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The shrinking and aging workforce is unfavorable for the labor market. Able-bodied population Labor resources are divided by and population

Labor resources countries are formed primarily from the working age population.

Of the total working-age population(women - 16–54, men - 16–59 years old) in 1959 amounted to 4447.0 thousand people; in 1979 - 5546.4; in 1989 - 5685.0; in 1999 - 5752.1; in 2000 - 5809.3; in 2001 - 5872.4; at the beginning of 2002 - 5918.0 thousand people. However, not all of the population of working age is able to work. The exception is non-working invalids of war and labor of the 1st and 2nd groups; men 50-59 years old and women 45-54 years old receiving pensions for preferential terms.

Working age population includes all persons 16-59 years old (16-54 for women) with the exception of non-working people with disabilities of labor and war of the 1st and 2nd groups, as well as men (50–59 years old) and women (45–54 years old) receiving pensions on preferential terms.

Able-bodied population Is a set of people, mainly of working age (16–54 for women, 16–59 for men), who, according to their psychophysiological data, are capable of participating in labor process... The able-bodied population is a narrower concept in comparison with the concept " working age population ", since the latter includes both able-bodied and disabled persons of working age.

In the working-age population by gender predominantly female or male population is distinguished. In areas dominated by industries with predominantly male labor, as a rule, there is an unemployed female able-bodied population (for example, the mining industry in the city of Soligorsk). Conversely, the predominance of female labor (at the Orsha flax mill) raises the problem of a shortage of the male population. This problem is demographic and social at the same time, because it gives rise to difficulties in creating and strengthening a family, leads to a decrease in marriage and fertility, an increase in divorce rates, increases staff turnover, which reduces their qualifications.

By the degree of economic activity distinguish between economically active and economically inactive part of the working-age population.

in our country - this is a part of the population that provides their labor for the production of goods and services. The economically active population includes the entire employed population, the unemployed and women on maternity, maternity and childcare leave.

To the economically inactive working-age population include students and learners, persons engaged in maintaining household, caring for children, sick relatives, and other persons not employed economic activities as well as military personnel.

The share of the economically active population calculated for certain age groups is called labor activity of the population. The economically active population in the republic was: in 1990 - 5150.8 thousand people; in 1995 - 4524.2; in 1999 - 4542.0; in 2000 - 4537.0; in 2001 - 4537 thousand people; the economically inactive population in 1995 was 1324.5; in 2000 - 1467.6 thousand people; in 2001 - 1560 (Table 2).

table 2

Economically active population

Economically active population Thousand. Human Percentage of the economically active population
1995 year 2001 year 1995 year 2001 year
Total 4524,2
Men 2147,5 47,5 47,1
Women 2376,7 52,5 52,9
Of the total economically active population
Employed- Total 4409,6 97,5 97,7
Men 2105,7 46,6 46,1
Women 2303,9 50,9 51,6
Unemployed- Total 114,6 2,5 2,3
Men 41,8 0,9 1,0
Women 72,8 1,6 1,3

By the degree of employment in the composition of the able-bodied population, the working (or employed) able-bodied population and the non-working (unemployed) are distinguished. The employed population of the Republic of Belarus was 4410 thousand in 1995, and 4441 in 2000; in 2001 - 4435, which is respectively 97.5%; 97.9%; 97.7% of the economically active population. Consequently, the main issue in the management of labor resources is the question "what and how the employed population is employed".

The number of unemployed in 1995 was 114.6 thousand people; in 1999 - 100.0; in 2000 - 96.0; in 2001 - 102 thousand people, which amounted to 2.5 percent of the economically active population; 2.2; 2.1 and 2.3%.

In other words, the economically active population is the part of the population employed in the economy of the country, including those employed in the personal economy, i.e. the overwhelming majority of the working-age population. In accordance with UN recommendations the economically active population includes not only actually employed persons, but also the unemployed seeking paid work.

Economically active population combines:

1) the entire able-bodied population of working age, with the exception of students with a break from work, serving in the Armed Forces;

2) persons outside the working age, but employed in social production;

3) persons employed in subsidiary, cooperative and household, personal farming.

In foreign publications the concept of economically active population is similar to the concept of labor force. In domestic literature work force- a qualitative characteristic that expresses the presence of the ability to work, a special kind of product.

Within the economically active population, labor statistics distinguish the concept industrial population(as a set of people employed in industry and construction) and the agrarian (or agricultural) population. In accordance with this, there are concepts: an industrial country (for example, Belarus); agricultural country (for example, Bulgaria).

Thus, the concept of the able-bodied population does not coincide with the concept of labor resources, since the latter include not only the working and non-working able-bodied population, but also the working disabled population.

Table 3

Labor resources of the Republic of Belarus (thousand people)

At the same time, not only the able-bodied population is employed. In addition to the working age population, two groups of the population outside the working age are involved in work in our society: the working population is younger than the working age (up to 16 years) and the working population older than the working age (men 60 years and older, women 55 years and older) ... Persons of the last age groups (disabled by age, but employed) are included in the labor force.

An important role in the study of the population of a particular territory (country) is played by the analysis of labor resources. Under labor resources means the part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development, mental abilities and knowledge for work. The number of labor resources characterizes the potential mass of living labor or "stock" of labor, which society has to meet its needs. In Russian scientific journalism, the concept of "labor resources" was first formulated in the 1920s. Academician S. G. Strumiliyym.

V Russian Federation the labor force includes the population able-bodied(or, as defined by B. Ts. Urlanis, - working) age, with the exception of disabled people who are not working, as well as those employed in the economy over (and under) working age. Speaking about "working age", it is necessary to define the term "working capacity". Under work capacity it is customary to understand a person's ability to work, a condition that allows a person to perform certain work without prejudice to health. The difference in types of work determines the variety of options for work ability. There is a concept general working capacity, i.e. the ability to perform any work at all in normal conditions labor. Distinguish also professional ability to work - as the ability to perform work in the relevant profession (specialty), and special ability to work - the ability to work in certain production or climatic conditions(in the mountains, in the Far North, in a mine, etc.).

The size of the workforce depends on several factors that can vary significantly over time. These include: 1) officially installed on state level age limits of working age; 2) the proportion of persons with general working capacity among the entire population of working age; 3) the number of persons outside the working age participating in the economic life.

Since labor resources constitute a part of the entire population, the natural movement of the population is of decisive importance for the dynamics of their number and age and sex composition. In the case of expanded reproduction of the population, the number of labor resources also tends to increase, in the case of a narrowed mode of reproduction of the population - to decrease. But in the second case, the decrease in the number of labor resources does not occur immediately, but as the most numerous age cohorts of the population retire, which are not quantitatively replaced by young people entering the working age.

The main indicators characterizing the change in the number of labor resources over a certain time period are absolute growth and growth rates. The absolute growth is calculated as the difference between the number of labor resources at the end and the beginning of the time period under consideration. The growth rate of labor resources is calculated as the ratio of their absolute number at the end of a given period to their number at the beginning of the period.

Quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics of labor resources can be expressed in absolute and relative terms. The main indicators include:

  • the average number of employees for the accounting period;
  • staff turnover rate;
  • the share of employees with higher and secondary specialized education in the total number of employees;
  • average work experience for certain categories of employees;
  • share of employees selected categories in their total number.

One of the main qualitative indicators of labor resources is their sex and age structure. There are several different approaches to identifying age groups. The simplest and most frequently used three-level classification: 1) labor force at working age; 2) employed in age groups younger and 3) older than working age. Sometimes a more detailed age scale is used, for example, in 10 groups: 16-19, 20-24, 25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60 years and more.

In the period after the Great Patriotic War, the change in the number of labor resources in Russia, as well as the change in the growth rate of the entire population, took place in waves (see paragraph 7.1). Thus, the minimum growth in the working-age population fell on 1959-1961, the maximum - in 1971-1975. The quantitative difference in the values ​​of the population growth in the working age between these time periods was almost fourfold. The next minimum growth in labor resources occurred in the late 1980s and early 1990s, which practically coincides in time with the decline in the birth rate 1. Since 2006, there has been an absolute decline in the number of labor resources in Russia, caused, first of all, by a decline in the working-age population due to negative natural growth.

An increase in the number of labor resources is possible in several cases: 1) due to the natural increase in the population of working age; 2) by reducing the proportion of the disabled among people of working age; 3) by increasing the number of people younger and older than working age employed in the economy. The number of labor resources may also increase in the event of a revision of the age limits of work ability, primarily due to raising the retirement age.

The tool for studying the use of labor resources is the compilation of the balance of labor resources. Workforce balance- This is a system of indicators reflecting the number and composition of labor resources and their distribution to the employed but by branches of the national economy and forms of ownership. When compiling the balance of labor resources, the unemployed and economically inactive population.

Terminology problems

According to the terminology adopted in the Russian Federation economically active population persons aged 15-72 who are considered employed or unemployed during the period under review are considered. In the same time economically inactive population - these are persons aged 15-72 who are not considered employed or unemployed during the period under review.

TO unemployed, in relation to the definitions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), include persons aged 15-72 years who, during the period under review, simultaneously met the following criteria:

  • did not have a job (profitable occupation);
  • were looking for work, i.e. applied to the state or commercial service employment, used or placed advertisements in the media, the Internet, directly addressed the administration of the enterprise or employer, used personal connections, etc. or have taken steps to start their own business;
  • were ready to start work during the survey week.

Students in educational institutions, pensioners and disabled people are counted as unemployed if they do not have a job, are looking for work and are ready to start it.

The balance of labor resources can be of different territorial production levels - from an individual enterprise to the economy of the state as a whole. The consolidated balance of labor resources reflects their number and qualitative composition (by sex, age, types of employment, sectors of the economy and professions). Using the balance of labor resources, you can determine the need or surplus in workers.

The balance of labor resources consists of two parts: in the first, the number and composition of labor resources are recorded, in the second, their distribution by industry and sphere of employment. So, when compiling the balance of labor resources among people of working age, the following age groups are separately distinguished: 16-17 years old, 18-29,30-44 years old and 45 years old and older. Age gradations are important in determining differences in labor productivity, professional characteristics of workers, their territorial mobility and a number of other qualitative characteristics.

The concept of demographic burden is also closely related to labor resources. The demographic load is understood as a generalized quantitative characteristic of the age structure of the population, showing the load on society of the unemployed population. The demographic load shows the relationship between the working-age population, on the one hand, and the non-working (children and the elderly), on the other.

There are several types of demographic burden. calculated as the ratio of the total number of children aged 0-14 years to the number of people of working age. In turn, it is the ratio of the number of people of retirement age to the number of people of working age. The total (total) demographic load is the ratio of the total number of children and the elderly to the population of working age. Demographic load indicators and the forecast of their changes are of great importance for economic calculations related to the functioning of the pension system, the social security system and health care.

In different countries of the world, the concept of "working age" is different, which is due to the peculiarities of national labor legislation, which determines the boundaries of the retirement age and the age from which one can officially start working. By international standards the working age includes the population of both sexes in the 15-64 age group. Accordingly, the share of this group in the total population will differ significantly depending on the age structure of the population of each particular country.

Today in the world the total demographic load is on average 52 people per 100 people of working age. The maximum demographic load is observed in countries with high fertility, due to the very large proportion of children in the total population. Among the states with a total demographic load of more than 80 are the countries of Tropical Africa

Which, in terms of physical development, acquired education, professional qualification level, is capable of engaging in socially useful activities.

Labor resources - that part of the population with physical development and intellectual (mental) abilities necessary for work. The labor force includes both employed and potential workers.

The concept of "labor resources" was formulated in one of his articles by Academician SG Strumilin in 1922. In foreign literature, this concept corresponds to the term "human resources".

Labor resources are a category that occupies an intermediate position between economic categories"Population" and "total labor force". In quantitative terms, the labor force includes the entire working-age population employed, regardless of age, in the spheres of the public economy and individual labor activity. They also include persons of working age who are potentially able to participate in labor, but are employed in domestic and personal peasant economy, on-the-job studies, in military service.

In the structure of labor resources from the standpoint of their participation in social production, two parts are distinguished: active (functioning) and passive (potential).

The size of the labor force depends on the officially established age limits - the upper and lower levels of the working age, the share of the working age among the working age population, the number of people participating in social work from persons outside the working age. Age limits are established in each country by applicable law.

V modern conditions the main sources of replenishment of labor resources are: young people entering the working age; servicemen dismissed from the armed forces in connection with the reduction in the size of the army; forced migrants from the Baltic countries, Transcaucasia, Central Asia. Quantitative changes in the number of labor resources are characterized by such indicators as absolute growth, growth rates and growth rates.

The absolute growth is determined at the beginning and end of the period under consideration. This is usually a year or longer.

The growth rate is calculated as the ratio of the absolute number of labor resources at the end of a given period to their value at the beginning of the period.

A quantitative assessment of trends in the state and use of labor resources allows one to take into account and determine the directions for increasing their efficiency.

Labor resources have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics, which are measured by absolute and relative indicators, namely: - average payroll and average annual number of employees; - staff turnover rate; - the share of employees with higher and secondary specialized education in their total number; - the average length of service for certain categories of workers; - the share of employees of certain categories in their total number.

Average headcount employees for the year is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months and dividing the amount received by 12. The average number of employees per month is calculated by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month and dividing the amount received by the number of days.

The average annual number of employees is determined by dividing the hours worked (people / hour, people / days) by farm workers for the year by the annual working time fund. One of the main qualitative indicators of labor resources is their sex and age structure. The literature uses slightly different approaches to identifying age groups. So, the most often used qualification is: labor resources in working age, as well as younger and older than working age. In statistical compilations, a two-group classification is often used: of working age and older than working age. Sometimes a more detailed one is used, for example, a ten-level scale: 16-19 years, 20-24 years, 25-29 years, 30-34 years. 35-39 years old. 40-44 years old, 45-49 years old, 50-54 years old, 55-59 years old, 60-70 years old.

The number of labor resources can be increased due to the natural increase in the population of working age, reducing the proportion of the disabled among people of working age, revising the age limits of working capacity.

Reproduction of labor resources

The objective need to study the reproduction of labor resources is due to a number of reasons. Labor resources represent important factor production, rational use which provides not only an increase in the level of production and its economic efficiency, but also the qualitative development of the entire social system.

Reproduction of labor resources is a process of constant and continuous renewal of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the economically active population.

Effective regulation of the processes of reproduction of labor resources will ensure the achievement of stable economic growth.

The relevance of research this process due to a high degree of theoretical and practical significance of the problem of reproduction and optimal use of labor resources for the dynamic development of the country in the context of economic modernization

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Labor resources - this is a part of the population that, due to the combination of physical abilities, special knowledge and experience, can participate in the creation of material wealth, or
work in the service sector.

The criteria for the allocation of labor resources from the population are the boundaries of the working age, which are established by the state and depend on the social system, life expectancy of people, other social and economic factors and on the official state acts. In Belarus, the working age for men is from 16 to 60, for women - from 16 to 55 years.

The workforce includes:- able-bodied population of working age; - working adolescents (up to 16 years old); - the population older than the working age, taking part in social production.

The able-bodied population includes persons of working age, with the exception of disabled persons with disabilities of I and II groups, as well as persons who retired on preferential terms earlier than established in general order working age.

The workforce includes the following categories:- employed in social production; - engaged in self-employment; - those who are studying with a break from production; - employed in household and personal subsidiary plots; - military personnel.

Labor resources have quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The first include indicators of the number and composition (age, sex, social groups, etc.); to the second - indicators of the educational level, professional qualification structure, etc.

Age groups : youth aged 16-29; persons from 30 to 49 years old; persons of pre-retirement age (men 50-59 years old, women 50-54 years old); persons of retirement age (men 60 years old and older, women 55 years old and older).

Sexual structure of labor. resources is characterized by the ratio of the number of men and women. Determined by the working-age population. In Belarus, the proportion of men is 47 %, women - 53%. This ratio is considered normal for the economies of developed countries.

By education level: level of general, special and higher; by social group.

The ratio of employees by type of activity and skill level characterizes the professional and qualification structure of labor resources. Professions are determined by the nature and content of labor, the specifics and conditions of functioning of individual sectors of the economy. Within the framework of general professions, specialties are distinguished. Depending on the complexity of the work, highly qualified, skilled and unskilled workers are distinguished.

When determining the ratio of labor resources by categories of personnel, workers and employees are taken into account, including managers, specialists, etc.

The basis for the formation of labor resources is the reproduction of the population, which is carried out through the change of generations as a result of the birth and death of people, i.e. with an increase in the birth rate and life expectancy, there will be an increase in the population and, consequently, in the labor force. RB belongs to the group of countries with extremely low birth rates, there are 14.5-17.3 births per 1000 people.

Migration of the population is of great importance in the formation of labor resources.

An important problem is unemployment. Unemployment - social-o-economic phenomenon, expressed in the fact that a certain part of the working-age population cannot realize their labor potential.

According to the definition of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the unemployed are persons who are able and willing to work, actively looking for work.

In Belarus, the unemployment rate in 2000 was 2%. At the same time, the share of hidden unemployment is high.