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Alexei Tolstoy - the golden key, or the adventures of Pinocchio. Progress of gaming activities

Section 2. Etiquette (8 hours)

According to the program in the general cultural direction: “In the Country of Etiquette”, developed on the basisprograms for extracurricular activities

Class technology: gaming

Methodical techniques: C/games; practical actions.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”, watching the cartoon “The Fox and the Crane”, learning the sketch “How Pinocchio Had Breakfast”, learning poems, reading the rules of behavior at the table.

Target: students’ mastery of norms of moral attitude towards the world, people, and themselves.

Correctional educational goal: expand children's understanding of the world around them, teach table manners.

summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about etiquette;

to form children's communicative communication;

Developmental goal:

develop imagination through artistic creativity, develop visual perception;

Educational purpose : cultivate the ability to imitate the good deeds of children, to do something nice for others.

Formation of UUD:

Personal actions: Respect for people, educational and cognitive interest in new material, self-analysis and self-control of the result.

Regulatory Actions: determine the purpose of educational activities.

Cognitive actions: be able to extract information presented in the form of text, illustrations, be able to obtain information from additional sources, pose a problem and solve it.

Communication actions: be able to work in a group, negotiate with each other, participate in dialogue, collective discussion, listen and understand others, give reasons for your opinion.

Basic concepts:“hospitality”, “serving”, “cutlery”

Means of education:

Visual: Posters “Rules of behavior at the table”, memos, wishes, Sunny, costumes of the characters from the fairy tale “Sunny is visiting”, Pinocchio and Malvina.

Technical: Computer, interactive whiteboard, presentations;

audio recording of the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”, audio recordings of the songs “Pinocchio”, “Visiting the Fairy Tale”.

Progress of the lesson

To the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” children wearing masks of fairy-tale animals enter the classroom.

    Teacher's opening speech

I'm glad to see you. (Listing characters by name: chicken, hare, etc.)

You woke up Sunny at the last lesson, but somehow he was not visible. Let's call him:

- Bucket sun, look out and shine!
The sun came out into the sky, clean, clear and golden. And everywhere it became light and warm.

A smiling Sun opens on the board. Children sit around the table.

In our lesson you will see more fairy-tale characters. Guys, let's remember what we talked about in the last lesson?

There's a knock on the door.

U. Someone is knocking on our door (Pinocchio and Malvina enter to the music of “Pinocchio”).

U. Hello. Yes, these are our favorite heroes! Who recognizes our fairy-tale characters?

Children. This is Buratino and Malvina.

U. What fairy tale did they come from?

D.“The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”

U. Buratino and Malvina prepared a skit for us. Let's sit back and watch.

Scene “How Pinocchio had breakfast.”

Malvina looked the wooden boy from head to toe and winced. She told him to sit down at the table and poured cocoa into a tiny cup.

Buratino sat down at the table and tucked his leg under him. He stuffed the whole almond cake into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing.

He climbed right into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure.

When the girl turned away to throw a few crumbs to the elderly ground beetle, he grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the spout.

I choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth.

Then the girl told him sternly:

– Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands; that's what spoons and forks are for. “She batted her eyelashes in indignation. – Who is raising you, please tell me?

– When Papa Carlo raises, and when no one does.

- Now I will take care of your upbringing, rest assured.

“I’m so stuck!” - thought Pinocchio.

On the grass around the house, the poodle Artemon was running after small birds. When they sat in the trees, he raised his head, jumped up and barked with a howl. (musical toy )

“He’s great at chasing birds,” Buratino thought with envy.

Sitting decently at the table gave him goosebumps all over his body.

Finally the painful breakfast was over. The girl told him to wipe the cocoa off his nose. She straightened the folds and bows on the dress, took Pinocchio by the hand and led him into the house to educate him.

Malvina . How ill-mannered and uncultured you are, Pinocchio!

Pinocchio . Malvina, I don’t understand why you’re scolding me. Guys, tell me what I did wrong at breakfast? (Children's answers)

U. Pinocchio sits completely upset. Let's ask Pinocchio and Malvina to stay. By listening carefully to the children’s answers, you will also remember many rules of cultural behavior.

Today we will continue to talk about table manners. Remember student Fedya? You have learned from his mistakes since September 1st.

He sent us his drawings with a request to help us determine “What is good and what is bad?” In which of the drawings does the boy follow the rules of etiquette?

Slide show

-Now listen carefully to the fairy tale called “The Fox and the Crane.”

Children listen to the audio fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”

-Did you like the fairy tale?

-Can a fox be called hospitable? Why?

-And the crane?

(Discussion of fairy tales with children).

- Today, children, we will get acquainted with a new fairy tale. You watch carefully, listen and answer questions after watching.

It's called "How a dog invited a pig to visit."

Reading a fairy tale with a presentation.

-Tell me, children, what is this fairy tale about?

-So, what kind of guest was the pig? (Ill mannered)

Tell me what she did wrong?

(The pig came, didn’t even say “hello”, climbed onto the table in her boots, “ate” everything, even salted the candle with salt and ate it along with the rose. Then she lay down on the tablecloth and said:
- You're boring, dog! You should read some poetry or tell me some fairy tale...)

What did the dog tell her? (You have no conscience )

-Can a pig be called polite?
- Why did the dog bark at the pig?

You guys are great, you know how to behave properly at the table.

Now I will read you excerpts from different poems, you will listen to them carefully and determine which of them do not follow the rules of etiquette.

I wanted to throw a ball

And he invited guests to his place.

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Baked a crumbly (pie).

Pie, knives and forks are here,

But for some reason the guests don’t (come).

I waited until I had enough strength

Then I broke off a piece.

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And he ate the whole pie in a minute.

When the guests arrived,

They didn’t (find) any crumbs.

-That's what the boy did. Good or bad? How should you receive guests?

- Guests are invited, a delicious meal is prepared, and the house is put in order. Like this boy Vova.

Vova is expecting guests today -

At five o'clock the friends will pass

But I’m not cooking everything yet

There is chaos here and there.

Vova picked it up. A teddy bear from the floor

I put all the toys in the closet,

I put books on the shelves,

I took out the cups and saucers.

Sweet cheesecakes for tea

Mom and son baked it.

Where are you, friends?

The doorbell rings! Hooray! We've arrived!

And Alena and Natasha

I'll put some hot porridge

Just don't forget

Wash our hands clean

Wash your hands? Well then,

Now we can have lunch

-Did you like the boy?

-Can we say that Vova follows the rules of etiquette?

Pampered man at lunch

Mischievous Pavlusha,

The table shook, made noise, laughed

The boy is naughty.

I don’t want borscht, no need.

Give me, mom, grapes,

Grapes, Pavlik, no,

If you want, I'll give you cutlets

I don’t want cutlets, no need

Give me some marmalade instead.

Definitely no marmalade

But listen to my advice:

Forget about whims

And always be a man...

-What can you name the boy? Why?

-What did Pavlik do wrong?

-Do the rules of etiquette allow you to behave this way at the table??

-What is table setting?

Setting the table means preparing it for eating. The main purpose of table setting is to create a certain order on the table and provide everyone with the necessary items.

-So, in order to set the table we need: a tablecloth, napkins, cutlery, dishes and flowers.

Children setting the table for tea

-What did we talk about in class today?

- How to behave at the table?

(Children read from napkins)

Wash your hands with soap before eating.

Eat neither quickly nor very slowly, chewing your food well.

Eat sweets only after lunch.

Don't put your elbows on the table.

Don't talk with your mouth full.

Use a napkin.

Give thanks.

And the Fairy of Purity will tell us a poem by Irina Goryunova:


Eat the bread carefully

This is a kitchen, not a barn.

Don't turn around like a top on your chair,

Don't put your head in the pan.

Eat the soup carefully,

Don't spit it back out.

Drink your tea without spilling!

What is this big puddle?

What's that noise? What fell?

Masha was dreaming at the table.

Don't feed the cutlet to the cat

And eat a little yourself.

Wipe your mouth with a napkin

And don't drip on your stomach.

Eat jelly and porridge with a spoon,

Soup, puree and yogurt.

You can take potatoes with a fork,

Meat, rice... no need for a spoon!

You can take the pie with your hand,

Glazed curd.

And say thank you to everyone

Who did you eat porridge from?

Words of gratitude from the teacher

Thanks for the work

For kindness and care.

For the gentle sun,

And the sky is blue.

Thanks to all guests

For the first date.

Thank you parents

For helping!

Children give guests Sunshine with wishes.

-I am sure that each of you now and will always follow the rules of etiquette at the table in the school cafeteria.


    Russian folk tales “The Fox and the Crane”, “A Pig Visiting”.

    Slovak folk tale “Visiting the Sun.”

    A.N. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

    Poem by I. Goryunova “Rules of behavior at the table.”

    N.E. Boguslavskaya “Cheerful Etiquette.”

    Presentations from the site Viki .rdf .ru

    Programfor extracurricular activitiesA.I. Shemshurina “Ethics program in primary school”.

The next morning Buratino woke up cheerful and healthy, as if nothing had happened.

A girl with blue hair was waiting for him in the garden, sitting at a small table covered with doll dishes.

Her face was freshly washed, and there was flower pollen on her upturned nose and cheeks.

While waiting for Pinocchio, she waved away the annoying butterflies with annoyance:

Come on, really...

She looked the wooden boy from head to toe and winced. She told him to sit down at the table and poured cocoa into a tiny cup.

Buratino sat down at the table and tucked his leg under him. He stuffed the whole almond cake into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing.

He climbed right into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure.

When the girl turned away to throw a few crumbs to the elderly ground beetle, he grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the spout.

I choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth.

Then the girl told him sternly:

Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands; that's what spoons and forks are for.

She batted her eyelashes in indignation.

Who is raising you, please tell me?

When Papa Carlo raises, and when no one does.

Now I will take care of your upbringing, rest assured.

“What a mess!” thought Pinocchio.

On the grass around the house, the poodle Artemon was running around chasing small birds. When they sat in the trees, he raised his head, jumped up and barked with a howl.

“He’s great at chasing birds,” Buratino thought with envy.

Sitting decently at the table gave him goosebumps all over his body.

Finally the painful breakfast was over. The girl told him to wipe the cocoa off his nose. She straightened the folds and bows on the dress, took Pinocchio by the hand and led him into the house to educate him.

And the cheerful poodle Artemon ran across the grass and barked; the birds, not at all afraid of him, whistled merrily; the breeze flew merrily over the trees.

Take off your rags, they will give you a decent jacket and pants,” said the girl.

Four tailors - a single master, the gloomy crayfish Sheptallo, the gray Woodpecker with a tuft, the large beetle Rogach and the mouse Lisette - sewed a beautiful boy's suit from old girls' dresses. Sheptallo cut, Woodpecker pierced holes with his beak and sewed. The stag was twisting the threads with his hind legs. Lisette chewed them through.

Pinocchio was ashamed to put on the girl’s cast-offs, but he still had to change clothes. Sniffling, he hid four gold coins in the pocket of his new jacket.

Now sit down and place your hands in front of you. “Don’t be hunched over,” the girl said and took a piece of chalk. “We’ll do arithmetic... You have two apples in your pocket...

Pinocchio winked slyly:

You're lying, not a single one...

“I say,” the girl repeated patiently, “suppose you have two apples in your pocket.” Someone took one apple from you. How many apples do you have left?

The next morning Buratino woke up cheerful and healthy, as if nothing had happened.

A girl with blue hair was waiting for him in the garden, sitting at a small table covered with doll dishes.

Her face was freshly washed, and there was flower pollen on her upturned nose and cheeks.

While waiting for Pinocchio, she waved away the annoying butterflies with annoyance:

- Come on, really...

She looked the wooden boy from head to toe and winced. She told him to sit down at the table and poured cocoa into a tiny cup.

Buratino sat down at the table and tucked his leg under him. He stuffed the whole almond cake into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing.

He climbed right into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure.

When the girl turned away to throw a few crumbs to the elderly ground beetle, he grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the spout.

I choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth.

Then the girl told him sternly:

– Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands; that's what spoons and forks are for.

She batted her eyelashes in indignation.

– Who is raising you, please tell me?

– When Papa Carlo raises, and when no one does.

- Now I will take care of your upbringing, rest assured.

"I'm so stuck!" - thought Pinocchio.

On the grass around the house, the poodle Artemon was running around chasing small birds. When they sat in the trees, he raised his head, jumped up and barked with a howl.

“He’s great at chasing birds,” Buratino thought with envy.

Sitting decently at the table gave him goosebumps all over his body.

Finally the painful breakfast was over. The girl told him to wipe the cocoa off his nose. She straightened the folds and bows on the dress, took Pinocchio by the hand and led him into the house to educate him.

And the cheerful poodle Artemon ran across the grass and barked; the birds, not at all afraid of him, whistled merrily; the breeze flew merrily over the trees.

“Take off your rags, they will give you a decent jacket and pants,” said the girl.

Four tailors - a single master, the gloomy crayfish Sheptallo, the gray Woodpecker with a tuft, the large beetle Rogach and the mouse Lisette - sewed a beautiful boy's suit from old girls' dresses. Sheptallo cut, Woodpecker pierced holes with his beak and sewed, Rogach twisted threads with his hind legs, Lisette gnawed them.

Pinocchio was ashamed to put on the girl’s cast-offs, but he still had to change clothes. Sniffling, he hid four gold coins in the pocket of his new jacket.

– Now sit down, put your hands in front of you. “Don’t hunch over,” the girl said and took a piece of chalk. - We'll do arithmetic... You have two apples in your pocket...

Pinocchio winked slyly:

- You're lying, not a single one...

“I’m saying,” the girl repeated patiently, “suppose you have two apples in your pocket.” Someone took one apple from you. How many apples do you have left?

- Think carefully.

Pinocchio wrinkled his face - he thought so great.

- Why?

“I won’t give Nect the apple, even if he fights!”

“You have no ability for mathematics,” the girl said sadly. - Let's take a dictation. “She raised her pretty eyes to the ceiling. – Write: “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw.” Have you written? Now read this magic phrase backwards.

We already know that Pinocchio has never even seen a pen and inkwell.

The girl said: “Write,” and he immediately stuck his nose into the inkwell and was terribly scared when an ink blot fell from his nose onto the paper.

The girl clasped her hands, tears even flowed out of her eyes.

- You are a disgusting naughty boy, you must be punished!

She leaned out the window.

- Artemon, take Pinocchio to the dark closet!

Noble Artemon appeared at the door, showing white teeth. He grabbed Pinocchio by the jacket and, backing away, dragged him into the closet, where large spiders hung in the cobwebs in the corners. He locked him there, growled to scare him well, and again rushed off after the birds.

The girl, throwing herself onto the doll's lace bed, began to sob because she had to act so cruelly to the wooden boy. But if you have already taken up education, you need to see it through to the end.

Pinocchio grumbled in a dark closet:

- What a stupid girl... A teacher was found, just think... She herself has a porcelain head, a body stuffed with cotton...

A thin creaking sound was heard in the closet, as if someone was grinding small teeth:

- Listen, listen...

He raised his ink-stained nose and in the darkness made out a Bat hanging upside down from the ceiling.

- What do you need?

- Wait until night, Pinocchio.

“Hush, hush,” the spiders rustled in the corners, “don’t shake our nets, don’t scare away our flies...

Pinocchio sat down on the broken pot and rested his cheek. He had been in worse troubles than this, but he was outraged by the injustice.

- Is this how they raise children?.. This is torment, not education... Don’t sit there and don’t eat like that... The child may not have mastered the ABC book yet - she immediately grabs the inkwell... And the male dog is probably chasing birds - nothing to him...

The Bat squeaked again:

- Wait for the night, Pinocchio, I will take you to the Country of Fools, where your friends are waiting for you - a cat and a fox, happiness and fun. Wait for the night.

Pinocchio finds himself in the Land of Fools

A girl with blue hair approached the closet door.

- Pinocchio, my friend, are you finally repenting?

He was very angry, and besides, he had something completely different on his mind.

– I really need to repent! Can't wait...

-Then you will have to sit in the closet until the morning...

The girl sighed bitterly and left.

Night has come. The owl laughed in the attic. The toad crawled out of hiding to slap its belly on the reflections of the moon in the puddles.

The girl lay down in the lace crib and sobbed sadly for a long time, falling asleep.

Artemon, with his nose buried under his tail, slept at the door of her bedroom.

In the house the pendulum clock struck midnight.

The Bat fell from the ceiling.

- It's time, Pinocchio, run! – she squeaked in his ear. - In the corner of the closet there is a rat's passage to the underground... I'm waiting for you on the lawn.

She flew out the dormer window. Pinocchio rushed to the corner of the closet, getting tangled in the cobwebs. Spiders hissed angrily after him.

He crawled like a rat underground. The progress was getting narrower and narrower. Pinocchio was now barely squeezing his way underground... And suddenly he flew headfirst into the underground.

There he almost fell into a rat trap, stepped on the tail of a snake that had just drunk milk from a jug in the dining room, and jumped out through a cat hole onto the lawn.

A mouse flew silently over the azure flowers.

- Follow me, Pinocchio, to the Land of Fools!

Bats do not have a tail, so the mouse does not fly straight, like birds, but up and down - on membranous wings, up and down, similar to an imp; her mouth is always open so that, without wasting time, she catches, bites, and swallows mosquitoes and moths alive along the way.

Pinocchio ran after her neck-deep in the grass; wet porridge lashed his cheeks.

The next morning Buratino woke up cheerful and healthy, as if nothing had happened.

A girl with blue hair was waiting for him in the garden, sitting at a small table covered with doll dishes. Her face was freshly washed, and there was flower pollen on her upturned nose and cheeks.

While waiting for Pinocchio, she waved away the annoying butterflies with annoyance:

Come on, really...

She looked the wooden boy from head to toe and winced. She told him to sit down at the table and poured cocoa into a tiny cup.

Buratino sat down at the table and tucked his leg under him. He stuffed the whole almond cake into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing. He climbed right into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure. When the girl turned to throw a few crumbs to the elderly ground beetle, he grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the spout. I choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth.

Then the girl told him sternly:

Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands; that's what spoons and forks are for.

She batted her eyelashes in indignation.

Who is raising you, please tell me?

When Papa Carlo raises, and when no one does.

Now I will take care of your upbringing, rest assured.

"I'm so stuck!" - thought Pinocchio.

On the grass around the house, the poodle Artemon was running around chasing small birds. When they sat in the trees, he raised his head, jumped up and barked with a howl.

“He’s great at chasing birds,” Buratino thought with envy.

Sitting decently at the table gave him goosebumps all over his body.

Finally the painful breakfast was over. The girl told him to wipe the cocoa off his nose. She straightened the folds and bows on the dress, took Pinocchio by the hand and led him into the house to educate him.

And the cheerful poodle Artemon ran across the grass and barked; the birds, not at all afraid of him, whistled merrily; the breeze flew merrily over the trees.

Take off your rags, they will give you a decent jacket and pants,” said the girl.

Four tailors - a single master, the gloomy crayfish Sheptallo, the gray Woodpecker with a tuft, the large beetle Rogach and the mouse Lisette - sewed a beautiful boy's suit from old girls' dresses.

Sheptallo cut, Woodpecker pierced holes with his beak and sewed. The stag was twisting the threads with his hind legs, and Lisette was gnawing them.

Pinocchio was ashamed to put on the girl's cast-offs, but he still had to change clothes. Sniffling, he hid four gold coins in the pocket of his new jacket.

Now sit down and place your hands in front of you. “Don’t hunch over,” the girl said and took a piece of chalk. - We'll do some arithmetic... You have two apples in your pocket...

Pinocchio winked slyly:

You're lying, not a single one...

“I say,” the girl repeated patiently, “suppose you have two apples in your pocket.” Someone took one apple from you. How many apples do you have left?

Think carefully.

Pinocchio wrinkled his face - he thought so coolly. - Two...

I won’t give Nect the apple, even if he fights!

“You have no ability for mathematics,” the girl said sadly. - Let's do dictation.

She raised her pretty eyes to the ceiling.

Write: “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw.” Have you written? Now read this magic phrase backwards.

We already know that Pinocchio has never even seen a pen and inkwell. The girl said: “Write,” and he immediately stuck his nose into the inkwell and was terribly scared when an ink blot fell from his nose onto the paper.

The girl clasped her hands, tears even flowed out of her eyes.

You are a nasty naughty boy, you must be punished!

She leaned out the window:

Artemon, take Pinocchio to the dark closet!

Noble Artemon appeared at the door, showing white teeth. He grabbed Pinocchio by the jacket and, backing away, dragged him into the closet, where large spiders hung in the cobwebs in the corners. He locked him there, growled to scare him well, and again rushed off after the birds.

The girl, throwing herself onto the doll's lace bed, began to sob because she had to act so cruelly to the wooden boy. But if you have already taken up education, you need to see it through to the end.

Pinocchio grumbled in a dark closet:

What a stupid girl... A teacher was found, just think... She herself has a porcelain head, a body stuffed with cotton...

A thin creaking sound was heard in the closet, as if someone was grinding small teeth:

Listen, listen...

He raised his ink-stained nose and in the darkness made out a bat hanging upside down from the ceiling.

What do you need?

Wait until night, Pinocchio.

Hush, hush,” the spiders rustled in the corners, “don’t shake our nets, don’t scare away our flies...

Pinocchio sat down on the broken pot and rested his cheek. He had been in worse troubles than this, but he was outraged by the injustice.

Is this how they raise children?.. This is torment, not education... Don’t sit and eat like that... The child may not have mastered the ABC book yet - she immediately grabs the inkwell... And the dog is probably chasing birds , - nothing to him...

The bat squeaked again:

Wait for the night, Pinocchio, I will take you to the Land of Fools, where your friends are waiting for you - a cat and a fox, happiness and fun. Wait for the night.

Olga Volova

A week has passed in our kindergarten theater. Total in preparatory group- performance of the play for first grade schoolchildren.

"The girl with blue hair wants to raise Pinocchio"

Target: introducing children to culture theatrical arts, activate children's creative activity, cultivate self-confidence.

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.


1. Educational.

Continue to formulate an idea of ​​purpose theater, its types, the specifics of acting, about various theatrical professions(artist, make-up artist, costume designer, prompter, wardrobe attendant, about the interior theater(wardrobe, auditorium, stage, dressing room, buffet, etc.)

2. Developmental.

Develop a sustainable interest in theater arts.

Develop imagination, creativity, and individuality of each child.

Expand the volume of vocabulary, develop dialogic speech, coherent speech.

3. Educational.

Foster a culture of behavior in theater.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness, creative intuition, and the ability to communicate among peers.

Preparatory work.

Conversation about theater, looking at illustrations theaters, theatrical professions.

Reading fiction literature: story"ABOUT theater» D. Edwards, viewing the presentation "Rules of conduct in theater» .

Preparation together with the children of the mini-play “The Girl with Blue Hair Wants to Raise Pinocchio" By fairy tale A. Tolstoy's "The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio"

Prepare children to perform in front of first grade children.

Involve parents in organizational work, with their help to make costumes and decorations and the necessary attributes.

Making posters and invitation cards with children.

Prepare musical accompaniment fairy tales.


Wardrobe hanger, box office, music center, doll house, closet, table, doll dishes, costumes.

Leisure progress

Invited spectators hand over their clothes to the cloakroom, receive a number and proceed to "hall"

Educator:. Hello guests. Guys, look where we are? This is a magical country - Theater, a land of wonderful transformations. were you in theater? Let's remember what we know about theater.

Please tell me what's hanging on the wall?

Children: This is a poster!

Educator: What are posters for?

Children: Posters are needed so that people can read and find out what the performance will be like and what actors will be involved. What time will it take place, what time and how much does the ticket cost?

Educator: Let's look at our poster, who will be performing here?

Children: These are the heroes from fairy tales« Pinocchio» .

Educator: IN theater can I just come in?

Children: No. Need a ticket.

Educator: Where can I buy a ticket?

Children: IN box office.

Educator: And there are also invitation cards. You don't have to pay for them. Such tickets are given to relatives and friends.

Educator: Now you spectators come in and take your seats.

Children enter the hall to the music and take their seats.

Educator: Let's remember how to behave in theater. (dialogue between teacher and children)

Educator: Great! Now our artists are ready to perform, but to show the performance, we need a main person. Who's in our group chief?

Children: Teacher!

Educator: A in theater The most important thing is the director.

Let's Olga Nikolaevna be the director today, and Svetlana Vladimirovna the prompter

A girl with blue hair wants to educate Pinocchio.

A girl with blue hair was waiting for him in the garden, sitting at a small table covered with doll dishes. (reader 1)

(butterflies fly)

Her face was freshly washed, and there was flower pollen on her upturned nose and cheeks. (reader 2)

Waiting Pinocchio, she with annoyance waved away the annoying butterflies: (reader 1)

- Come on, really... (Malvina)

(the butterflies settled down, appeared Pinocchio)

Malvina looked the wooden boy from head to toe and winced. She told him to sit down at the table and poured cocoa into a tiny cup. (reader 2)

Pinocchio sat down at the table, twisted his leg under himself. He stuffed the whole almond cake into his mouth and swallowed it without chewing. (reader 1)

He climbed right into the vase of jam with his fingers and sucked them with pleasure. (reader 2)

When the girl turned away to throw a few crumbs to the elderly ground beetle, he grabbed the coffee pot and drank all the cocoa from the spout. (reader 1)

I choked and spilled cocoa on the tablecloth. (reader 2)

Then girl told him sternly: (reader 1)– Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Don't eat with your hands; that's what spoons and forks are for. (Malvina)“She batted her eyelashes in indignation. (reader 1)– Who is raising you, please tell me? (Malvina)

– When Papa Carlo raises, and when no one does. (Pinocchio)

- Now I will take care of your upbringing, rest assured. (Malivina)

“I’m so stuck!” (Pinocchio) – thought Pinocchio. (reader 2)

(butterflies fly)

On the grass around the house, the poodle Artemon was running after small beautiful butterflies. (reader 2)

When she sat on the flowers, Artemon happily jumped up and barked merrily (reader 1)

“He’s great at chasing butterflies”, (Pinocchio) - I thought with envy Pinocchio. (reader 2)

(the butterflies settled down)

Sitting decently at the table gave him goosebumps all over his body. (reader 1)

Finally the painful breakfast was over. The girl told him to wipe the cocoa off his nose. I straightened the folds and bows on the dress and took Buratino by the hand and, took me into the house to educate her. (reader 2)

They go around the house, meanwhile remove the table setting and put away school supplies

And the cheerful poodle Artemon ran across the grass and barked; the butterflies, not at all afraid of him, flew merrily; the breeze flew merrily over the trees. (reader 1)

– Now sit down, put your hands in front of you. Don't be hunched over (Malvina)said the girl took a piece of chalk. (reader 1)- We'll do arithmetic... You have two apples in your pocket... (Malvina)

Pinocchio winked slyly: (reader 2)

- You're lying, not a single one... (Pinocchio)

“I’m talking,” the girl repeated patiently. (reader 1)– suppose that you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you. How many apples do you have left? (Malvina)

- Two. (Pinocchio)

- Think carefully. (Malvina)

Pinocchio I wrinkled my face - I thought so great. (reader 2)

- Two… (Pinocchio)

- Why? (Malvina)

“I won’t give Nect the apple, even if he fights!” (Pinocchio)

-You have no ability for mathematics, (Malvina)- with disappointment said the girl. (reader 1)- Let's take a dictation. (Malvina)“She raised her pretty eyes to the ceiling. (reader 2)Write: "And the rose fell on Azor's paw". Have you written? Now read this magic phrase backwards. (Malvina)

We already know that Pinocchio I've never even seen a pen and inkwell. (reader 1)

Girl said: "Write", - and he immediately stuck his nose into the inkwell and was terribly scared when an ink blot fell from his nose onto the paper. (reader 2)

The girl clasped her hands, tears even flowed out of her eyes. (reader 2)

- You are a disgusting naughty boy, you must be punished! (Malvina)

She leaned out the window. (reader 2)

- Artemon, take me away Pinocchio in a dark closet! (Malvina)

Noble Artemon appeared at the door, showing white teeth. grabbed Pinocchio for a jacket and, backing away, he dragged me into the closet, where large spiders hung in the webs in the corners. He locked him there, growled to scare him well, and again rushed off after the birds. (reader 1)

Clean up the office and lay out a tablecloth

The girl, throwing herself onto the doll's lace bed, began to sob because she had to act so cruelly to the wooden boy. But if you have already taken up education, you need to see it through to the end. (reader 2)

Pinocchio grumbled in the dark closet: (reader 1)

- What a stupid girl... A teacher was found, just think... She herself has a porcelain head, a body stuffed with cotton... (Pinocchio)

A thin creaking sound was heard in the closet, as if someone was grinding small teeth: (reader 2)

- Listen, listen...

He raised his ink-stained nose and in the darkness made out a bat hanging upside down from the ceiling. (ULYA)

- What do you need? (Pinocchio)

- Wait until night Pinocchio. (Teacher)

“Hush, hush,” the spiders rustled in the corners, “don’t shake our nets, don’t scare away our flies... (Teacher)

Pinocchio He sat down on the broken pot and rested his cheek. He had been in worse troubles than this, but he was outraged by the injustice. (reader 1)

– Is this how children are raised? This is torment, not education... So don’t sit and don’t eat like that... The child may not have mastered the ABC book yet - she immediately grabs the inkwell... And the male dog is probably chasing birds - nothing to him (Pinocchio)

The bat squeaked again: (reader 2)

- Wait until night Pinocchio, I will take you to the Land of Fools, your friends are waiting for you there - a cat and a fox, happiness and fun. Wait for the night. (Teacher)

(butterflies flew and everyone came out to bow)

The audience applauds, the artists leave.

Finished theatrical activity of conversation with the audience about the performance. Who and what did they like best? Would they like to visit us again? theater?