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How to find a common language with the new boss. How to find a common language with the bosses? What does the head expect from you

Once upon a time it came across the Internet for an interesting classification of chiefs ... Interested, I began to read similar materials, and, in the end, created my, "consolidated" classification! Of course, all this is sufficiently conditionally: real people are much more complicated by an abstract "psychotype", in the same person can successfully "get around" several characteristic figures at once. I hope that this semi-hollow information and quite serious recommendations will help someone to build a right line of behavior at work or make a right decision! So, I give to your court ...

Villain or thunder and lightning.
Always angry, in eternal zadietnote, no one understands him and is not able to understand - around the solid idlers and stupid! The endless OR has long been not just a habit, but the second in kind, normally talk to a person is simply unable. The working day in the office begins with a departure on the carpet at the head - collective or individual, just like that, "for prevention", otherwise "will not work"! After the threats and generous distribution of the promises fired, deprive the awards, cut the salary, etc., accompanied by very unflattering characteristics to each employee, sends everyone to work immediately ... After about half an hour, the people gradually comes to themselves and is already able to enter the normal Rhythm! This chief is afraid and can not tolerate, no one wants to feel constantly completely insignificance. Part of the employees really begins to work after the sleeves: "If you should upheat, then at least for something, it will still find what to be closed"! It is possible to work with such a supervisor, if you have steel cables instead of nerves, you need to "finalize" the blood of the nose to the pension or you are really a complete picket and loaf, and you don't care where and who will yell on you - just money I paid ... From the leather, we climb and try to prove my professional consistency in the hope that you will notice and appreciate the advantage in this case it is useless! The only thing that you are guaranteed with such a leader - the usual validol under the tongue or cigarette in shaking hands, as well as periodic "breakdowns" on any unhappy households, in the future the ulcer of the stomach, permanent depression and absolutely understated self-esteem ... Guess this type of chief with It is likely to be likely on infinite ads about the recruitment of employees, because its turnover is superior to all reasonable limits! I put your hand on the heart - to fight him unprospectively, and health is more expensive, it is better to search for another job ... just carefully - "in the hearts" risk getting a very unflattering entry in labor book, it is better to argue your care "family circumstances".

Close enough to this psychotic support of the head adjacent Self-adjacent, Samodor and Man of moods.

Autocrat, as it should be crowned person, creates a real hierarchy of relations in the team! Here, there is definitely "Officers approximate to the emperor" and explicit favorites, "Opt arrows" and jesters, unlocking "Palace Guardians" and full-time jams, enemies, conspirators and, in fact, "people" ... everyone is assigned its own role, however, roles can Suddenly and change! Such a chef is unlikely to fall down to screams - he has enough priests who will make "dirty work" for him. Half the head of the head exacerbates to heaven. Half - quietly hates ... it all depends on the "Step"! Constantly playing any role in itself is hard enough, besides the risk of "in the even place", as a result of someone's intrigue, get into opal. I had to work in such a team - the safest to be "the people", just work and try to keep away from all other things ...

Petty tyrant - He is Samodor and there! Send the main accountant to unload the car with a commodity on the eve of the delivery of the annual balance - the most! Very good also to make managers periodically in working time Painted walls in a warehouse, smeared the grass between the plates in the yard or knocked the icicle from the roof. Justice in order notice that such Petty tyrant- The protester can also half a day shape under the windows of the office, experiencing a new lawn mower and getting real pleasure at the same time ... Official duties And there are no simple expediency for him: "I want so much, I wish and yes, instead of the argument, my will"! God you will try to try to explain to the head that you can go on a business trip on the eve of March 8, it is possible only for the purpose of presenting gifts, but it is not for serious negotiations: mentally he already "sent you", so ... Relax and go! The person is almost unpredictable, but you can get along with him, unconditionally performing all his orders, no matter how strange they do not look ...

Man of moods Also unpredictable, like Samodor. In the morning, on the face of the chef shines a smile on 32 tooth, but at any moment she can change the "thunderstorm clutter" ... Such a chief reminds a capricious child, but his threshing infantilism is able to pretty nerves to the subordinate nerves! If the chef is not in the spirit - the most correctly working in the corner and smaller to get into his eyes, but 100% guarantees to avoid the spread of a hot hand, it still does not give: "You want to eat me" ... Lower normal, smooth Relations with such a boss are simply not real.

Autocrat - Multiple. Most often, it is a private entrepreneur. He had enough knowledge and self-confidence to create his own business, however, being convinced that no one is able to do anything better, he does everything (or, at least he controls!) Personally. In addition, extremely suspicious - after all, there are some envious and enemies around! In contact with everything, right up to the last trifles, even the presence of toilet paper controls ... Coffee - and he brews himself, but not from democraticity: just he is sure that he knows how to do it better! Completely "submies" under whom subordinates, watches each step - career growth under the start of such a manager is very problematic, there is no way to gain their own experience ...

Manager - Excellent. Perfectly disassembled in the specifics of the work and problems of the entrusted unit, it works flawlessly, however requires the same from others. Carefully distribute the load between employees, clearly formulates the task, constantly analyzes the incoming information, plans everything for a long time - and, as a result, achieves maximum efficiency in the work! The head of this type will definitely celebrate your good job, but it is not worth calling it anger: quietly, without increasing the voice, in the office behind the closed door you can literally smeared on the wall (as a rule, deservedly!) ... The only minus of such a manager - he is inappropriate for the initiative " below, "dismissingly calling it" amateury "! In principle, working under his start is quite possible, the risk is only one - over time to become fully "slave" ... However, in the absence of large ambitions and the desire for career growth, with such a chef can be calmly refined to retirement!

"Stirlitz". Former military, "disquisite", policeman or state security officer. First of all, it requires from subordinate strictest discipline, karaya, even the most minor violations, with the help of a perfect "penalties" system! Constantly collects all possible information about employees, especially loves compromising. It is not bent for the sake of this "suffer in trust" at the right moment, in every way encourages the jams and the jabed. Itself is extremely careful and classified, in the office closed on the key, everything that is possible, information on computers is protected by the most complex password system - in short, all information about the company has only he himself ... Sometimes it hinders the work in general, but "Stirlitsa" is not at all Does not confuse - he is inclined to see an enemy spy! It is theoretically able to work with him, only you need to constantly control each step and keep your mouth on the castle ...

Turtle - Retrograd. The chief of this type of special stars is not enough from the sky, to his position he walked a long, painful years, now the most important thing for him is to resist. He is also afraid of any innovations - "No matter what happens!" and lives according to the principle; "Step to the right, step left - equal to run", so nothing is trying to change or improve ... Idyll in the team arises if all employees in the state are the same "sleeping flies", then they are comfortable in their own juice. This is not the worst type of chief, but the trouble is that it is often "bypass" more decisive and enterprising ...

Slave owner and trees. Often these hypostasis coexist in one person, successfully complemented by quality. Beast

For Slave owner Characteristically, a completely splashing attitude towards people working under his beginning ... There are many unemployed professionals, but no indispensable! I am ready to dig over the sick dog-guard and lay out, without burning the eye, the breathtaking amount for its treatment and enhanced nutrition, but will refuse an employee at the request to speed up the payment of salaries in connection with the infarction of the mother ... At the same time, it requires a non-negotiable employees, any disagreement with the opinion Manuals are fraught with immediate dismissal with an eloquent record in the employment record!

Jaddah Considers the day of salary payments as a personal insult. One thought of parting with money, even if others, leads him to quiet rabies. Salary in such an organization is constantly delayed or cut off by any ways, no "increment to the salary" cannot be speech. Since he himself is not used to refuse to himself, his beloved, in anything, all standing employees run away from him like cockroaches. The remaining work "through the stump of a deck" and often passionately ...

Welject - coordinator. The importance is filled, does not say, and speaks. With each convenient case, it gives to understand how much he is above the mortal surrounding! Surrounded by a crowd of podhalimov and halter, never and does not do anything on their own - for this there are deputies and secretary, he only leads. Maximum, to which he is capable - put on paper your invaluable autograph ... At the same time, all employees are loaded in full, constantly forced to work overtime, on weekends and holidays. Meeting on a lunch break is holy! At the same time, everything around the squals and lobotrys ... decide for yourself, for a long time you will be enough with such work "on wear"?

Liberal, his own man, shirt - guy. A sample of democracy in relations with subordinates, welcomes innovations and career growth of employees. Chatting on "you" without unnecessary ceremonies, employees are also allowed to "poke" to him in response. The motto of such a boss: "We all do one thing together!" In many ways to work with him - one pleasure, he "enters the position" and may go early, there are no problem with sick leave, the issue of vacation is solved painlessly. Maybe if necessary, ask to work overtime, but necessarily compensates for you in one way or another! All birthdays and holidays are celebrated by the whole team of "on a broad leg", the presence at such events is mandatory ... What is the trick? First, under the mask of such a boss, it can be masked Man of moods... Secondly, some of them, using a Panibrate relationship, skillfully collect compromising, like "Stirlitz"... and thirdly, the staff, accustomed to the greater discipline in the workplace, gradually begin to sit like a head on the head: the squabbles begin in the team due to who and what should do, people relax, begin to be late and even walking ... Then the "common cause" and begins to suffer: everything, and liberalism, good in moderation!

Professor and tourist. Often, too, found in one face!

Professor, most often, a person is absolutely random on leadership. Burdened with numerous titles and regalia, such a head of the concept of green does not have about the practical side of the case - to allow him to work, often, is simply dangerous: this, by ignorance, rope ... The only salvation is a competent substituent, and Professor Let them ride on countless seminars and symposia!

Tourist - this is an absolute figaro ... too, like Professor, permanently in the running, and both on the affairs of the company and for personal pleasure! Perhaps he and a good specialist, only here is the problem - when he is needed, it is never on the spot, and where he stays at the moment - no one knows ... Salvation is the same - an intelligent deputy, capable, in the absence of the chef, lead and make decisions !

Hard worker. A person lives work and at work ... sincerely surprised and outraged that others, in addition to work, there are some more interests! Requires full self-dedication officers, despite anything, constantly spurs and is never satisfied with your work: from his point of view, you are "lacking"! The work under the start of such a chief is quite quickly turning into essential cautious ...

Summing up all the above, I want to say: quite universal recipes for competent construction of relationships with the boss can simply be able to be, because each boss is a person, with the features of character only by it, and to achieve success it is necessary to take into account and act individually! I can note only some common moments:

1) Do not try to intentionally avoid communicating with the authorities, no matter how unpleasant to you, with a report or papers on the signature, you always have themselves and do not shift the solution to your problems on "third parties": the authorities may have an incorrect impression that, since you It is intentionally avoiding it, then "I plunge something" or just ignore him!

2) It is equally dangerous to the authorities, constantly loading it with his ideas, suggestions and problems own initiative: Jumping, as a rule, dislike ...

3) Never argue with the head of "with foam at the mouth": calmly state your point of view and leave: give a person time to think, it is possible that after a while he will influence your information, even if it does not openly recognize your right!

4) Do not gossip at work, do not condemn the categorically work of colleagues or (Support Lord!) The bosses - and the walls have ears, sooner or later they will reach the boss and it will hardly have you advantage!

5) Do not adjoin the various "groupings" - it always does not look too good, besides, today you are "friends against someone," and tomorrow, perhaps, "be friends" will be against you ...

6) Do not refuse unconditionally from overtime, if it is caused by the production necessity! However, there must be a measure here: I die argued to refuse, because "who is lucky - on that and ship"!

7) at work, like outside it, keep self-esteem: try to keep smoothly, friendly and never go to a rough flattery ...

Our career is alas! - largely depends on how you work out with your immediate boss ... Practice shows that without experiencing particularly gentle feelings to each other, you can peacefully and comfortably coexist for many years! Be wise: Watch, analyze and act in accordance with the circumstances. Ideally, I wish everyone to find a kindred soul in the head, then all the problems will be solved by themselves and you will go to work with pleasure!

A person may consider himself quite successful when all his desires, dreams and plans are executed. Career, family, real estate included in the top of desires modern man. A successful career is fairly difficult to build, only conscientious work and perseverance will not help. Every day while in the office, people communicate with colleagues, spend at least 8 hours a day with them, interact with the bosses. Some executives, based on saving space, have employee jobs in one large room, having overlooked them only by partitions. Sometimes the head of the head is also in the overall office.

Diligent work is late in the office, in time reported reports, the complete absence of desets and absenteeism, it would seem, characterize the employee very positively and create additional advantages in terms of career growthHowever, this does not happen. In this case, one of the reasons can be a personal hostility of the head. This is a common cause of stagnation of many zealous employees in the office for years in anticipation of the service. To shift your career from a dead point, it is necessary to improve relationships with the boss. There are several ways to make up with the bosses and change its attitude towards it for the better.

Clear wisdom

Sometimes, high-ranking employees make mistakes that immediately notice their subordinates. With direct indication of the error, you can call not only the embarrassment of the boss, but also dislike, which can firmly take a place in the heart of the head, the further relationship will only deteriate. The best way out in this situation will be tactful and soft indication, possibly a hint. After that, it is worth it to think about the chief in silence, most likely, he will think about how to fix his mistake, and not about who pointed it.

Do not use flat

Fleshing people are usually very unpleasant. The one who all the time gives the laudatory ODD and looks in front of the director, is doomed to the complete absence of any increases. The smart chief, and most of them, will never be fascinated with flattering speeches and will not go to the one who Honey voice elaborates generous praise in the hope of promoting the career stairs.

Be diplomatic

It is necessary to be above the wells, gossip, discussions and various palls, but at the same time try not to spoil relations with the bosses, the chiefs do not like not only gossip, but also the "White Raven".

Observe all office rules

Each office has its own set of rules, the violation of which entails fines, reprimands and even dismissal. Rarely, who boasts a long work in the office without a single late and violation, but with the desire to make a career, it is necessary to really try to comply with all the rules.

Perform overtime work, but in moderation

Otherwise, sooner or later, the head will simply sit on the neck and it will be possible to forget about the increase, because in a new place - new challenges, and why distracting a person from what he is doing above plan and, sometimes, even for free in his free watches and weekends? Count it is also impossible to refuse, because it's a step back in building a career.

Unfortunately, the career is very dependent on the relationship with the boss, to establish good contact with him is very important. There are exceptions at which even the most diligent and numerous attempts to find a common language with the leader are not completed. Do not get upset, because it is enough to change the job and you can make a career in a new place, avoiding earlier errors.

Your career success depends largely on what relationship you build with your direct supervisor. You can be a one hundred percent workaholic, stay in the office is still late, overfulfill plans and take a job three days before Deadline, but all this diligence will come to no, if you just do not like it or you are in a constant conflict with him. What to do, the human factor has not been canceled yet.

Let's figure out what actions (or their absence) will help you establish relationships with the boss.

Be wiser

But not in the sense that you must certainly win the chief in the intellectual battle. Everything is just the opposite. Show wisdom in order not to prove to the foam at the mouth of his wrong. But also not worth "playing fool" too. Measure is important in everything, and in relationships with the boss - especially. If you think that your sacred debt is to tell the boss on his possible error, make it the most tactfully, and then give him time to think about the said.

Do not flatter

The unfinished flattery is visible immediately, and the crushing person is automatically perceived negatively. It is not necessary to think here - it's hardly possible to achieve the favor of the chef unlikely, if the only thing he will hear from you, is a laudatory ODD of his professionalism and good soul. Such a "worship" can be a pleasant narcissus narcissue, but an adequate person quickly sobs your mercenary motives.

Show wonders diplomacy

Even if colleagues try to draw you into some slots and gossip, do not succumb. The bosses do not like "Mouse Mouse" in the workplace. Be friendly both in relationships with colleagues and leadership. Do not enter into conflicts with anyone or others. And even more so - do not gossip about the boss, do not talk about it dismissively and ulcer. Who knows - what's on the mind that with whom you just did not dislike the chef?

Each boss has its own "Points".

Stick Rules

Each boss has its own "Points". Someone tolerate can not be late for someone office style - the only reasonable style in clothes, and the word "jeans" is an unknown and terrible, and someone needs to be kept to be aware of absolutely all things, even the most minor. What to do, now you have to match these "Points". Otherwise, it is very easy to nourge the enemy in the face of the boss.

Do not rush in extremes

Some employees believe that it is necessary to come across the boss as much as possible, to throw it with his ideas and suggestions to see how hard they work. In fact, this is not the case - this behavior annoys. But if the tactics "I am a lot" does not fit, then the tactics "I'm not enough" - also not that. If you intentionally avoid communicating with the boss (let's say, ask a colleague to go and sign the paper for you), then the manager may have an opinion that you do not work at all, or ignore it. Rule "Golden Mid" and here it works trouble-free.

Do not refuse "overtime" ...

The bosses are also people, and nothing people are alone. There are, of course, "special frames", but most of them are the same family mans, like you, with wives and husbands, children and plans for the weekend. But if the debt is calling, the boss is also working on a day off. Therefore, you should not perceive in the bayonets of his request to work on Saturday. Sometimes (and quite often) this really require circumstances. It is better to build a relationship with your head, based on understanding and mutual assistance than once to "win" a long dream on Sunday, and then think, how to establish contact.

... but do it with the mind

It's one thing - to go out on a weekend, because it really is necessary, and the other - regularly (and often meaningless) to recycle, not getting no "thanks" for it. Do not let the boss get into your neck. It would seem that this advice is not able to help you establish relations with the boss. But in fact, it all depends on how you will prevent your discontent: if with hysterics and shouts - the success will not be, and if the most calmly and with a sense of self-esteem - the risks finally relax in the next weekend.

Do not let the boss get into your neck.

Much actually depends on your relationship with the authorities. Therefore, adhere to our advice, trying to find a common language with the chief. And if it is categorically impossible to do it and the relationship is not addressed - do not despair. Work is not for life. It can be

The ideal leader seems to us absolutely impartial, rationally responding to everything that happens around. It should equally true to all employees of the company. But each boss is first of all a person with all the emotions and reactions inherent in it.

Sociological studies show that managers - men and women - apply various control styles. And they differ very much. What are their main features, and how to optimally interact with the heads of different floors, will tell this material.

Your chief is a man

Rational approach

The man manager steadily adheres to the logic and arguments of common sense. It is usually arguing in a business vein, without being distracted by extraneous moments. As a rule, a few. It is distinguished by the ability to keep their emotions under control. Nothing can distract him from business interests.

Strategic thinking

The boss-man does not show much attention to detail and nuances. All his actions are subordinated to the common goal, and the stages of its achievement sometimes are not so important. He may not notice a small error in the work you have done, if the end result is successful.

Readiness for decisive actions

A strong sex representative on a governing position is not afraid to make decisions, sometimes erroneous. His approach is more likely to find the right version by samples and errors than with careful planning and analysis. A man is active, which makes the workflow dynamic and operational and, ultimately, very productive.

Commitment of its own position

The man manager does not like to compromise, if absolutely confident in his own right. It's not so easy to convince it. He prefers to stand at his own even when I realized that he was wrong. After all, confessing in his own mistake, he puts his headquarters of the head and professional.

Loyalty to work

For a man, nothing can be more important than his work. This is explained by the fact that his position in professional sphere is a priority. By what step of the hierarchical staircase, he takes what his professional and material opportunities are judged about him in society.

The man-boss can have a lot of problems in relations with his wife and children, but it cannot radically influence the workflow. Sometimes this situation is even capable of making it more active in the office: when there is a feeling that it was the work that became the main point of the support.

Competent distribution of finance

The man-supervisor knows how to ensure the profit of the company. And, in addition, can spend it effectively. He, as a rule, does not tremble over each penny, if, of course, the firm does not threaten soon bankruptcy.

Men like to invest in new activities, interesting projects, the path is even very risky. He is a researcher and the discoverer by nature. What if the field, which he is going to master, is so rich, what will make the company leading in the industry? No, it's not necessary to give up this!

How to communicate with the head of a man

Communicate with the boss in the case, it is extremely clear and clear. Generalizing your conclusions and questions. It should not be launched in long reasoning and assumptions. Discuss only the most important questions that only decides. Little intermediate deeds try to settle independently or with the participation of subordinate employees. Appeals for trifles or not at the address can cause irritation. Male executives are valid by employees who know how to make current decisions and take responsibility.

If you report the boss on the problem, simultaneously voicate possible options Its solutions or information due to which the optimal solution can be found. In every way promote the operational work of the manual.

Never argue with a man's boss, questioning his professional competence. Instead, calmly state your position, reinforcing it with all the necessary arguments.

Do not expect that you can get an advantage on your office, using aspects that are not related to work. Men are not acceptable. It is also not necessary to rely on the condescension of the manager because of his good attitude towards you. Do not mix working moments and human relationships.


Emotion exposure

Women's nature is inherent emotionality. Even if it seems to do not show it, emotions are raging inside. She is more restless. It can affect her mood anything.

A boss woman is more resolved about the decisions made. She broadcasts his mood more stronger. A similar factor can negatively affect employees. But at the same time it is balanced by other female control style features.

Tactical thinking

If a man manager is focused on strategic goals, the woman acts "here and now." It attaches great importance to the details of which consists of a workflow. After all, if each stage is perfectly completed, the result will be above all silence.

Careful analysis of managerial solutions

Woman is not inclined to risk. In its nature, stability and distrust of the unknown maneuvers are preserved. Women's genetic memory is configured to storing a homemade hearth during a risky male hunt for a mammoth. Therefore, the work of the company under the leadership of a woman is distinguished by alertness to change. But at the same time, the boss is harder to decide on a risky deal that enlightened serious benefits in case of success.

Flexible thinking

As you know, a woman is much sociable man. That is why the company's staff and business partners are easier and more convenient to discuss with her production issues. The Boss woman is relatively easy to compromise, is not afraid to recognize mistakes and look at the situation from the point of view of the interlocutor. She does not hold for their authority "teeth" as a man's head.

Loyalty to the relationship

The woman head appreciates first of all people employed in business. She clearly understands the contribution of each employee in a common cause. Therefore, the atmosphere of the company never goes without attention. The woman will be easier to meet, if you, for example, you need to go to the hospital to a relative or go to the parent meeting during working hours.

Leaning to economies of finance

The boss woman does not like long-term financial projects. From her point of view, their profitability can always be under a big question. It appreciates stable activity and confidence in the future. And dubious investments can exhaust the company's financial resources, pushing bankruptcy.

Rules of behavior with a woman leader

If your leader bad mood or nervous state, do not focus on this attention. After a while it passes. Since the head of the woman carefully looks close to the details, do not annoy her with his carelessness. Observe the cleanliness and order in the workplace, clearly systematize documents on folders. Carefully and accurately decorate reports and business paper. A woman will definitely appreciate your impeccable order on the workspace. And on the work itself it will affect the best way.

If you need to make any personal affairs during working hours, a woman manager will release you. But at the same time be careful and do not abuse it with confidence.

It should not be loaded from the threshold to the head of the initiatives involving the cardinal revision of the entire current system of work. If you consider your innovative ideas very productive, tell us about them gradually, preparing the head to the new information.

If you have a very promising project, suggesting long-term financing, prepare in advance for a conversation with the boss. Your task is to show that there are sufficient sources of funds to participate in the company, as well as the backup fund for compensation for possible losses. In addition, it is necessary to adequately present all the advantages of investment.

Knowing the features of the male and female style of the leadership, it will be easier for you to interact with the bosses. This means that you will be able to work more successfully, promote interesting initiatives. And there is not far and before and salary. We sincerely wish you to work in the soul with your head - whoever he was - a man or a woman!

It was this topic that the personnel club was devoted to the newspaper "Work!" Together with the head of the Center for Psychological Training BGPU Olga Barkovskaya.

Learn to communicate

Effective communication with the bosses and employees will allow not only to solve many problems at work, but also to say goodbye to conflicts in personal life, "says Olga Barkovskaya. - I want to offer you such a form of behavior, which in psychology got the name of the associate. This word from English is translated as "insist on its own, to defend its rights." But this is not the main point that is invested in the concept.

In real life, people are to one of the two types of behavior: passive or aggressive. If in the first case the person is in the role of the victim, then in the second - it is clearly or veiled striving to manipulate others. None of these two Poles leads to effective communication. But there is a way out: Assheritive behavior. It relies on a fundamentally different principle that can be expressed as: "I must not have anything to you, and you should not do anything, we are partners."

The key to action

There are several principles of associate behavior. Following them, you will always solve communication problems - no matter what - effectively.

1. Take responsibility for your own behavior.

2. Demonstrate self-esteem and respect for other people.

3. Communicate effectively using three basic quality - honesty, openness and direct in conversation.

4. Show confidence and positive installation.

5. Detect carefully listen and understand.

6. Be prepared for compromise and negotiations.

Each of the principles must be viewed in detail and preferably with a specialist, a psychologist to feel all the nuances. There are no two identical problems. Therefore, it is necessary to decide every one by choosing your keys to her decision.

How to express your feeling right

The principle "I - Message" will help you avoid unnecessary conflicts in the team. For example, when you are angry with someone or, on the contrary, you want to confess in the best feelings, use this simple reception.

The feeling was smelled. You say that a man who caused emotion, about such a phrase: "I'm angry, because I don't like it when you are late" or "I like how you look today." That is, you inform the person what you feel. Instead of saving inside the negative - express emotions, learn to express them correctly. And exclude phrases of the type "What are you cut!" Or "You are a fool!" The person who is addressed to such words, especially negative, may not understand what caused your anger. If you correctly tell about your emotions, then you will achieve the result and save the relationship. This technique can be applied in communication not only with colleagues or bosses, but also with their children, relatives and friends.


Natalia Okhotnova, head public organization:

After the recruitment club, I thought it was worth opening some books and recall the principles of effective communication. Of course, any information is informative, and I really liked this event. Immediately remembered the familiar personnelists to invite them to your meetings. It was very interesting.

Tatyana Mcavich, Personnel:

Personnel club gives joint communication. We reveal some new needs, new problems ... Today everything was interesting. And those principles of associate behavior, we learned about, can be applied everywhere, not only at work. This is useful and necessary information.


Dismiss, you can not pardon!

It happens that the boss requires the dismissal of "piece" or conscientious employeeWhich in the afternoon with fire will not be ourselves, in incomprehensible to surrounding reasons. Personnel gets a task from the chef: "Massay! And no conversations! " With such a problem, the participants of the personnel club had to face more than once. What to do a specialist? In any case, the entire dismissal procedure and the search for a new employee lies on the Kadrovik's shoulders. Moreover, in law, there is a certain list of reasons why a person can be dismissed. And if you dismiss not for what? It is possible to solve such a problem. At least, do not lower your hands and try to convince the boss quite real. How to do it?

If you got such a "task" from the manual, you should not immediately enter the conflict if you understand that it is impossible to do it, "says Olga Barkovskaya. - Take the table. In one part, write, for what articles you can dismiss the employee, and in the other - what punishment will suffer (fines, checks, courts, etc.). Give this table to the boss and calmly explain that it will entail such an emotional dismissal. If the head agrees to these conditions, he will continue to be punished for this dismissal. The main thing is in such matters to behave confidently and act on conscience.