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Sample notification of the change of CEO to counterparties. CEO Change Information Letter: Sample Partner Notice. Example of a CEO change notification

The letter about the change of the CEO is for informational purposes only. This document confronts the organization's counterparties.

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When the head of an institution changes, this must be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. No later than three days after the appointment of a new person, the organization must submit the appropriate paper to the tax office at the place of registration of the company. And after that, you can already send letters of the corresponding content to other organizations. You also need to do if the CEO's surname has simply changed for some reason.

Important: the notification of the change of the CEO has a unified form, but the information message in the form of a letter is not. The person who draws up the paper has the right to add data, give comments (of course, observing the norms of business correspondence).

Components of the letter

The document has an arbitrary shape. However, it is built according to the generally accepted algorithm. So, at the very top of the sheet are usually located:

  • Company details. There is just a free space in the form for them. Ideally, all documents of this scale and focus are printed on the letterhead of a specific organization, which initially contain its name, address, phone number and other contact information.
  • Letter number. It is necessary for the correct registration of outgoing correspondence.
  • Date of signing the document. Without a signature, it has no legal force.
  • Destination. If this is a legal entity, then the organization is indicated first, then the position and full name of a specific employee of this organization to whom the message is intended.

In addition to the introductory part, which is the same for a large amount of documentation, the letter of director change has a main part. It can begin with the phrases: "We inform you by this letter ..." or "By this letter we inform you ...", or simply "We inform you that from today Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovich has been appointed general director."

There is no unified form for a sample letter. However, one should concisely and reasonably inform the addressee of the essence of the paper - information about the change of director. In this case, it is necessary to indicate as an attachment the paper that was the basis for such a change.

So, the mandatory points for the main part are:

  • Full name of the new CEO.
  • The date from which he took up his duties.
  • What document is the basis for this. It can be the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders (owners) of the company or the decision of the sole founder.

Who signs

When drawing up a document, many ask themselves the question of who should certify the letter: the old or new CEO of the organization. The answer here is unequivocal: new. After all, the document on his appointment has already entered into force. And even if the tax authorities are still in the dark about the change of director, still only the new boss has the right to sign and certify the documentation with his visa.

In practice, it often happens that two people are in power in a company at once.

In order to avoid such moments and the possible troubles associated with this, it is necessary immediately in the minutes of the meeting of owners on this issue to prescribe specific dates for the dismissal of the previous employee and the appointment of a new one.


Since the signature is put by the new boss, the letter needs proof of the information provided, otherwise there would be wide opportunities for fraudsters. Fraudulent persons could take advantage of the resulting confusion when communicating this kind of information. Therefore, each letter about the change of the general director must be attached:

  • A copy of the minutes of the general meeting at which the decision on his appointment was made. In practice, for convenience, it also prescribes the dismissal of the old one.
  • A copy of the power of attorney to sign the documentation.
  • A copy of the order on the appointment of the General Director. The meaning of the power of attorney can be included.

Only the first paper will be obligatory, but by attaching copies of the rest, you can make your appeal more reasoned. In this case, each organization acts in accordance with its Charter.

The final part of the letter is the signature of the new CEO and, if possible, the seal of the organization. Thus, the counterparties and other persons to whom the letter will be addressed will find out how the new manager signs.

Special cases

In addition to the tax authorities, the banks that serve the company are also required to be informed about the change of director. This is enshrined in the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 153-I of May 30, 2014.

In addition, the newly appointed head must visit a banking organization in order to leave samples of his signature there. Only after completing this action will his "autograph" really certify money orders and other financial documents of the organization.

Is it obligatory to notify partners

By law, a company is obliged to notify only the tax service and the bank about the change of director. However, according to the rules of business communication, counterparties must also be aware of the current state of affairs. This is especially true in cases in which the previous CEO was fired from the organization due to loss of confidence. His actions could also be associated with business partners.

In addition, there is another reason to notify business partners: additional agreements should be concluded with them to all contracts in which the name of the old specialist appears (in order for them to have legal force).

Thus, the mass mailing of letters about the change of the CEO is a mandatory item in the algorithm of any self-respecting company. If you don't feel like wasting precious time signing multiple copies, you can use a facsimile of your new boss's signature.

The issue of changing the general director becomes relevant for many organizations that are faced with an urgent need to register a new authorized person as a manager. Some companies are trying to independently amend the unified register of legal entities. However, in any case, it is necessary to prepare a notification to the INFS about the change of the CEO.

It should be noted that when changing the management of the organization, no changes are required to the constituent documents. That is why there is no need to pay the established state fee in the process of registering a new director.

To understand the peculiarities of drawing up the corresponding notification, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework, with the established deadlines for filing, with the procedure for filling out, with the most popular methods for submitting a previously prepared package of documents, as well as with the need to draw up internal documents.

How is the procedure

The procedure for changing the sole executive on behalf of the organization in 2019 was slightly simplified. This is due to the ability to use the single window service.

Registration of current changes in the state register of legal entities persons is carried out as follows:

  • preparation of the established package of documentation - filling out the P14001 form, as well as the protocol and decision to change the general director;
  • transfer of documentation to the territorial control body;
  • obtaining approval from the tax office;
  • registration of a new bank card linked to the account and generation of a new access key.

It should be noted that the need for payment in this particular case is not regulated by current legislation.

Different territorial inspectorates apply their own rules for accepting application documents. However, in the vast majority of cases, the procedural moment of making changes to the registry is almost identical. The main step in registering changes is the preparation of an established package of documents.

For this, the organization holds a general meeting of participants, at which the topical issue of changing the general director is decided. Based on the results of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up, which must be signed by all participants. In cases where the LLC was created by one single person, then a special application for a change in management must be drawn up.

It is important to note the fact that the majority of territorial bodies rarely request the minutes of meetings due to the fact that the legislation does not establish the obligation to provide the relevant documentation.

In any case, an application form P14001 is submitted to the territorial office of the tax inspectorate. You should be very careful when filling out the form. This factor is due to the fact that even the smallest error can lead to a refusal to implement the registration procedure.

You do not need to print the entire form. It is enough just to attach sheet B to the first three sheets of the document, which contains all the relevant information about the new CEO. It is not recommended to leave empty fields in the considered form. It is better to enter all the necessary information, and put dashes in the remaining sections. This will help in certifying to the registering authority that the company does not have such information.

The current legal address of the organization must be indicated in the form in accordance with the established KLADR classifier. All completed pages are numbered in order. In each case, the completed form is notarized. When self-binding the sheets of the document, the company may be refused to implement the registration procedure.

The application under consideration shall be submitted no later than three days from the date of the actual adoption of the decision at the general organizational meeting. Otherwise, a fine of 5,000 rubles may be imposed on the official, which is fully regulated by the provisions of Article 14.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Normative base

Federal Law on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs No. 129 acts as a regulatory framework for the registration of a new general director.

Also, the corresponding operation can be regulated by the following orders of the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance:

Why do you need to report to the tax

The head of any company has the authority to carry out business activities, as well as to make decisions on behalf of the organization without an official power of attorney. That is why information about such authorized persons must be displayed in the register of legal entities without fail. This requirement is established by the provisions of the current federal legislation.

Notification of the INFS about the change of the general director is necessary for the new director to obtain the right to sign agreements with. Another reason for reporting is the possible administrative liability for non-compliance with the relevant requirement.

That is why, in order to prevent risks associated with possible problems, it is necessary to promptly send a notice of the change of head to the territorial tax office.

Excerpts from a sample notice of the dismissal of a director (change of gender):

Deadline for submission

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 129, an application for state registration of a new head of an organization must be submitted within three working days from the date of the decision. The tax authority is notified at the location of the organization.

The application in the form No. Р14001 is also signed by the newly made CEO. It should be noted that the appearance or termination of the powers of the executive body is in no way connected with the fact of entering the relevant information into the unified state register.

Filling out the INFS notification about the change of the CEO

The documentation in question includes a petition to amend the new CEO to the national registry. The current form of notification is established by a special order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-6-25. It provides for the reading of information by a machine method.

That is why it is important to consider the following fundamental nuances:

  • the document is completed by hand exclusively using printed characters;
  • black ink is used to enter information;
  • blots or corrections are not allowed in the document;
  • there must be spaces between all words;
  • in case of transferring words from one line to another, there is no need to put down additional signs;
  • if a word begins on the next line, and the previous ones were completely inscribed in the previous one, then one empty cell must be kept between them in order for the computer to recognize this as a space.

It is worth considering in more detail the design of each section:

Title page Within its framework, the full name of the organization is indicated, as well as the organizational form, and. All current addresses are indicated on the basis of the established KLADR classifiers. The number 1 must be entered in the cell for submitting the application to confirm the fact that there is a change in the current information about the legal entity.
Sheet K Includes up-to-date information about a person who can carry out activities on behalf of the organization without issuing a special power of attorney. It should be noted that this sheet is filled in for both the old and the new director. In the section on the reason for the change in information, numbers 2 and 1 are put down, which indicate the fact of termination or imposition of obligations.
Sheet P Includes information about the person who submitted the notification. Information about him is accurately indicated in sheets P2 and P3. The option of obtaining confirmation from representatives of the territorial tax authority is also marked.

It is important to remember that the notification in each particular case is notarized to confirm the accuracy of the information and to give legal significance. Blank document pages are not provided.

Document submission methods

The internal rules for accepting documents at the Federal Tax Service contain information that an application for a change of the general director can be submitted to the territorial office in the following ways:

  • personally to the department of the office of the inspection - this operation can be carried out by both the past and the new head by proxy or by an authorized notary;
  • through the territorial branch of the Multifunctional Center;
  • russian post with a list of attachments;
  • in electronic form through the official website of the tax service or through the portal for the provision of public services;
  • through a notary who certified the signature on the document.

It is worth noting that after the package of documentation is handed over to the tax service employees, a special receipt is issued to the applicant containing a list of the information transferred and the date of the response decision. The Inspectorate makes the required changes to the database within 5 working days and issues a special sheet. This document officially confirms the completion of the registration procedure.

Registration of internal documents of the organization

Registering a new CEO is not considered a complicated procedure. This is due to the fact that the registration of changes in the tax authorities can be carried out without the involvement of specialists. All documentation must be submitted to a special window for legal entities.

Simplicity cannot be attributed to the preparation of internal documents. The CEO is a representative of the company with an extended range of powers. For example, he can freely carry out any settlement transactions, sign agreements on behalf of the organization, make obligations of a material or non-material nature, and so on.

That is why each stage of the change of the head must be documented.

When changing the general manager of an organization, it is necessary to prepare the following package of internal documents:

  • if the director resigns of his own free will, then a statement is prepared;
  • in case of dismissal of the head by the founders - written notification;
  • labor agreement with a new manager4
  • act of acceptance and transfer of constituent documentation and material assets signed by the past director.

Message to the bank

Notification to the financial organization upon the change of the head of the company must be provided without fail immediately after the new director takes office. In this case, some banks may suspend the possibility of Internet banking, since the digital signature of the previous manager becomes invalid automatically.

Some banks may request an additional package of documentation in cases where the powers of the CEO were extended following the conclusion of a new employment agreement.

Banks are asked to provide as notification documentation:

  • reference certificate confirming changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the founders of the organization who made the decision to change the head - a certified copy of this document can also be provided;
  • internal order of the organization on the entry into office of a new authorized person.

Attention! There is no need to pay the state duty for information about the new director.

If desired, a copy of the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors (participants) or the decision of the sole participant on the election of a new leader can be attached to the application (Clause 1 of Art.40 of the Federal Law of 08.02.1998 N 14-FZ; Clauses 3, 4 of Art 69 Federal Law of 26.12.1995 N 208-FZ; Art.275, clause 2, Art.278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
An application can be submitted (Clauses 1, 3, Article 9 of Law No. 129-FZ):
(or) personally. In this case, the inspector must immediately issue a receipt for the document (sheet M of form No. P14001);
(or) by mail in a valuable letter with a description of the attachment. Then the inspectorate must send you this receipt, along with the receipt of receipt, no later than the working day following the day of receipt of the documents.
3 working days are allotted for filing an application from the moment the new manager takes office (Clause 5 of Article 5 of Law N 129-FZ). The director acquires powers from the moment of his election (appointment) by the general meeting of shareholders (participants) or by the board of directors or by the only participant. That is, the 3-day period must be counted from the day following the day:
(or) by which the minutes of the meeting or the decision are dated;
(or) which is designated as the day the new manager takes office.

If the manager, within 3 days from the date of taking office, does not submit an application to the tax inspectorate in the form N P14001, he may be fined 5,000 rubles. (Part 3 of article 14.25 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Although for the first time, the tax authorities can simply issue a warning. True, there will be no punishment if more than 2 months have passed since the expiration of the allotted 3-day period (Part 1 of Article 4.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

The IFTS must register the changes and make the appropriate entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the documents (Clause 1 of Art. 8, Clause 3 of Art. 18 of Law N 129-FZ). In order to make sure that the changes have been made, after this period, it does not prevent you from contacting your inspectorate for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, since it is issued free of charge (Clause 2, Article 6, Clause 2, Article 7 of Law N 129-FZ; Clause 20, Clause . "b" clause 22 of the Rules). Subsequently, this paper can be very useful to you.

Although the emergence or termination of the powers of the head is in no way connected with the fact of entering information about him into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2006 N 12049/05), tax authorities sometimes refuse to accept documents from the organization (in particular, tax reports) signed by the new head , data about which is not in the Unified Register.

Almost all of the above is also true for cases when the director:
- changed the last name (first name, patronymic);
- received a new general civil passport (for example, upon reaching 45 years of age (Clause 7 of the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation)).

Change your bank card

Usually it is the head of the company who has the first signature right to. Therefore, when changing the head, you will have to contact your the service bank for replacing the sample signature card (Clause 7.14 of the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 N 28-I).
The period within which the organization must inform the bank about the change of the head (for the purpose of issuing a new card) is not established by the normative. Often, banks require, in addition to the protocol (decision) and the passport of the new director, to provide them with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in which he appears. And here you really want - you don't want to, but you will have to receive an extract. The annoying thing is that until a new card is issued, you will not be able to make any payments through the bank.

Attention! You do not have to notify non-budgetary funds (PFR, FSS RF, TFOMS) and statistics authorities about the change of director. This will be done by your inspection (Clause 19 of the Rules, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 N 438).

Keep in mind one more circumstance. Until you have submitted a new card to the bank along with documents confirming the powers of the new director, the bank must execute settlement documents drawn up in accordance with the current card (Clause 1 of Art.847 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; Clauses 4.1, 7.14 of the Bank's Instructions Russia dated 09.14.2006 N 28-I).
Therefore, if you have suspicions that during the period of issuing a new card, the former director for the payment orders signed by him is able to withdraw or transfer money somewhere from your company's account, take action. Immediately write an official letter addressed to the head of the bank with a convincing request not to carry out transactions on payment documents signed by the former director. This letter must be signed by the new director, attach a copy of the protocol (decision) on his appointment to the letter.
True, the bank may ignore your request. Moreover, if the bank executes the payment orders of the former director and the company loses its money, you will not be able to present any claims to the bank. After all, he acted according to his instructions.

We notify contractors

Often in contracts with business partners there is a clause obliging the parties to inform each other about any changes in the company's data, including the change of name. director. If this is the case, please send an information message by fax or e-mail. But even if there is no such clause in contracts with one of the partners, it will still be useful to notify them of the change that has occurred. So that they would not be surprised when they see your full name in the documents received from you (for example, invoices). and the signature of the new director.

In conclusion, I would like to wish the accountants: even if you have to face a change of director, let it happen, at least not at the junction of the reporting periods, when the deadlines for making the necessary payments are due.

If a change of director is coming in your organization, it is important to understand that this is not just the internal affairs of the company. Some authorities and a certain circle of people will have to notify about this event, but we will tell you exactly who exactly.

We inform our IFTS

Up-to-date information about the head of the organization should be contained in the Unified State Register of Legal c sub. "L" clause 1 of Art. 5 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 129-FZ); sub. 1 p. 3 art. 40 of the Federal Law of 08.02.98 No. 14-FZ; clause 2 of Art. 69 of the Federal Law of 26.12.95 No. 208-FZ.


There is no need to pay the state duty for entering information about the new director into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

If you wish, you can attach a copy of the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors (participants) to the application, or the decision of the sole participant on the election of a new head i clause 1 of Art. 40 of the Federal Law of 08.02.98 No. 14-FZ; nn. 3, 4 Art. 69 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ; Art. 275, p. 2, Art. 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The application can be submitted b clause 1 of Art. 9, p. 3, Art. 9 of Law No. 129-FZ:

  • <или> personally. In this case, the inspector must immediately issue a receipt for the document (sheet M of form No. P14001);
  • <или> by mail with a valuable letter with a list of attachments. Then the inspectorate must send you this receipt, along with the receipt of receipt, no later than the working day following the day of receipt of the documents.


If the manager, within 3 days from the date of taking office, does not submit an application to the tax inspectorate in the form No. P14001, he may be fined 5,000 rubles .h. 3 tbsp. 14.25 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Although for the first time, tax authorities may simply issue a warning. True, there will be no punishment if more than 2 months have passed since the expiration of the allotted 3-day period in h. 1 tbsp. 4.5 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

To submit an application, 3 working days from the moment the new leader took office b clause 5 of Art. 5 of Law No. 129-FZ... The director acquires powers from the moment of his election (appointment) by the general meeting of shareholders (participants) or by the board of directors or by the only participant. That is, the 3-day period must be counted from the day following the day:

  • <или> with which the minutes of the meeting or the decision are dated;
  • <или> which is designated as the day the new leader takes office.

The IFTS must register the changes and make the appropriate entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the document in clause 1 of Art. 8, paragraph 3 of Art. 18 of Law No. 129-FZ... In order to make sure that the changes have been made, after this period it does not interfere with contacting your inspection for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, fortunately, it is issued free of charge about clause 2 of Art. 6, p. 2, Art. 7 of Law No. 129-FZ; p. 20 of the Rules, sub. "B" p. 22 of the Rules, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 438... Subsequently, this paper can be very useful to you.

Although the emergence or termination of the powers of the head is in no way connected with the fact that information about not m Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2006 No. 12049/05, tax authorities sometimes refuse to accept documents from the organization (in particular, tax reporting) signed by a new manager, data on which is not in the Unified Register.

Almost all of the above is also true for cases when the director:

  • changed the last name (first name, patronymic);
  • received a new civil passport (for example, upon reaching 45 le t clause 7 of the Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.07.97 No. 828).

Change your bank card

Usually, it is the head of the company who has the right to first sign on payment documents. Therefore, when changing the head, you will have to contact your servicing bank to replace the card with sample signatures th clause 7.14 of the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 28-I dated September 14, 2006.

The period within which the organization must inform the bank about the change of the head (for the purpose of issuing a new card) is not statutory established. Often, banks require, in addition to the protocol (decision) and the passport of the new director, to provide them with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in which he appears. And here you really want - you don't want to, but you will have to receive an extract. The annoying thing is that until a new card is issued, you will not be able to make any payments through the bank.


You do not have to notify non-budgetary funds (PFR, FSS RF, TFOMS) and statistics authorities about the change of director. Your inspection will do this. i clause 19 of the Rules, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2002 No. 438.

Keep in mind one more circumstance. Until you have submitted a new card to the bank along with documents confirming the powers of the new director, the bank must execute settlement documents drawn up in accordance with the current card th clause 1 of Art. 847 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; nn. 4.1, 7.14 Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 No. 28-I.

Therefore, if you have suspicions that during the period of issuing a new card, the former director for the payment orders signed by him is able to withdraw or transfer money somewhere from your company's account, take action. Immediately write an official letter addressed to the head of the bank with a convincing request not to carry out transactions on payment documents signed by the former director. This letter must be signed by the new director, attach a copy of the protocol (decision) on his appointment to the letter.

True, the bank may ignore your request. Moreover, if the bank executes the payment orders of the former director and the company loses its money, you will not be able to present any claims to the bank. After all, he acted according to his instructions.

We notify contractors

Often in contracts with business partners there is a clause obliging the parties to inform each other about any changes in the company's data, including about a change in company name. and. about. director. If this is the case, please send an information message by fax or e-mail. But even if there is no such clause in contracts with one of the partners, it will still be useful to notify them of the change that has occurred. So that they would not be surprised when they see f in the documents received from you (for example, invoices). and. about. and the signature of the new director.

In conclusion, I would like to wish the accountants: even if you have to face a change of director, let it happen, at least not at the junction of the reporting periods, when the deadlines for making the necessary payments are due.

When a new manager appears in the company, the question involuntarily arises whether it is necessary to send someone a special letter about a sample of such a document and the rules for its preparation must be known in advance in order to immediately act in this situation.

Forced necessity

The general director of any enterprise is a person who has a lot of power. Acting on behalf of the company, he can conclude contracts, negotiate with counterparties, and also manage the movement of all financial resources that are on its current accounts. With a change in management, these powers are transferred to the new director. Now he will have to solve all issues related to the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. To notify partners of the ongoing reshuffle, it is necessary to send them a letter about the change of the CEO. A sample of this document cannot be found in any reference book. It is compiled arbitrarily and contains the following mandatory information:

  • date and place of making changes;
  • FULL NAME. new director;
  • a document on the basis of which the head is endowed with certain powers.

What would such a CEO change letter look like? The sample can include only one phrase, which will detail the required information. In addition, it is advisable to attach to such a letter a copy of the main document confirming the appointment and authority of the new leader.

Signature right

Sometimes, when drawing up such a notice, the question arises as to who should sign the letter to change the CEO? In this case, a sample document will not differ from other business papers. It is drawn up on behalf of the company's management and signed by the new director. True, there are some subtleties here. First, you need to recall that such changes are subject to mandatory registration with the tax service. Until this moment, it would seem that only the former manager has the right to sign business papers. But in reality, the situation looks somewhat different. For example, a former director was officially removed from office, and a new leader was appointed the next day. In accordance with personnel documents, he is given certain powers, among which there is also the right to sign. The former director at this point is no longer a member and official representative of this organization. This means that his successor must sign such a letter.

Registration of a newsletter

The decision to appoint a new CEO is usually made at a meeting of shareholders. It is drawn up by the appropriate protocol, after which an order is issued for the enterprise. Then, within three days, the change must be reported to the tax office. Further, the new manager is obliged to notify the banks that service the accounts of this legal entity. Otherwise, a conflict situation may arise associated with the financial side of maintaining previously concluded transactions. Only after that, the rest of the counterparties are sent to change the general director. A sample of this notice has been drawn up in accordance with the general:

  1. The document is drawn up on a letterhead or the full details of the company are indicated in the upper left corner. They can be replaced with a stamp, if the company has one.
  2. In the upper right corner, information about the addressee is indicated.
  3. Slightly lower in the center is the heading, which contains the main subject of this letter.
  4. Further, the main content reflects the information that the company wants to convey to the addressee.
  5. Such a letter must have an attachment in which the counterparty is provided with copies of supporting documents.
  6. In conclusion, the new manager puts his personal signature and certifies it with the round seal of the enterprise.

Change of the name of the manager

In the case when the manager remains the same, but his passport data has changed, it is necessary to act in the same way. Take, for example, a situation when, for one reason or another, the director had to change his surname. In order for the documents confirming his powers to have legal force, it is necessary to make certain changes to them. To do this, you need to contact the appropriate authorities. This can be done:

  • personally;
  • through issuing a power of attorney for him;
  • by mail, sending the information by registered mail with notification.

The appeal in this case will be a letter about the change of the name of the general director, the sample of which depends on who it is sent to. So, the information is sent to the branch of the servicing bank to replace the card with the sample signature. Other interested persons should also be notified of the new name of the manager. This is necessary for the correct preparation of documents related to mutual cooperation and other types of activities.