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Willingness to perform a certain type of professional activity. Professional readiness of a specialist. Areas of professional adaptation

One of the prerequisites for efficiency professional activity is the professional readiness of a specialist, which is understood as a certain degree of conformity of the content and state of his psyche and physical health, qualities to the requirements of the activity performed. The well-known Soviet psychologist K.K. Platonov noted that the professional readiness of a specialist is a subjective state of a person who considers himself capable and prepared to perform the corresponding professional activity and strives to perform it.

Most often, such components of readiness for professional

activities as motivational (positive attitude towards future profession),

orientation (knowledge of the profession), operational (professional thinking,

a set of skills and abilities), strong-willed (self-regulation and behavior management),

evaluative (self-assessment of professional readiness).

The motivational component of professional readiness includes the needs,

interests and motives of professional activity. Important indicators

the formation of this component among students is the presence of stable

motives and professional value orientations that provide purposeful

mastery of activity; the need for creative self-expression.

The emotional-volitional component of readiness presupposes formed in

the process of training a sense of responsibility for the result

activities, self-control skills, the ability to manage actions in the process

activities, professional integrity and responsibility.

The operational-effective component of professional readiness presupposes

formation of a system of professional knowledge and a set of skills that

continuously supported and reproduced by updating

professional knowledge, skills and personal skills. Also this component

includes a certain level of proficiency in productive activities and creative

ways of performing professional activities.

The axiological component of professional readiness is the result

formation of a professional position as a set of value relationships

student to professional activity, to himself as a person and a professional.

Analysis of studies on the issue of readiness for professional activity

allows us to conclude that the professional readiness of a specialist is

complex, multilevel, systemic, personal education of a person.

Accordingly, the readiness for professional activity is a formed

in the process of activity and as a result of professional training

a system of integrative properties and personality traits; knowledge, abilities and skills.

Professional competence is determined by the ability to perform

necessary professional actions and is an indicator of readiness

a specialist for a specific professional activity.

Readiness for professional activity is the goal and result of training

specialist to perform professional functions, mastering professional

competencies in the process of professional formation and development of a specialist.

Accordingly, the readiness for professional activity develops in

the process of forming professional competencies. Formation process

professional competencies should be controlled, for which they are used

criteria for assessing maturity.

The quality and effectiveness of pedagogical activity depend on many factors, one of which is the teacher's professional readiness, which is considered as the primary, prerequisite and prerequisite for the successful implementation of any type of activity.

Readiness is viewed from different perspectives. Readiness is understood as a certain level of personality development, a temporary situational state, attitude, a mechanism for regulating activity, a special long-term or short-term mental state, the concentration of personality forces aimed at carrying out certain actions. Willingness can be interpreted at the level of value orientations, it is both quality, and state, and a dynamic process [Hozyainov G. I. P la. M., 1988].

There are two approaches to considering the problem of professional readiness. The first is based on the statement that the basis of professional readiness is psychological readiness as a special mental state, which gradually turns into the properties and qualities of the individual. According to the second, readiness is defined as a stable personality characteristic, a synthesis of its properties and a mental state that turns into a stable personality quality in the process of activity. As a process, readiness has its own patterns, features, structural elements, criteria and levels of formation.

The main components of readiness for pedagogical activity are theoretical and methodological knowledge, professional applied skills, a positive attitude towards this type of activity, which, based on the principle of the leading role of motives in enhancing the activity of an individual, stands out as the main one (G.I. Khozyainov).

There are also such components of professional readiness as psychological, scientific-theoretical, practical, as well as motivational, orientational, volitional and evaluative readiness.

In addition to the components listed above, they include: psychophysiological readiness, showing the presence of appropriate prerequisites for mastering pedagogical activity and the formation of qualities that are significant for professional activity, as well as physical readiness, expressed in the state of health and physical development in accordance with the requirements of the profession (V. A. Slastenin) ...

Professional readiness as a special mental state of a person can appear both at the functional level, which expresses the state of readiness, and at the personal level in the form of an attitude towards activity, which is an unconscious internal state that precedes the activity and determines its implementation. Installation as readiness is formed under the influence of external and internal conditions, conscious or unconscious perception of information.

Readiness, in addition to the attitude, is determined by the internal mood for a certain behavior in the process of professional activity, therefore, such components of the mental state of readiness are distinguished as:

    cognitive, due to which there is an understanding of pedagogical tasks, assessment of their significance, forecasting of results;

    emotional, expressed in a sense of responsibility, empathy of the teacher;

    motivational as the need to show oneself from the best side, the desire to achieve success in activities;

strong-willed as a mobilization of forces and overcoming uncertainty.

The personal level of readiness expresses different characteristics of temporary stability and is presented as a complex mental state. This state, long-term or short-term, manifests itself in a person immediately before the activity and depends on its nature, as well as on the personal properties of the teacher, his beliefs, views, character traits.

The dynamic structure of the state of psychological readiness for creative activity consists of the following interrelated and interdependent elements:

    awareness of goals, the solution of which leads to the implementation of the task;

    assessment of the real conditions in which the planned actions will be carried out, updating the experience associated in the past with the solution of tasks similar in meaning;

    determining the best ways to solve problems based on existing experience and an accurate assessment of the upcoming conditions of activity;

    mobilization of their intellectual and emotional-volitional resources, self-hypnosis in achieving the goal.

In the integral system of the teacher's psychological and pedagogical readiness for pedagogical activity, two subsystems are distinguished.

    Long-term availability is a sustainable system personal qualities, allowing you to successfully carry out activities in a variety of situations. Such readiness acts constantly, playing the role of a regulator of pedagogical activity. The structure of long-term readiness consists of: a positive attitude towards pedagogical activity; character traits, abilities, motivation adequate to the requirements of the profession; the corresponding profession knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Situational readiness is presented as a characteristic of pedagogical activity, which is realized through an active-effective state of the individual, which arises in close connection with the structure of external interaction, and not by itself.

A system of indicators of professional readiness for pedagogical activity has been developed. It includes:

    the degree of awareness of responsibility for the results of pedagogical activity;

    the level of mobilization and activation of knowledge, skills and abilities, professionally significant personality traits;

    the quality of social attitudes towards teaching, the level of stability of professional interests.

Professional readiness levels. The indicators listed earlier make it possible to single out the levels of professional readiness (ND Khmel).

    Everyday level, which is characterized by an appeal to common sense. The teacher's attention is focused on the content of the taught subject. He believes that if he knows the material well, he will get good results from the students, and if not, then the reason is in the students themselves, because they do not study the given material enough.

    Low professional level determined by the teacher's vision of individual pedagogical phenomena, but the connections between them remain unnoticed. The teacher organizes his actions on the basis of incomplete information about individual pedagogical phenomena, obtained through observations and conversations.

    Situational level characterized by the fact that the teacher understands the essence of pedagogical phenomena, seeks to find their causes, but the level of generalization is low due to the fact that the teacher considers work planning an empty formality. His efforts to support the cognitive activity of students are manifested through relying on those who have already proven themselves.

    Pre-modeling level is determined by a clear understanding of the relationship and interdependence of phenomena, the desire to establish them, explain the emergence of the emerging pedagogical situation, outline the nature of the impact on its development. The teacher acts as if following the events, strives for development, shows activity, but the result is not achieved due to a fuzzy idea of ​​the functions of joint activity.

    Modeling level assumes that the teacher establishes causal relationships, correctly chooses the means of pedagogical influence, therefore, students are distinguished by high cognitive activity, and creative tasks prevail in the educational process. The pedagogical process of teachers at this level is different: the stability of the increase in the quality of teaching and educational work in terms of the main indicators; the collective, cooperative nature of the students' activities in the classroom; active participation of students in all areas of activity; sustainable development and team building.

Sometimes the concept of professional readiness is identified with the concept of vocational training, which in the most general terms is the formation of readiness for a profession, a stable orientation towards fulfilling labor tasks. Professional readiness is not only a result, but also the goal of professional training, which is realized through a certain structuring of the content of vocational pedagogical education and has four components [Khozyainov G. I. P educational skills teachingla. M., 1988].

    professional pedagogical knowledge, the mastering of which is realized sequentially at four stages: perception, understanding, memorization of professionally significant knowledge and, accordingly, their application in a familiar and new pedagogical situation;

    experience in the implementation of professional and pedagogical activities, which is expressed in the mastery of practical skills and abilities in the course of empirical practice, in working on the model in typical situations, in improving the methods of professional activity in unfamiliar situations;

    experience of creative pedagogical activity, the process of mastering which goes through such stages as the identification of a pedagogical problem, its awareness and formulation, partly search and research activities;

Experience of value-emotional orientation in the process of pedagogical activity, which includes three stages: the formation of internal motivation for the teacher's behavior, professional and pedagogical behavior based on this model, the creative orientation of pedagogical activity.

Thus, the totality of criteria of a teacher's readiness to implement a holistic pedagogical process can be expressed by the following scheme: theoretical readiness; practical readiness; experience of creative activity; experience of a motivational-value attitude towards the teaching profession.

So, professional readiness is a complex phenomenon, carried out on the basis of a personal approach in the process of preparing a teacher for pedagogical activity, characterizes his ability to make decisions clearly and quickly, show a high interest in his work, maintain contact with his students, and master effective methods of pedagogical interaction.

In defining the concepts of "professional readiness" and "suitability", one should pay attention to the following point: the concept of "readiness" is broader and more complex than the concept of "pedagogical suitability" [Shavrina O. Yu. Teacher's pedagogical reflection. Ufa; Sterlitamak, 2000].

Professional activity can be successfully carried out only if a person, according to his individual characteristics, meets the requirements of the profession. This is the meaning of the concept of "professional suitability". In labor psychology, there is the concept of "labor post", which means restrictions due to the division of labor and in one way or another a fixed area of ​​application of human forces, calculated to create something valuable for society (E. A. Klimov). Thus, the labor post is one of the forms of existence of the profession.

In order for the effectiveness of this or that type of activity to be achieved, a person, including a teacher, needs to realize:

    goals that can be formed in the form of general requirements, provisions; they can be socially fixed (objective) and inherent in the object (subjective);

    the subject of labor, that is, a set of interrelated features, properties, processes, distinguished by the subject himself and, as it were, opposing him in labor; a system of properties and relationships of objects, phenomena, processes that a person must mentally or practically operate at a certain job post, in the local area of ​​his profession;

Means of labor that enable a specialist to interact with the subject of labor in accordance with his purpose.

The main components of a person's suitability for work (E. A. Klimov) include: civic qualities; attitude to work, profession; interests and inclinations in this field of activity; general legal capacity, that is, the state of physical and mental health; general abilities, the basis of which is activity, self-regulation of a person, as well as individual, private abilities, that is, personal qualities that are important for this profession; skills, knowledge, experience of a professional and other qualities that enable a person, including a teacher, to perform labor functions.

Since they distinguish between absolute and relative professional suitability, the situation of mutual suitability of the job post and the subject can be created: by selecting a job from among the existing ones; forming additional, required quality professions; distributing labor functions with another person, creating several from one profession.

The qualitative and quantitative characteristic of professional suitability is reflected in the professiogram, which is a document, a standard reflecting the ultimate goal of the pedagogical process. As a qualitative and descriptive model of a specialist, the professiogram includes several sections: personal and professional pedagogical qualities; basic requirements for psychological and pedagogical training; the content of methodological training in the specialty; the volume and content of special training (V. A. Slastenin).

Professional suitability, being an expression of the teacher's professional competence at its highest level, organically merges with the professiogram - the standard. Ultimately, professional readiness as a model of its highest level coincides with the professiogram (D.A.Naukaz). This is explained by the fact that professional suitability and readiness are one and the same personality state, with the only difference that professional suitability is characterized by indicators of psychophysical qualities and states of the subject that correspond to the requirements of the profession, and in professional readiness, motivational and meaningful are called its most important components. -operative components.

Professional readiness of a specialist.

Areas of professional adaptation.

Factors of professional adaptation.

Professional adaptation of a specialist.

Professional adaptation the process of a person entering the profession and harmonizing his interaction with the professional environment.


- social conditions in which professional activities are carried out.


- the level of the specialist's adaptive potential;

- the adequacy of the motivation of professional activity to the requirements of this profession.

1. Professional and activity - To content, goals, means of implementation technology, mode and intensity of professional activity.

2. Organizational and regulatory - to the requirements of the production, labor discipline, organizational rules, regulations, etc.

3. Socio-professional - to professional role social functions, social and professional status (lawyer, engineer, etc.)

4... Socio-psychological social and psychological role functions, unwritten, unofficial norms, rules, values, relationships, etc. in the work collective, organization.

5. Social in the broadest sense of the word - to the social circumstances in which the professional activity of a specialist takes place (socio-political, ethnic, legal, religious and other spheres).

The success of professional adaptation depends on:

- whether a specialist has the necessary internal prerequisites: preparedness of activity, motivation of professional activity, clear ideas about the content and conditions of this activity;

- attention of the specialist himself, the leader, the work collective in the process of professional adaptation;

- providing the specialist with the necessary professional assistance.

According to Platonov K.K. professional readiness - the subjective state of a person who considers himself capable and prepared to perform the corresponding professional activity and strives to perform it.

1. Intellectual and cognitive (indicative)- includes a certain level of development of the cognitive sphere of the specialist's personality (professional perception, thinking, imagination, memory, attention).

2. Need-motivational(motivational) determines the degree of diligence in the profession, the main components of which are an understanding of the meaning of their profession, a positive attitude towards it, the necessary level of self-esteem and aspirations in activities.

3. Operational (and executive) - includes professional skills (a set of important professional qualities, knowledge, abilities, skills, habits professional behavior), the required level of development of self-regulation of behavior and activity.

Prerequisites for achieving success in activities.

- gain self-confidence;

- activate achievement motivation;

- know what you want to achieve;

- have a clear plan of action, a positive attitude towards business, confidence in success;

- turn each obstacle into a springboard for moving towards the goal;

- see good luck, private successes and experience joy and happiness at the same time;

- correction of negative complexes, habits, attitudes, destructively affecting the psyche and the human body;

Increasing stress resistance and psychological protection of a person from the negative impact of the environment on the body and psyche;

Security healthy way life, high work culture.

Glossary of psychological terms.

Abstraction- mental isolation of any attribute of a property of an object, a phenomenon with the aim of studying it.

Personality adaptation - addictive. There are the following types: labor adaptation- a person's getting used to new working conditions; social - the affirmation of the individual in the team.

Accentuation of character - excessive severity of certain character traits, which are extreme versions of the norm.

Apperception- a property of the human psyche expressing the dependence of the perception of objects and phenomena on the previous experience of the perceiver and on the personal characteristics of his mental activity.

Archetype(prototype, model) - the incipient possibilities of all mental processes and experiences.

Associative psychology- a trend in psychology that explains all spiritual life with the help of association.

Association- connection, connection of mental phenomena with each other, when one, having appeared, causes another.

Unconscious- a set of mental processes, unconscious and uncontrollable by the person himself.

The biosocial nature of personality- view of man as a biological and social being.

Behaviorism - direction in psychology, reducing the psyche to various forms of behavior.

Verbal- related to sound human speech.

Power- the ability to influence people's behavior.

Reward- everything that a person considers valuable for himself.

Will- conscious overcoming of difficulties by a person on the way to achieving the goal.

Gestalt(German Gestalt - form, image, structure) - a stable image of the organization of the whole, its changing parts.

Gestalt psychology a direction of psychology that studies the psyche with the help of holistic structures.

Depth psychology a direction in psychology that attaches decisive importance in behavior to unconscious motives and attitudes.

Humanistic psychology direction in psychology, recognizing as its main subject personality as a unique, seeking meaning and values, creative spiritual principle.


Activity- (English activity; German Tatig-keit) - active interaction with the surrounding reality, during which a living being acts as a subject, purposefully influencing the object and satisfying the so-called. your needs.

Demonstrative type of character - is distinguished by the desire to be always in sight, to look good so that others pay attention.

Differential psychology - a branch of psychology that studies the individual psychological differences of people.

Unity of personality - manifests itself in the inextricable connection of personality traits.

Unanimity (group) - the tendency of an individual to suppress his effective views, so as not to disturb the harmony of the group.

Knowledge- a system of concepts, laws and rules reflecting certain patterns, as well as theoretical generalizations and basic terms.

Hierarchy of needs- subdivision of people's needs.

Individual(from Lat. individum - indivisible) - the only representative of the species Homo sapiens.

Individual psychology - the direction of psychology, founded by Alfred Adler, expressing the idea of ​​the integrity of the mental life of a person, in particular, the absence of boundaries between consciousness and the unconscious.

Individuality- a unique combination of personality traits; the originality and uniqueness of the life path of each person, the conditions of his activity, training and education.

Insight(from the English insight - insight, insight, understanding, insight, sudden guess) - a sudden understanding of the situation, not derived from past experience, through which a meaningful solution to the problem is achieved.

Interiorization - the formation of the internal structures of the human psyche due to the assimilation of the structures of external social activity.

Introversion - the orientation of a person's consciousness to himself, his preoccupation with his own problems and experiences, accompanied by a weakening of attention to what is happening around.

Introspection - the process of observing the actions of one's own psyche in order to identify the laws that govern it.

Intuition- the ability to achieve the truth by its discretion without substantiation with the help of evidence.

Kinesthetic sensations - sensations arising from body movement and muscle tension.

Cognitive Psychology - direction in psychology, the task of which is to prove the decisive role of knowledge in human behavior.

Cognitive(lat. cognitio - knowledge - knowledge) - having knowledge.

Conflict - difficult to resolve contradiction (collision).

Conformity - compliance with the influence of the group, manifested in a change in behavior.

Labile - unstable, prone to change.

Leadership - the art of influencing people so that they voluntarily strive to achieve goals that are not their personal goals.

Personality - man as a subject of relationships and conscious activity.

Logotherapy - psychological theory developed by Victor Emil Frankl, according to which the main driving force in the behavior of a person and its development is a person's search for the meaning of his life.

Motivation - a process that prompts a person to take action to achieve goals.

Thinking - generalized and mediated reflection of reality by a person in its essential connections and relationships.

Skills - automated actions.

Neo-Freudianism - direction in modern psychology, whose adherents combined Freud's psychoanalysis with American sociological theories.

Involuntary thinking - involves the transformation of images in sleep, delirium, etc.

Informal group -group people who voluntarily unite on the basis of common interests and goals.

Informal leader - the leader of an informal group, who received his social status not from the administration, but from the group.

Ontogenesis - individual development of a living being.

Originality - the ability to generate new ideas that differ from the generally accepted ones.

Tentative basis of action - the system of the subject's ideas about the goal, plan and means of implementing the forthcoming action.

Memory - reflection, imprinting, preservation and reproduction of a person's past experience.

Perceptual - perceptual.

Behavior - external manifestations of mental activity.

Deed - a consciously committed human action, proceeding from certain beliefs.

Needs - a person's need for something.

Psyche - a property of the brain that provides humans and animals with the ability to reflect the effects of objects and phenomena of the real world.

Psychoanalysis - psychotherapeutic method of research and psychological doctrine, asserting that human behavior is determined not so much by consciousness as by the unconscious.

Psychological climate - atmosphere or mood in the team.

Reaction - the body's response to any stimulus.

Respondent - the person answering the questions of sociological questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.

Reflection - self-knowledge by a person of mental acts and states.

Rigidity - inhibition of thinking, manifested in the difficulty of refusing a person from the once adopted way of thinking and acting.

Role - the way a person behaves, depending on his position in society.

Sensitization (lat.sensibilis - sensitive) - increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of any irritants.

Touch - associated with the work of the senses.

Somatic - bodily, related to the body.

Capabilities - individual psychological properties of the personality, ensuring the rapid acquisition, consolidation and efficient use in the practice of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Social status - the position of the individual in the group. Main characteristics social status: prestige, power, authority, rewards.

Structural Psychology - a psychological theory that considers internal processes as a kind of integrity with a certain meaning, belonging to the entire mental situation and deriving its meaning from it.

Temperament(from lat.temperament - proper ratio of parts) - a combination of stable mental properties that determine the dynamics of human activity (pace, rhythm, intensity of mental processes and states).

McClelland's theory of needs - According to this theory, human behavior is motivated by three needs: power, success, and belonging.

Test - a standard psychological technique designed for quantitative assessments of the psychological qualities and functions of a person.

Labor collective - all employees of the organization (enterprise), including personnel and administration.

Skills - practical actions that a student can perform on the basis of the knowledge gained and which can further contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge.

Claim level - a person's choice of a goal, taking into account the success (or failure) of previous activities.

Teaching - activities of those who are trained.

Formal group - a group created by the will of the administration to perform certain functions.

Frustration - the mental state of a person caused by difficulties on the way to achieving the goals.

Functionalism - the doctrine according to which some objects of thought are not realities, but functions of other given.

Charisma - influence based on the personality traits of the leader.

Character - a set of basic mental properties of a person, manifested in his behavior.

Experimental psychology - general designation of various studies of mental phenomena, through experimental methods.

Extraversion - the orientation of a person's consciousness and attention mainly to what is happening around him.

Empathy - comprehension by the individual of the emotional states of other people, penetration into their experiences.

Epiphenomenon - accompanying phenomenon.


The main

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I. Yu. Gurtovenko

Orenburg College of Railway Transport

Orenburg Institute of Railways Branch

Samara state university ways of communication,

G. Orenburg, Russia


I. Yu. Gurtovenko

Orenburg Railway Technical School of Orenburg Institute Lines of Communication

Of branch of Samara University Lines of Communication,

Orenburg, Russia.

Summary. The article presents the analytical review of the concepts "readiness". The author compares it with adjacent concepts and allocates the functions of professional readiness. The author examines the opinions of leading scientists of pedagogics.

Key words: Readiness; professional education; human factor; professional competence; functions of readiness for professional work.

Analyzing the scientific literature, we found that the majority of authors tend to consider the formation of readiness for various types of activities in the preparation of specialists as a process that has its own characteristics and patterns. Hence, the terms "preparation" and "readiness" are not interpreted as synonyms, although they are closely related, interdependent and interdependent. This is due to the fact that a particular quality of a specialist's readiness is largely determined by the kind of training he received. It is no coincidence that the term "preparation" is understood as a dynamic process, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of such a professional personality trait as readiness.

Preparation is actions aimed at developing skills, transferring knowledge and forming an active life position. The concept of "preparation" will be understood in a broad sense - " professional training»As an organization of training, various forms of obtaining professional education (A. N. Leibovich).

Preparedness - stock availability necessary knowledge, skills, experience in any particular area, acquired through systematic teaching or learning something.

Preparation is precisely the process that precedes readiness or readiness and includes, as we can see, readiness in the form of its constituent components.

The success of solving the problems of training specialists is associated with an increase in the role of the human factor. Until recently, such a concept as the "human factor", rather, belonged to the field of theory, rather than purposefully used in practice in terms of its content and purpose. However, today the concept of "human factor" is becoming more relevant in connection with the development and implementation of the personality-oriented education paradigm.

In our opinion, readiness is one of the components of the “human factor” concept. We find an indirect confirmation of this idea among philosophers: "The content of the concept of" human factor "is not just will, the willingness to act in this way, but the very action according to one or another objective laws, in one or another objective conditions."

The concept of "human factor" refers to the field of labor activity as an individual and the team. A feature of the concept under consideration is that it emphasizes the activity side of a person - the main productive force of society. It is on the activation of the professional and social activity of the individual that the actualization of this concept aims. Consequently, the activation of the human factor (in its manifestation through activity) presupposes today the strengthening of the creative principle in the activity of the individual, the increase in the readiness of the individual to consciously carry out professional and social activities.

The concept of "professional readiness" also correlates with the concept of "professional competence", which is considered from various positions in the works of E. F. Zeer, I. A. Zimnyaya, V. V. Kraevsky, I. L. Lerner, A. K. Markova , G. K. Selevko, V. A. Slastenin, AM Novikov, T. E. Isaeva, A. V. Khutorsky, G. P. Shchedrovitsky.

GK Selevko connects ability and readiness into a single characteristic: "the definition of a graduate who owns what he can do, what method of activity he mastered, for which he is ready and there is competence."

Of great importance for our research are the works of G. P. Shchedrovitsky, in which the relationship between the concepts of “qualification”, “competence” and “competence”, “ability” and “readiness” is considered from the standpoint of assessing the quality of graduates' training. In his opinion, qualification implies a willingness to perform a specific specialized type of activity with high quality.

Despite different positions, researchers are unanimous that readiness is a necessary condition for the successful activity of an individual, including a professional one.

In general, we agree with O. V. Tsarkova, who points out that readiness is an integral quality of a person, which is characterized by a certain level of his development and determines the person's ability to participate in any process. Preparedness is the result of the educational process, reflection

Reaping the ability of a person to operate with knowledge and skills when solving a certain type of theoretical and practical tasks and achieve the intended result of the activity. Willingness differs from preparedness by the presence of the motives and beliefs of the individual. Willingness is determined by a sufficient level of ability, certain knowledge, professional skills, abilities, personal experience and the presence of motives.

We share the opinion of L.G. Semushina, who understands readiness for professional activity as a mental state of a person, which implies a person's awareness of his professional goals, the ability to analyze and assess existing conditions, determine the most probable ways of action, anticipate motivational, volitional and intellectual efforts, the likelihood achieving results. The author considers professional readiness as an integrative quality of a specialist's personality, which is based on the possession of knowledge and skills in the field of professional activity, the accumulation of initial professional experience.

The most general position in the consideration of professional activity, in our opinion, is E. F. Zeer. He believes that professional activity is a socially significant activity, the implementation of which requires special knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as professionally determined personality traits. Depending on the content of labor (subject, goal, means, methods and conditions), the types of professional activity are distinguished. Correlation of these species with the requirements for a person forms a profession.

Yu. T. Rusakov distinguishes the following functions of readiness for professional activity:

- Gnostic, which provides high-quality educational training for students;

- integrative, associated with the establishment of procedural unity between purpose and action;

- predictive, reflecting the result of the activity;

- value-oriented, associated with understanding the importance of professional activity.

The gnostic function of readiness for professional activity reflects the cognitive orientation of the individual. It manifests itself in the student's practical ability to use knowledge in the course of solving professional problems, in the student's assimilation of the professional knowledge system, mastering creative ways of performing professional activities, in the formation of a complex of professional skills, in the desire for constant professional growth, the acquisition of new knowledge, including in different areas; striving for self-improvement (self-knowledge, self-control, self-esteem, self-regulation and self-development), striving for creative self-realization.

The integrative function of readiness for professional activity is closely related to the gnostic function and creates conditions for generalizing knowledge, mastering general scientific methods of cognitive activity, transferring general methods and techniques of cognition into professional activity. This function, in our opinion, is manifested in the ability of a specialist to have holistic, systemic thinking, a broad outlook; be capable of comprehending life phenomena, independent search for truth, critical perception of conflicting ideas; be capable of a systemic vision of professional reality, analysis of their activities, independent actions in conditions of uncertainty.

The predictive function consists in foreseeing, designing the results of professional activity, assessing the existing conditions, determining the most probable methods of action; predicting motivational, volitional, intellectual efforts, the likelihood of achieving a result. It manifests itself in the ability to project activities in the professional sphere, willingness to take responsibility in critical situations, independently and effectively solve their problems.

The value-oriented function of readiness for professional activity is associated with the formation of a professional position as a set of value attitudes of a student to professional activity, to himself as a person and a professional. It manifests itself in the student's understanding of the essence and social significance of his future profession, in the presence of a stable interest in professional activity, in the understanding of professional responsibility for the results of his work, in the idea of ​​the modern world as spiritual, cultural, intellectual and ecological integrity, in the awareness of himself and his place in society.

Taking into account the above and based on theoretical principles and approaches to the problem of developing professional readiness for various types of activities, we agree with the opinion of S.A. Bondarenko, who determines Professional readiness As a complex psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, combining interrelated psychological characteristics and moral qualities of an individual, social and value motives for choosing a profession, ways of behavior, special professional knowledge, skills and abilities that provide a specialist with the opportunity to work in his chosen professional field.

Bibliographic list

1. Bondarenko SA Formation of professional readiness of a competitive specialist // Modernization of higher education: ensuring the quality of professional education: materials of the All-Russian. scientific-practical conf. - Barnaul: Publishing house AAEP, 2004. - Part 1. - 188 p.

2. Vishnyakova SM Professional education: key concepts, terms, active vocabulary: dictionary. - M .: NMC SPO, 2009 .-- 266 p.

3. Engineering Pedagogy: Sat. Art. Issue 4. - M .: Center for Engineering Pedagogy MADI (STU), 2003. - 300 p.

4. Kuznetsov VV Introduction to the professional pedagogical specialty. - M .: Academy, 2007 .-- 83 p.

5. Lech V. I. Program for the creation of the world. - M .: Knowledge, 1986 .-- 184 p.

6. Rusakov Yu. T. Developing educational environment of the college as a factor in the formation of students' readiness for professional activity: author. dis. ... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08. - Magnitogorsk, 2006 .-- 40 p.

7. Selevko GK Modern educational technologies: textbook. allowance. - M .: Public education, 1998 .-- 238 p.

8. Dictionary of the Russian language. In 4 volumes / ed. A.P. Evgenieva. - M .: Russian language, 1983 .-- 486 p.

9. Tsarkova OV Formation of the readiness of the future technician to solve innovative production problems: author. dis. ... Cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08. - Orenburg, 2009 .-- 36 p.


1. Bondarenko S. A. Formation of a competitive job alert professional // Modernization of higher education: quality assurance of vocational education: Materials of all-Russian scientific-practical. conf. - Barnaul: AAEP, 2004. - Part 1. - 188 p.

2. Vishnyakova S. M. Professional education: key concepts, terminology, active vocabulary dictionary. - M .: SMC SPO, 2009 .-- 266 p.

3. Engineering pedagogy: Sat. of Art. No. 4. - Moscow: Center for Engineering Education MADI (GTU), 2003 .-- 300 p.

4. Kuznetsov V. V. An introduction to vocational teaching profession. - M .: Academy, 2007 .-- 83 p.

5. Lech V. I. Program of the creation of the world. - M .: Knowledge, 1986 .-- 184.

6. Rusakov Yu. T. Developmental learning environment as a factor in the formation of the college readiness of students for professional careers: Abstract. dis. ... candidate. ped. sciences: 13.00.08. - Magnitogorsk, 2006 .-- 40 p.

7. Selevko G. K. Modern educational technology: textbook. - Moscow: People "s education, 1998. - 238 p.

8. Dictionary of Russian language. 4 volumes / ed. A. P. Evgenyeva. - Moscow: Russian Language, 1983 .-- 486 p.

One of the prerequisites for the effectiveness of professional activity is professional readiness a specialist, which is understood as a certain degree of conformity of the content and state of his psyche and physical health, qualities to the requirements of the activity performed. The well-known Soviet psychologist K.K. Platonov noted that the professional readiness of a specialist is a subjective state of a person who considers himself capable and prepared to perform the corresponding professional activity and strives to perform it.

The professional readiness of a specialist is a complex, multilevel, multifaceted systemic mental education, first of all, a person's personal education.

At the same time, professional readiness presupposes that a specialist has an appropriate level of physical health, formation and development of physical qualities necessary for successful professional activity, the presence of an appropriate level of physical culture of a person. This is obvious, since any professional activity assumes that one or another level of application by a person of physical strength, physical energy is associated with the waste of not only mental, but also physical energy.

In the professional readiness of a specialist, it is advisable to single out two interrelated sides, facets, varieties (M. I. Dyachenko, A. M. Stolyarenko):

  • - preliminary, advance, potential readiness as a professional preparedness of the individual for the corresponding activity. This readiness of a specialist includes: a system of fairly stable, static components, mental formations - knowledge, skills, professional skills, professionally important qualities, meanings and values ​​of a person, her relationships, preferences, etc., in general, a certain level of professionally necessary personality potential;
  • - immediate, momentary, situational readiness as a state of appropriate mobilization, functional mood of the specialist's psyche to solve specific problems in appropriate circumstances and conditions. This aspect of a specialist's professional readiness is characterized by high dynamism, mobility and dependence on situational circumstances, the state of the specialist's mental and physical health, the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, the social environment, etc.

It is quite obvious that immediate psychological readiness is a consequence of the actualization of the preliminary, an insufficient level (or absence) of which reduces the manifestation of the former. Preliminary, potential, advance psychological readiness is the basis of immediate, situational. And therefore, the training of a specialist acts as a process of forming in him a level of preliminary readiness of his psyche sufficient for professional activity, stable, static components of his professional readiness.

On the other hand, even a specialist who is sufficiently well prepared for solving professional problems at the right time may not be mobilized, not tuned in to the appropriate activity, his mental regulation of professional behavior and activity may not be properly updated. In this case, the successful implementation of the activity will be impossible or it will be ineffective.

As you can see, the professional readiness of a specialist presupposes that he has an appropriate level of professional competence, professional excellence, as well as the ability of self-regulation, self-attunement to appropriate activities, the ability to mobilize their professional (spiritual, personal and physical) potential to solve the assigned tasks in appropriate conditions.