin from the moment a child enters kindergarten.
Raising a consciously correct attitude of children towards nature, forming in them the foundations of environmental consciousness.

lay the first ideas and guidelines in the natural world;
promote the development of children's cognitive and speech skills;
to cultivate in children a humane and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Methods of working with parents:
requests for help in designing and enriching the subject-developmental environment of the group;
moving folders.

Methods of working with children:
observations of living and inanimate objects;
experimental activities;
outdoor and didactic games;
direct educational activities;
use of illustrative and visual material;
reading children's natural history and fiction literature;
feasible labor in nature.

Subject development environment
Visual activities for children Goal: familiarization with paints, learning to draw using the poking method, showing that you can draw with your fingers and potatoes.
Finger painting on a tray of salt “Fun Fingers” Purpose: to show children that they can draw with salt. Development of fine motor skills.
GCD “Sand House for a Turtle” Purpose: familiarization with the properties of sand: dry - pours, wet - molds.
Game “What Floats How” Goal: familiarization with the properties of stones. We compare a stone with a wooden stick: which is lighter, which is heavier, which sinks in water, which floats.
Game “Get a Pebble” Goal: familiarization with the properties of stones by shape, weight, development of attention.
Game “Warm - Cold” Purpose: familiarization with the properties of water: transparent, warm, cold.
Observing water in an artificial waterfallGoal: familiarization with the properties of water: flowing, murmuring, splashes flying, droplets dripping.
GCD “House for Fish” Purpose: familiarization with the structure of the aquarium: the bottom is covered with sand, the sand is wet; the stones are buried in the sand, they are also wet, dark, large and small; the water is clear and clean.
ECD “Pets” Goal: getting to know pets, developing speech activity.
ECD "Kitty-Murysonka" Goal: getting to know the cat (body parts: head, body, tail, paws), developing speech activity.
Bird watchingGoal: to introduce children to birds: dove and sparrow. Examination of body parts.
Doable work in nature “Car path” Goal: to accustom children to work in nature.
Experimental activity “Ice” Goal: to continue to introduce the properties of water: warm, cold. Show the children that a piece of ice will melt faster in warm water.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Consultation for teachers “Environmental education in kindergarten” Author: teacher O.V. Tretyakova MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINDERGARTEN No. 48 "BEE" Tambov 2016

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“For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland,” M.M. Prishvin.

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Nature is not only a temple of health and aesthetic pleasure. Nature is a powerful ancient source of knowledge and education for humanity. We must teach children to love and respect nature, to protect it, but first we ourselves must learn to love it. Relevance

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The goal of environmental education of preschool children is the formation of the principles of environmental culture. The formation of the principles of ecological culture is the formation, awareness of the correct attitude directly to nature itself in all its diversity, to the people who preserve and create it, as well as to the people who create material or spiritual values ​​based on wealth.

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Preschoolers are the initial link in the system of continuous education, which means that the content of their education should be related to the content of environmental education at the next stages - schoolchildren. Basic environmental knowledge acquired by children at a young age will help them master environmental subjects in the future;

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Knowledge is not an end in itself, it only helps to form in children a certain attitude towards nature, environmentally literate and safe behavior, and an active life position; Preschool children have a very developed cognitive interest, in particular in nature. It is at this age that they perceive the world as a whole, which contributes to the formation of an ecological worldview. It is very important to maintain this cognitive interest;

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The content must be scientific. Despite their age, children should receive scientific ideas about the world around them, in particular about nature, in an accessible form. The formation of a scientific worldview is especially important in our time, when mythologized consciousness and a non-scientific approach to explaining natural phenomena are widespread in society; The content should contribute to the formation in children of a holistic perception of the world around them, on the one hand, and the interconnections of the parts of this whole, on the other;

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Environmental education is part of general education, it is interdisciplinary in nature, promotes the development of thinking, speech, erudition, emotional sphere, moral education - that is, the formation of the personality as a whole; Norms of environmentally literate safe behavior: children must learn to understand and form independently on the basis of a set of basic environmental knowledge and awareness of cause and effect relationships in nature;

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The child must recognize himself as a part of nature; environmental education contributes to the formation in children not only of a certain attitude towards nature (in particular, the rejection of a purely consumer approach), but also the skills of rational use of natural resources.

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Methods of environmental education. Teaching methods are ways of joint activities between the teacher and children, during which the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as attitudes towards the world around them, is carried out. In the pedagogical process of kindergarten, various teaching methods are used: visual, practical, verbal.

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Visual methods include observation, looking at pictures, and demonstrating models. Practical methods are games, elementary experiments and modeling. Verbal methods include stories from the teacher and children, reading works of art about nature, and conversations. Children's work in nature Various work in nature brings children a lot of joy and contributes to their all-round development. In the process of work, a love for nature and a careful attitude towards it are cultivated.

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Game is a very important method of environmental education. Object games are games using various natural objects (leaves, seeds, fruits). In object games, children’s ideas about the properties and qualities of certain natural objects are clarified, specified and enriched. Printed board games are games such as lotto, dominoes, cut and paired pictures. Preschoolers enjoy playing “Zoological Lotto”, “Botanical Lotto”, “Who Lives Where?” etc.

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Word games are games whose content is a variety of knowledge that children have and the word itself. They are carried out to consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties and characteristics of certain objects. Verbal games develop attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, and coherent speech. Outdoor games of a natural history nature are associated with imitation of the habits of animals and their way of life. By imitating actions, imitating sounds, children consolidate knowledge; The joy gained during the game helps to deepen interest in nature.

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Among the various methods of environmental education of preschoolers, an important place should be given to observation. Its essence lies in the sensory knowledge of natural objects, in their knowledge through various forms of perception - visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory. The seasonal life of plants provides great opportunities for observation. The different conditions of trees and shrubs, the appearance and disappearance of herbaceous vegetation in the warm and cold seasons allow children, in the process of observation, to form ideas about the dependence of plant life on external conditions.

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Promotions are socially significant events that are held in a preschool institution by its employees and children, preferably with the participation of parents. Promotions, as a rule, are timed to coincide with some dates or events of public importance. Another form of environmental work in kindergarten is environmental holidays and leisure activities. Ecological holidays can be dedicated to the seasons, harvests, birds, etc.

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With preschool children, you can conduct simple experiments with various objects of animate and inanimate nature. Specially organized experimental situations, in contrast to simple observations, make it possible to more clearly see individual properties, aspects, characteristics of plants, animals, and their life activities. Experiments encourage children to compare, contrast, develop observation, perception, and thinking. Interesting experiments can be carried out with water, air, sand and clay when growing greens, such as onions. The modeling method occupies a significant place in the system of environmental education. Working with the nature calendar, diagrams, tables, etc.

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Model “Environmental education of preschool children” Introducing children to nature Organizing and holding exhibitions, shows, competitions Labor activities in nature Creating conditions for work on environmental education, equipping nature corners in groups, equipping them with items for caring for plants Observation of living objects and seasonal natural phenomena - targeted walks - excursions - work with nature calendars, sketches Creation of a fund of methodological and visually illustrative material, exhibition of books with natural history content, design of material on environmental education for parents Communication with the educational process, environmental leisure activities, musical festivals, quizzes on environmental topics , construction from natural materials Environmental education of preschool children

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Layout “Joint activities of the teacher and children” Diagnosis of children’s environmental education Role-playing and d/games Targeted walks into nature Observation in a corner of nature Working with models Visual activities on environmental topics Watching films about nature Experimental, experimental, search activities Creating homemade books Reading children's fiction Ecological leisure and holidays Examination of didactic pictures, illustrations about nature Work in a mini-nature center and on the site Conversations with children on environmental topics Work with nature calendars, observation diaries Collecting collections of seeds, stones, designing a herbarium Joint activities of the teacher and children

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Model “Environmental education of parents” Cognitive Environment and child health State of the environment in one’s own neighborhood, city Ways to solve these problems Development of the child through familiarization with the outside world Methods of introducing the child to the outside world Activity Participation in environmental protection actions together with children Participation in environmental holidays, excursions, hikes Growing plants Reading literature with children Normative Knowledge of rules of behavior during outdoor recreation, rules of environmental safety and norms of behavior in experimental situations Choosing environmentally safe areas for walking with children, playing sports, gardening Environmental safety of home, environmentally friendly products Knowledge psychological characteristics of the child and age-appropriate capabilities and needs, including in communication with nature Value Nature as a universal value for humans The importance of nature in human life Child health and nature Man is part of nature Formation of reasonable needs

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Environmental education of preschool children is an important component of the process of harmonious development. Do not forget about this and pay as much attention as possible to solving the assigned tasks, acting in a coordinated manner. The most important thing for which environmental education is needed for a child of this age is the timely formation of a positive personal opinion and love for the living nature around him. Also, such education helps children gain basic knowledge about the phenomena that occur in living and inanimate nature.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined type kindergarten "Golden Key" in the urban settlement "Workers' Village Vanino" of the municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory. "Environmental education for preschoolers"

I give my heart

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The presentation was prepared by: teacher Kraft M, A.:

rps.Vanino 2017

“The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of children's intelligence.» .

V.V Sukhomlinsky

Relevance of the topic

Formation of ecological consciousness of preschool children is an extremely pressing problem of the present time:

Only an ecological worldview, the ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of a catastrophic state.

The goal of environmental education is to form the foundations of an ecological worldview

and ecological culture of preschool children.

Environmental education

“A continuous process of training, education and personal development, aimed at forming a system of knowledge and skills, value orientations, moral, ethical and aesthetic relations that ensure the individual’s environmental responsibility for the condition and improvement of the socio-natural environment.” (I.D. Zverev)




Formation of ideas about the relationship between nature, society and man; formation of practical skills to resolve environmental problems


orientations, motives, needs, habits of active environmental protection

Ability to analyze environmental situations; assess the aesthetic state of the environment

“Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education” No. 1155 FROM 17.10.2013 Came into effect on January 1, 2014



acquaintance with children's literature, including natural history;


the formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, causes and effects, etc.); about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples; expanding children's horizons;


formation of healthy lifestyle values.


assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society; development of emotional responsiveness, empathy, including in relation to natural objects; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, and nature;

Artistic and aesthetic

the formation of prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of the natural world; formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world as a whole;


Content characteristics

Individual approach

Taking into account individual ethnocultural characteristics, family and social opportunities and conditions for full development


validity and reliability of the content of theories, formation of practical skills in adaptation and forecasting of one’s actions.


compliance with the age, psychological, social and intellectual characteristics of children; taking into account their level of development and individual cognitive abilities.


Availability of visual material


Progressive transition: from simple to complex


Cooperation: Children+educators-parents


Thoughtfulness of combinations of different types of activities


Interrelation of different areas of knowledge


Taking into account regional characteristics


Greening in all areas of activity

Environmental education is carried out through a variety of

forms of preschooler activity


Forming an understanding of the harmonious unity and interaction of nature, the ability to see patterns, appreciate the uniqueness and peculiarity of each object, recognize the right to exist of every living creature without a false sense of self-superiority



Humanization of the child’s relationship with nature, actualization of emotional perception in the process of creative embodiment of the beauty of the surrounding world in the forms of drawing, song, poem.


Awareness of the need of plants or animals for caring care and attention, the formation of responsibility for a living being and caution in handling it, cultivating a desire to save natural resources, create and restore the habitat.

Symbolic struggle for a healthy and prosperous life of nature; mastering the rules and laws of environmental ethics; the ability to distinguish actions that are negative in direction and bring destruction to harmony.




emphasis on one direction in teaching and raising a child

Adhere to the principle of a holistic approach to education, taking into account existing psychological and pedagogical norms

“Rainbow”, “Childhood”, “Development”, “Origins”, “Dialogue”.

“From birth to school”, “Baby”.

"Young ecologist" “Seven-flower”, “Nature and the artist”,

"Our home is nature"

"Life around us"


Each program is based on a personality-oriented model of education, an individual approach to the development of a child’s intellectual and artistic abilities.

To achieve the fundamental goal of environmental education for preschool children, it is necessary to create a holistic system: conditions, select methodological and methodological tools, and organize work with social partners.

RPPS: Elements of environmental development environment

Ecological path


Mini Laboratory

Ecological theater

Museum, art gallery

Territory of the preschool educational institution

Vegetable garden, garden

Musical, Physical education

Corners in groups

Exhibition corner

VISUAL (observations, demonstration, examination, showing) VERBAL (conversation, story, reading, explanation, instruction, pedagogical assessment, question, etc.)

PRACTICAL (elementary experiments, modeling, exercises, etc.)

OWN-PRACTICAL (appealing to the experience of children,

practical situations, search actions, examination)

GAME (didactic games, game situation, actions with toys, imitation of actions, hiding, searching, outdoor play, episodic game techniques, riddles).

Methods and techniques

  • - environmental GCD; - ecological excursions; - lessons of kindness; thinking lessons; - environmental circles; - environmental competitions; - KVN, auction, marathon, quiz, “Field of Miracles”; - environmental actions; - discussing and playing out situations; - labor landing; green patrol; - laboratory of a young ecologist; - drawing up environmental maps; - maintaining the “Panorama of Good Deeds”; phenological calendars of nature; - environmental exhibitions and expositions; environmental museums; - day (week) of environmental creativity; - environmental holidays and festivals; - environmental games (didactic, simulation, games - modeling - ecosystems; competitive, games - travel, etc.); - environmental tales; environmental trainings; etc.

List of forms and methods of environmental work in preschool educational institutions

  • ICT technologies
  • Case technology
  • Health-saving technologies
  • Gaming technologies
  • Triz technology
  • Personality-oriented technology
  • approach (I.S. Yakimanskaya)

  • Developmental education technology
  • (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov)

  • Technology of project activities
  • Quest technology

Innovative technologies in environmental education

Social partnership

The interaction of preschool educational institutions with society includes the following areas:

Work with government agencies and local governments;

Interaction with educational, scientific and cultural institutions;

Interaction with healthcare institutions;

Working with parents.

Forms of interaction with families on issues of environmental education for preschoolers Forms of interaction with families on issues of environmental education for preschoolers

involving parents in participation in competitions, exhibitions, and work activities

consultations for parents

Round table discussions, parental advice in a non-traditional form (talk shows, business games, etc.)

survey on the issue of environmental education

“Ecological stand” in the environmental corner - production of newspapers, posters, folders of progress

To create a rational subject-spatial environment for a preschooler’s successful knowledge of the world around him, based on the integration of educational areas.

Familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature will be more effective if the teacher celebrates all the achievements and independence of the children, praising them for their confidence and initiative.

It is necessary to constantly use innovative technologies in pedagogical practice, as a result of which the development of all aspects of the child’s cognitive activity will be achieved.

Establishing trusting, partnership relationships with children’s parents, searching and applying effective forms and methods of working with them will lead to achieving the goal much faster

List of references to help the methodologist and educator

  • Aksyonova, Z.F. Enter nature as a friend. Environmental education of preschool children. – Moscow: Sphere shopping center, 2011. – 128 p. – (Teacher's Library)
  • Gorkova, L.G. Scenarios for classes on environmental education of preschoolers (middle, senior, preparatory groups) / L.G. Gorkova, A.V. Kochergina, L.A. Obukhova. - Moscow: VAKO, 2005. – 240 p. - (Preschoolers: we teach, develop, educate).
  • Egorenkov, L.I. Environmental education of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren: A manual for parents, teachers and teachers of preschool institutions, primary school teachers. - Moscow: ARKTI, 2001. - 128 p.
  • Zverev I.D. Environmental education and upbringing: key issues. Environmental education: concepts and technologies. M.: Peremena, 1996
  • Kovinko, L.V. The secrets of nature are so interesting! - Moscow: Linka-Press, 2004. – 72 p.: ill.
  • Lopatina, A.A. Tales of Mother Earth. Environmental education through fairy tales, poems and creative tasks / A. A. Lopatina, M. V. Skrebtsova. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Amrita-Rus, 2008. - 256 p. - (Education and creativity).
  • Mazilnikova, N.N. Ecological and valeological education of preschool children. Organization of walks in the summer / N.N. Mazilnikova, S.V. Terekhina. – St. Petersburg: PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD-PRESS” LLC, 2013. – 96 p.
  • Nikolaeva, S.N. Theory and methods of environmental education for children: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 336 p.
  • Nikolaeva, S.N. Environmental education of younger preschoolers. A book for kindergarten teachers. - Moscow: Mosaic-Sintez, 2004. - 96 p.
  • Rimashevskaya, L.S. Theories and technologies of environmental development of preschool children. Training course program and methodological recommendations for independent work of undergraduate students: Educational and methodological manual / L.S. Rimashevskaya, N.O. Nikonova, T.A. Ivchenko. - Moscow: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2008. - 128 p.
  • Lukonina, N.N. Matinees in kindergarten: Scenarios about nature / N.N. Lukonina, L.E. Chadova. - Moscow: Irispress, 2002. - 240 pp.: ill. - (Attention, children).
  • Ryzhova, N.A. The air around us: [method. allowance] / N.A. Ryzhova, S.I. Musienko. – 2nd ed. – Moscow: Obruch, 2013. – 208 p.: ill.
  • System of environmental education in preschool educational institutions: information and methodological materials, greening of the developmental environment of kindergarten, development of classes in the section “Natural World”, matinees, quizzes, games. - 2nd ed., stereotype. /aut.-state O.F. Gorbatenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 286 p.
  • Fedotova, A.M. Let's explore the world around us by playing: plot-based didactic games for preschoolers. – Moscow: Sfera shopping center, 2015. – 112 p. – (Teacher's Library).
  • Ecological poems and fairy tales of WWF Friends Clubs. / Comp. E. Kuznetsova. - Moscow: World Wildlife Fund, 2006. - 104 p.: ill.

Thus, a holistic system of work to form the foundations of an ecological worldview and ecological culture will allow children to understand that we are all together and each of us individually is responsible for the earth, and everyone can preserve and enhance its beauty.

And, only together, only together, we will be able to stimulate in a little person - the inexhaustible nature -


“To arouse in children a living sense of nature means to arouse one of the most beneficial influences that educates the soul.” K.D. Ushinsky

Information about MDOU - kindergarten 446 Address: st. Bauman, 43, telephone Address: st. Bauman, 43, telephone MDOU works according to the program “From childhood to adolescence” MDOU works according to the program “From childhood to adolescence” Uses partial programs of T.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist”, 2003 Uses partial programs of T.N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist” ", 2003 "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children" R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva, 2005 “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva, 2005

Contents of FGT Area “Safety”: Area “Safety”: formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them; formation of ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the natural world and methods of behavior in them; introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding natural world. introduction to the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the surrounding natural world. Area "Cognition": Area "Cognition": sensory development; sensory development; development of cognitive and research activities. development of cognitive and research activities.

Goal: to form the foundations of an ecological culture for all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers). tasks for environmental education. tasks for environmental education. research into the possibility of increasing the level of environmental culture of teachers, parents, and children; research into the possibility of increasing the level of environmental culture of teachers, parents, and children; formation of motivational readiness to test new forms, types and contents of activities; formation of motivational readiness to test new forms, types and contents of activities; the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, and parents in the work to create an environmental culture; the use of additional opportunities for the integration of specialists, educators, children, and parents in the work to create an environmental culture; at the level of children: nurturing a love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; at the level of children: nurturing a love for nature through direct communication with it, perception of its beauty and diversity; formation of knowledge about nature; formation of knowledge about nature; developing empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its conservation. developing empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its conservation. diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relationships of all subjects of education; diagnostics of the level of knowledge, skills, relationships of all subjects of education; ensuring the continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family ensuring the continuity of environmental education in the system: preschool educational institution - family

The work is based on the following principles: local history; local history; paedocentrism (or “positive centrism”); paedocentrism (or “positive centrism”); conformity with nature; conformity with nature; scientific character and accessibility of concepts; scientific character and accessibility of concepts; "spirals"; "spirals"; interdisciplinarity and content integration; interdisciplinarity and content integration; from simple to complex from simple to complex

Indoors Research center Nature corners Mini museums Mini planetarium Ecological theater Nature calendar Indoor plants Animals Aquariums Vegetable garden on the windowsill Pharmacy on the windowsill Library Ecological trail Vegetable garden Flower beds and lawns Natural and landscape features of the territory Model of ecological space in a preschool educational institution Corridors and hall Music and gym hall Trees and shrubs On the group site

Methods and techniques used in environmental education at preschool educational institutions: observation method with the connection of various analyzers, observation method with the connection of various analyzers, experiments and experiments, experiments and experiments, problem situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”); problematic situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”); verbal methods (conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, etc.), verbal methods (conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, etc.), practical activities in nature (work in nature, environmental actions, visual activities with the display of nature), practical activities in nature (work in nature, environmental actions, visual activities with the display of nature), game methods and play, game methods and play, practical work and search activities; practical work and search activities; excursions, excursions, project method project method

Forms of working with children; classes; classes; excursions; excursions; practical activities in nature; practical activities in nature; environmental actions; environmental actions; environmental projects (pedagogical, child-parent); environmental projects (pedagogical, child-parent); holding environmental quizzes and Olympiads; holding environmental quizzes and Olympiads; children's production of environmental leaflets, posters, booklets, newspapers, "Young Ecologist", "Young Explorer", "Young Traveler" groups children's production of environmental leaflets, posters, booklets, newspapers, "Young Ecologist", "Young Explorer", "Young Explorer" groups traveler"

Environmental actions are socially significant events aimed at preserving natural objects: “Plant a Tree” (for Earth Day), “Plant a Tree” (for Earth Day), “Alumni Alley”; "Alumni Alley"; “Flower Day” (planting flower alleys); “Flower Day” (planting flower alleys); “Gift for loved ones” (growing tulips for March 8); “Gift for loved ones” (growing tulips for March 8); “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions, dill, parsley for children’s food, herbs for animal feed) “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions, dill, parsley for children’s food, herbs for animal feed) “May Bouquet” (growing flowers for May 9), “May Bouquet” (growing flowers by May 9), “Beauty for everyone” (laying out new lawns, remodeling old ones); “Beauty for everyone” (laying out new lawns, remodeling old ones); "Bird's Canteen" (making feeders and feeding birds in winter), "Bird's Canteen" (making feeders and feeding birds in winter), "Forest Pharmacy" (collecting medicinal herbs), "Forest Pharmacy" (collecting medicinal herbs), “Knizhnik Hospital”, “Knizhnik Hospital”, “Cleanliness will save the world” (clean-up work on the territory), “Cleanliness will save the world” (clean-up work on the territory), “Herringbone - a green needle” (propaganda of the use of artificial Christmas trees in decorating homes), “Herringbone - green needle" (propaganda of the use of artificial Christmas trees in decorating homes), "Keeping Eye" (photos of beautiful places in our native land) "Keeping Eye" (photos of beautiful places in our native land) "Let's save the anthill" "Save the anthill" and others and others

Ecological commandments, the most important of them is “maintaining silence” (as defined by L.P. Simonova), the most important of them is “maintaining silence” (as defined by L.P. Simonova), patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time), patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time), attentiveness (children should be taught to find connections in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people’s behavior), attentiveness (children should be taught to find connections in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people’s behavior ), frugality (to take care of what is created by nature, “every bug is created by nature for something”), frugality (to take care of what is created by nature, “every bug is created by nature for something”)

Conditions for organizing work with parents, developing the content of emotional and positive communication between children and parents in social and labor relations within the family, during a holiday; developing the content of emotional and positive communication between children and parents in social and labor relations within the family, during a holiday; creating an ecological and developmental environment in order to ensure the competence of teachers and parents in this matter; creating an ecological and developmental environment in order to ensure the competence of teachers and parents in this matter; methodological support, including work plans and notes on activities to introduce people to nature. methodological support, including work plans and notes on activities to introduce people to nature.

One of the forms of environmental work with children and parents is projects. Objectives: development of communication skills and coherent speech, development of communication skills and coherent speech, development of research skills, development of research skills, the ability to plan activities to obtain the final result, the ability to plan activities to obtain the final result, increasing personal confidence for each project participant, increasing personal confidence in each project participant, conducting reflection (awareness of one’s activities, how the result was obtained, what difficulties were encountered, how they were eliminated, how the person felt at the same time, conducting reflection (awareness of one’s activities, how the result was obtained, what Difficulties were encountered in this, how they were eliminated, how the person felt

Types of projects: research and experimental Properties of water Properties of water Insects in nature Insects in nature Air and life Air and life Conditions for plant life Conditions for plant life Animals of kindergarten Animals of kindergarten Aquarium and its underwater world Aquarium and its underwater world Wintering birds Wintering birds Our green friends Our green friends Feathered guests Feathered guests The role of plants in human life The role of plants in human life Pharmacy on the windowsill Pharmacy on the windowsill Vegetable garden on the window Vegetable garden on the window Eco-world of kindergarten Eco-world of kindergarten Eco-world of my family (our favorite garden, plants in the house, etc.) My family’s eco-world (our favorite garden, plants in the house, etc.) We invited nature into the house: Nature in the house. We invited nature into the house: Nature in the house. Aquariums in kindergarten Aquariums in kindergarten

Natural science projects Stories of stones Stories of stones What the stars will tell you What the stars will tell you Maintaining health Maintaining health In porridge, our strength is homemade food In porridge, our strength is homemade nutrition We are similar: human movements and animal movements (games and exercises based on movements in nature) We are similar: human movements and animal movements (games and exercises based on movements in nature) Movement, sports, health Movement, sports, health

Creative projects Space adventures Space adventures Spacecraft Spacecraft Family leisure Family leisure A boy's journey Themes to the country of Health A boy's journey Themes to the country of Health We composed a poem about so that no one gets sick We composed a poem about so that no one gets sick Window of joy (holidays) and traditions in preschool and family) Window of joy (holidays and traditions in preschool and family)