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An example of material production activities. Labor in material production. Labor in material production

The activity is diverse. It can be playful, educational and labor, cognitive and transformative, constructive and destructive, industrial and consumer, economic, socio-political and spiritual. Creativity and communication are special forms of activity. Finally, as an activity, one can analyze the language, human psyche and culture of society.

Usually activities are divided into material and spiritual.

Material activity is aimed at changing the world around. As the world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transforming (changing the structure of society). An example of a material productive activity is the production of goods; examples of social transformative - state reforms, revolutionary activities.

Spiritual the activity is aimed at changing the individual and social consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing a collective life and orienting a person towards solving the problems of the meaning of life, happiness, well-being. Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value (determining the norms and principles of life), predictive (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is conditional. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal-setting, planning, choice of means, etc.

Creativity and communication have a special place in the system of activities.

Creation- this is the emergence of a new in the process of transformative human activity. Signs of creative activity are originality, uniqueness, uniqueness, and its result - inventions, new knowledge, values, works of art.

Speaking of creativity, they usually mean the unity of the creative personality and the creative process.

Creative person represents a person with special abilities. The actual creative abilities include imagination and fantasy, i.e. the ability to create new sensory or mental images. However, these images are often so detached from life that their practical application becomes impossible. Therefore, other, more "mundane" abilities are also important - erudition, a critical mindset, observation, the desire for self-improvement. But even the presence of all these abilities does not yet guarantee that they will be embodied in activities. This requires will, perseverance, efficiency, activity in defending one's opinion.

Creative process includes four stages: preparation, maturation, insight and verification. The actual creative act, or insight, is associated with intuition - a sudden transition from ignorance to knowledge, the reasons for which are not realized. Nevertheless, it cannot be considered that creativity is something that comes without effort, labor and experience. Illumination can only come to one who has thought hard about the problem; a positive result is impossible without a long preparation and maturation process. The results of the creative process require a mandatory critical check, since not all creativity leads to the desired result.

There are various methods of creative problem solving, for example, the use of associations and analogies, the search for similar processes in other areas, the recombination of elements of what is already known, an attempt to present someone else's as understandable and understandable as someone else's, etc.

Since creativity lends itself to development, and creative techniques and elements of the creative process can be studied, any person is able to become the creator of new knowledge, values, and works of art. All that is needed for this is the desire to create and the willingness to work.

Communication there is a way of being a person in relationship with other people. If ordinary activity is defined as a subject-object process, i.e. the process during which a person (subject) creatively transforms the surrounding world (object), then communication is a specific form of activity that can be defined as a subject-subject connection, where a person (subject) interacts with another person (subject).

Communication is often equated with communication. However, these concepts should be separated. Communication is an activity that has a material and spiritual nature. Communication is a purely informational process and is not an activity in the full sense of the word. For example, communication is possible between man and machine or between animals (zoo communication). We can say that communication is a dialogue where each participant is active and independent, and communication is a monologue, a simple transfer of a message from the sender to the recipient.

Rice. 2.3.

In the course of communication (Fig. 2.3), the addressee (sender) transmits information (message) to the addressee (recipient). To do this, it is necessary that the interlocutors have information sufficient to understand each other (context), and the information is transmitted by both understandable signs and symbols (code) and that contact is established between them. Thus, communication is a one-way process of transferring a message from addressee to addressee. Communication is a two-way process. Even if the second subject in communication is not a real person, human traits are still attributed to him.

Communication can be considered as one of the aspects of communication, namely its informational component. In addition to communication, communication includes social interaction, and the process of cognition by subjects of each other, and the changes that occur with the subjects in this process.

Closely connected with communication language, performing a communicative function in society. The purpose of language is not only to ensure human understanding and the transmission of experience from generation to generation. The language is also - social activities on the formation of a picture of the world, the expression of the spirit of the people. German linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), emphasizing the procedural nature of language, wrote that "language is not a product of activity, but an activity."

Under labor understand the expedient human activity to transform nature and society for the sake of satisfying personal and social needs. Labor activity is aimed at a practically useful result - various benefits: material (food, clothing, housing, services), spiritual (scientific ideas and inventions, achievements of art, etc.), as well as the reproduction of the person himself in the totality of social relations.

The labor process manifests itself in the interaction and complex interweaving of three elements: living labor itself (as human activity); means of labor (tools used by humans); objects of labor (material that is transformed in the process of labor).

Living labor can be mental (such is the work of a scientist - a philosopher or an economist, etc.) and physical (any muscular work). However, even muscular work is usually intellectually loaded, since everything that a person does, he does consciously.

Labor tools in the course of work, they are improved and changed, resulting in an ever higher efficiency of labor. As a rule, the evolution of means of labor is considered in the following sequence: natural-tool stage (for example, a stone as a tool); artifact stage (appearance of artificial weapons); machine stage; stage of automation and robotics; information stage.

Subject of Labor- a thing to which human labor is directed (material, raw material, semi-finished product). Labor ultimately materializes, is fixed in its object. A person adapts an object to his needs, turning it into something useful.

Labor is considered the leading, initial form of human activity. The development of labor contributed to the development of mutual support of members of society, its cohesion, it was in the process of labor that communication and creative abilities developed. In other words, thanks to labor, the person himself was formed.

Under training understand the activity on the formation of knowledge and skills, the development of thinking and consciousness of the individual. Thus, learning acts both as an activity and as a translation of an activity. The well-known psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) noted the activity-oriented nature of education: "The basis of the educational process should be based on the student's personal activity, and all the teacher's art should be reduced only to directing and regulating this activity."

main feature learning activities lies in the fact that its purpose is to change not the surrounding world, but the very subject of activity. Although a person changes both in the process of communication and in work, this change is not the direct goal of these types of activities, but only one of their additional consequences. In training, all means are specifically aimed at changing the person.

Under the game understand the form of free self-expression of a person, aimed at the reproduction and assimilation of social experience. The Dutch cultural theorist Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) singles out freedom, positive emotionality, isolation in time and space, and the presence of voluntarily accepted rules as constitutive characteristics of the game. To these characteristics can be added virtuality (the game world is two-dimensional - it is both real and imaginary), as well as the role-playing nature of the game.

In the course of the game, norms, traditions, customs, values ​​are learned as necessary elements the spiritual life of society. Unlike labor activity, the purpose of which is outside the process, the goals and means of game communication coincide: people rejoice for the sake of joy, create for the sake of creativity, communicate for the sake of communication. In the early stages of human development, beauty only during the playtime of the holiday could be felt only as beauty, outside the relationship of utility, which gave rise to an artistic attitude towards the world.

Socialization of personality occurs mainly in the course of play, learning and work. In the process of growing up, each of these activities consistently acts as a leader. In the game (before school), the child tries on different social roles, at the more adult stages (at school, college, university), he acquires the knowledge, teachings, skills necessary for adult life. The final stage of personality formation takes place in the process of joint labor activity.


  • 1. Material activity is aimed at changing nature (industrial activity) or society (socially transformative activity). Spiritual activity is aimed at changing human consciousness.
  • 2. Creation- activities to create a new one. Communication- a specific subject-subject activity, a way of being a person in interconnection with other people.
  • 3. The leading types of activity are called labor, training and the game. It is they who provide the process of socialization of the individual.


  • 1. What signs indicate the creative nature of the activity? What kind of person is usually called a creative person?
  • 2. What is the specificity of communication as a type of activity? What role does language play in the life of society?
  • 3. Give arguments in favor of the fact that in the process of labor, learning and play activities, a person is socialized.
  • Humboldt W. von. Selected Works on Linguistics. M., 1984.S. 70.
  • Vygotsky L. S. Pedagogical psychology. M., 1996.S. 82.
  • Heizinga J. Homo ludens. In the shadow of tomorrow M., 1992.

What is the difference between different types of labor in material production?


Feature, variety of activities

From the history course and this course, you know what role work played in the formation and historical development of man and society.

Labor is a fundamental form of human activity, in the process of which the entire set of objects is created that it needs to satisfy needs. Most important applications social labor- material non-production, non-production sphere, household... The work of people in material production is of particular importance.

labor in material production

The word "to do", as you know, means "to produce, to produce any product." needed by people, society cannot exist. A variety of services are equally necessary for human life. Imagine what would happen if transportation on all modes of transport (transportation services) stopped, the flow of water into the water supply system or the collection of garbage from residential areas (domestic services) stopped.

intangible (spiritual) production. The first, to put it briefly, is the production of things, the second is the production of ideas (or rather, spiritual values). In the first case, for example, produced televisions, a device di or paper, in the second - actors, directors created a TV show, a writer wrote a book, a scientist discovered something new in the surrounding world.

This does not mean that human consciousness does not participate in material production. Any human activity is carried out consciously. Both the hands and the head are involved in the process of material production. And in modern production at the same time, the role of knowledge, qualifications, moral qualities increases significantly.

The difference between the two types of production is in the product being created. The result of material production is a variety of items and services

Ready-made nature. Gives us only a very few. Even wild fruits cannot be harvested without difficulty. And it is impossible to take coal, oil, gas, wood from nature without significant efforts; in most cases, natural materials undergo complex processing. Thus, production appears before us as a process of active transformation of nature by people ( natural materials) in order to create the necessary material conditions for its existence.

For the production of any thing, three elements are necessary: ​​firstly, an object of nature, from which this thing can be made, secondly, the means of labor with the help of which this production is carried out, and thirdly, the activity of man, his labor, is direct. So, material production is a process of people's labor activity, as a result of which material goods are created, aimed at satisfying human needs.


The needs and interests of people is the basis that determines the purpose of labor activity aimlessly do not make sense. Such work is shown in the ancient Greek myth of Fr. Sisyphus. The gods doomed him to this hard work - to roll a large stone up the mountain. As soon as the end of the path was near, the stone fell off and rolled down. And so over and over again. Sisyphean labor is a symbol of meaningless work. Work in the proper sense of the word a arises when a person's activity becomes meaningful, when the meta is consciously put in it.

To achieve a goal in work, as in any other, a variety of means are used. These are, first of all, various technical devices necessary for the production of energy and transport lines and other material objects, without which the labor process is impossible. All of them together constitute the means of labor in the production process, the impact on the object of labor is carried out, i.e. on materials are subject to revision. For this, various methods are used, which are called technologies. For example, metal cutting equipment can be used to remove excess metal from a workpiece.

It can be said in another way: labor productivity is the efficiency of labor activity, expressed by the amount of products produced per unit of time (think about what labor productivity depends on and or is it always connected only with the desire of a person.

In each specific type of labor activity, labor operations are performed, divided into labor methods, actions and movements (are you familiar with any types of labor?. What operations and methods are applied to them to be comfortable ?.

depending on the characteristics of a particular type of labor, due to the subject of labor, means of labor, the totality of the operations performed by the employee by their ratio and interrelation, from the distribution of this function (executive, registration and control, observation and adjustment) in the workplace, we can talk about the content of individual labor. It includes the degree of diversity of labor functions, monotony, conditionality of actions, independence, the level of technical equipment, the ratio of executive and managerial functions, the level of creative capabilities, etc. Changing the composition of labor functions and the time spent on their performance means a change in the content of labor ... The main factor in this change is scientific and technological progress. As a result of the introduction of new technology and modern technologies in the content of the labor process changes in the relationship between physical and mental labor, monotonous and creative, manual and mechanized meager.

The modern technical base of enterprises is a complex combination of different types of labor instruments, therefore, there is a significant differentiation in the level of technical equipment of labor. This leads to its significant heterogeneity. IN. A large number of workers are busy with monotonous, uncreative work. At the same time, many perform work that requires active mental activity, solving complex production tasks.

The most important feature of people's labor activity is that it requires, as a rule, joint efforts to achieve the set goals. However, teamwork does not mean that all team members who create a product do the same job. On the contrary, there is a need for the division of labor, thereby increasing its efficiency. The division of labor is the distribution and consolidation of occupations between the academic. Asnik labor process.

So, workers who create blocks, panels and other details of the future house at the factory, and transport drivers who deliver these parts to construction site, and crane operators, operating construction cranes, and builders, assemble a house from finished parts, and plumbing / and electricity, install the appropriate equipment, and workers who carry out painting and other work, etc. Such a division of labor within enterprises is determined by the allocation in technological process its complex elements according to them are separated labor functions, there is a technological specialization.

For the well-coordinated work of all participants, communication is necessary, which in the lori of human history was associated with the emergence of language, the development of consciousness. Communication between the participants in the labor process allows them to coordinate their activities, to transfer the accumulated production experience and skills.

On the scale of the whole society, there is also a division of labor, forms various areas labor activity: industry, Agriculture, service, etc. It is embodied in numerous branches of modern business, in the specialization of a huge number of enterprises in various fields.

Scientific and technological progress - computerization, complex automation, equipment unification - leads to integration production processes within the enterprise and the expansion of the division of labor on a scale with societies.

Material and production sphere- the basis of social life. Production is a way of existence of man and society. The structure of material production: 1) the sphere of direct production; 2) the sphere of distribution; 3) the scope of exchange; 4) the sphere of consumption.

The main Components material and production sphere:

labor as a complex social phenomenon;

method of production of material goods;

regularities and mechanisms of functioning of the sphere as a whole.

Labor, production are not only a natural process, the process of interaction between society and nature, but also the basis for the formation of man himself as a social being, separating him from nature.

Work- this is the dialectic of the material and the ideal, their continuous interconversion. The materiality of labor is to a certain extent connected with natural being, the ideality of labor stems from the fact that it is the activity of a person, a social subject endowed with consciousness and striving to achieve the goals set. The ideal through the living activity of a person is embodied in a change in the material factors of labor, which, in turn, reflected in the consciousness of the subject, become the basis of a new goal-setting of labor. The social result of labor is a person, society, social relations.

Labor activity is objective. At any segment of history, it unfolds within the framework of a certain present level of the subject's armament of a person, embodied in the system of tools and means of production, within the framework of the development of the person himself as a subject of labor.

The social nature of labor lies in its historical continuity of the growing needs of society for labor and its products, the continuity of the very life activity of the social subject of labor - the people, its conjugation with all aspects of life. People interact with each other not only because of the social division of labor, but also because in the process of labor they acquire and use the knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by other people.

Work being the source of separation and the core of production, it is: 1) the process of interaction between man and nature, the active influence of people on natural world; 2) purposeful creative activity of a person to meet his constantly growing, growing needs; 3) optimization of the creation, use and improvement of means of production, technology, scientific knowledge; 4) improvement of the person himself as a subject of social production and personality.

Labor is always carried out within the framework of a certain form of society and through it, which is practically embodied in the mode of production. Mode of production - a concept that characterizes a specific type of production of the means necessary for the life of people (food, clothing, housing, tools of production), carried out in historically defined forms of social relations. The mode of production is one of the most important categories of historical materialism, since it characterizes the main sphere of social life - the sphere of material and production activity of people, determines the social, political and spiritual processes of life in general. The structure of each historically defined society, the process of its functioning and development depends on the mode of production. The history of social development is, first of all, the history of the development and change of the mode of production, which determines the definition of all other structural elements of society.

Production is always carried out thanks to the dual process of interaction of productive forces (content) and production relations (socially - economic form production process). The mode of production is a social form and the way in which people produce the material goods necessary to satisfy their needs.

This is the main factor that determines the development, interconnection and interaction of various sides and spheres of public life: economics and politics, science and technology, ideology and culture, etc.

Productive forces- these are the forces with the help of which society affects nature and changes it, this is one of the aspects of the development of the social individual. The productive forces express the relationship of man to nature, his ability to creatively use its wealth in personal and public interests. Productive forces exist and function only within social production. The level of development of productive forces is manifested in the degree of human cognition of the laws of nature and their use in production to achieve the set goals.

The productive forces can be distinguished 3 elements: personal (people); material (tools of labor, in a broad sense - means of production); spiritual (science). Productive forces are the basis of the internal mode of production, all features of the mode of production depend on the level of development of the productive forces. The source of the development of the productive forces is the contradiction between the elements. Subject of Labor- what the work is directed to; means of labor - that which serves as a conductor of influence on the subject of labor: they form the means of production. In the means of labor, there are tools of labor and means for storing objects of labor. The product of labor is mediated.

The indicator of the development of the productive forces - labor productivity... The most important factor in its growth is the creation of more productive tools and means of labor, technical progress. Under the conditions of modern scientific and technological revolution, the role of science in society is changing, it becomes a direct productive force

Relations of production- the relationship between the agents of production, ultimately between people in the process of production of means of subsistence. Production relations are primarily material in nature. Their characteristic feature is the formation as necessary, depending not on the will of people, but on the concrete historically achieved level of development of the productive forces. 4 types of industrial relations: organizational and technical; regarding the determination of the share and receipt of it; exchange; consumption - the use of a product (production and non-production); based on property relations.

The interaction of productive forces and production relations is subject to the law of conformity of production relations to the nature and level of development of the productive forces. This law determines both the development of a given mode of production and the need to replace one mode of production with another.

Sources and driving forces development of production are the needs of people and the subsequent social division of labor, ensuring the progressive development of material production through the creation of new types of labor, its specialization and cooperation. A complex dialectical connection is established between needs and production in society; needs affect the productive forces indirectly, through production relations. The activity of industrial relations lies in the fact that they give people certain stimuli for activity.

1.1 Concept of technology

The concept of "technology" is one of the most ancient and widespread today. Until recently, it was used to designate some indefinite activity or some set of material formations.

The content of the concept of technology has been historically transformed, reflecting the development of methods of production and means of labor. The original meaning of the word art, skill - denotes the activity itself, its quality level. Then the concept of technique reflects a certain way of manufacturing or processing. In handicraft production, individual craftsmanship is replaced by a set of techniques and methods passed down from generation to generation. And, finally, the concept of "technology" is transferred to manufactured material objects. This occurs during the period of development of machine production, and various devices serving production, as well as some products of such production, are called technology.

Starting to analyze technology, it is advisable to consider the existing formulations of the definition of technology and highlight their main types. There are many definitions of technique:

Greek "techne" - craft, art, craftsmanship;

A set of techniques and rules for doing something ...;

Activities aimed at satisfying human needs, which leads to changes in the material world;

System of tools and machines;

The means of labor in the broad sense are all the material conditions necessary for the production process to be carried out in general;

Technique is a system of actions through which a person seeks to achieve the implementation of an extra-natural program, that is, the implementation of himself;

A set of material objects produced by society;

The totality of material means of the expedient activity of people;

The system of artificial organs of human activity;

A collection of mechanical robots to do the work humanity needs.

In the encyclopedic dictionary, the concept of "technology" is defined in two meanings: "... a set of means created for the implementation of production processes and servicing the non-production needs of society." It also defines its main purpose: "complete or partial replacement of production functions of a person in order to facilitate labor and increase its productivity." The second meaning of the word: "a set of techniques and rules for doing something ...".

The above definitions of technology can be grouped into three main groups. They can be represented as follows: technology as an artificial material system; technology as a means of activity; technology as certain modes of activity.

The first meaning (technology as an artificial material system) highlights one of the aspects of the existence of technology, referring it to artificial material formations. But not all artificial material formations are technology (for example, products of breeding activities that have a natural structure). Therefore, the essence of technology is not limited to such definitions, since they do not distinguish technology from other artificial material formations.

The second value is also insufficient. Technology is interpreted as a means of labor, means of production, instruments of labor, etc. Sometimes technology is defined at once as a means and as a tool. But this is not correct, since both concepts lie in the same plane of consideration and the means of labor are a broader concept in relation to the instruments of labor.

The third highlighted meaning is technology as certain modes of activity. But this essence rather corresponds to the concept of "technological process", which, in turn, is an element of technology.

Presentation on the topic: Material and production activities of a person

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Presentation on the topic: Material and production activities of a person

Slide No. 1

Slide Description:

Material and production human activity. Labor activity Labor is a fundamental form of human activity, in the process of which the whole set of objects necessary for him to satisfy his needs is created. The labor of people in material production is of particular importance.

Slide No. 2

Slide Description:

Labor in material production Production is, first of all, the process of creating material goods, a necessary condition for the life of society. Material production is the production of things; non-material is the production of ideas. Material production is the process of people's labor activity, as a result of which material benefits are created, aimed at satisfying human needs.

Slide No. 3

Slide Description:

Features of labor activity Labor in the proper sense of the word arises when a person's activity becomes meaningful, when a consciously set goal is realized in it. In the production process, an impact is exerted on the object of labor, that is, materials undergoing transformation. For this, various methods are used, which are called technologies.

Slide No. 4

Slide Description:

Labor productivity- This is the efficiency of labor activity, which is expressed by the number of products produced per unit of time. As a result of the introduction of new technology and modern technologies, the content of the labor process changes the ratio between physical and mental labor, monotonous and creative. The most important feature of the labor activity of people is that it requires, as a rule, joint efforts to achieve the set goals. The division of labor is the distribution and consolidation of occupations between the participants in the labor process. Scientific and technical progress - computerization, integrated automation, unification of equipment - leads to the integration of production processes within the enterprise and to the expansion of the division of labor on a society scale.

Slide No. 5

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Modern worker Skill, skill, literacy in the performance of labor functions of a particular profession is called professionalism. Professionalism is the result of training and work experience. Scientific and technological progress increases the role of skilled labor requiring special professional training.

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Labor laws and internal regulations work schedule require productive use of working time, fair execution their responsibilities, high quality work. The fulfillment of these requirements is labor discipline. Strict adherence to technological norms is called technological discipline. Initiative and dedication are interconnected. A thoughtless performer is a bad worker. On the contrary, initiative is evidence of high professionalism. special training in modern industries, the general culture of the employee, the ability to independently solve creative problems, is of great importance. The culture of work is manifested in its scientific organization.

Slide No. 7

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Problems of humanization of labor The dehumanization of labor manifested itself in the system of the American engineer F.W. Taylor (1856-1915). Taylor developed a system of organizational measures, including the timing of labor operations, instruction cards, etc., which were accompanied by a system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. The differential pay system meant that the hardworking worker was additionally rewarded, and the quitter could not get unearned money. Taylor himself wrote: “Everyone must learn to abandon their individual methods of work, adapt them to a number of innovative forms and get used to accepting and executing directives that apply to everyone. small and large methods of work, which were previously left to his personal discretion. "

Slide Description:

Humanization of labor Means the process of its humanization. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that threaten human health in a technical environment. Functions hazardous to human health, operations associated with great efforts, monotonous work, on modern enterprises are shifted to robotics. Work culture is of particular importance. Researchers distinguish three components in it. First, it is the improvement of the working environment, that is, the conditions in which the labor process takes place. Secondly, it is the culture of relationships between labor participants, the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work collective. Thirdly, the understanding by the participants of labor activity of the content of the labor process, its features, as well as the creative embodiment of the engineering concept laid down in it. Labor activity is the most important field of self-realization in the life of any person.

Slide No. 10

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What is the difference different types labor in material production? What do they mean when they say: the work is done professionally? When does work become attractive?


Characteristics, variety of activities.

From the history course and this course, you know what role labor played in the formation and historical development of man and society.

Labor is a fundamental form of human activity, in the process of which the entire set of objects is created that it needs to satisfy needs. The most important spheres of application of social labor are material production, non-production sphere, and household. The labor of people in material production is of particular importance.

LABOR in material production

The word "to do", as you know, means "to produce, to produce any product". Production is, first of all, the process of creating material wealth, a necessary condition for the life of society, since without food, clothing, housing, electricity, medicines and many different items that people need, society cannot exist. A variety of services are equally necessary for human life. Imagine what would happen if all types of transport (transportation services) stopped transportation, the water supply to the plumbing system or garbage collection from residential areas (domestic services) stopped.

intangible (spiritual) production. The first, in short, is the production of things, the second is the production of ideas (or rather, spiritual values). In the first case, for example, produced televisions, devices or paper, in the second - actors, directors created a TV show, a writer wrote a book, a scientist discovered something new in the world around him.

This does not mean that human consciousness does not participate in material production. Any human activity is carried out consciously. Both the hands and the head are involved in the process of material production. And in modern production, the role of knowledge, qualifications, moral qualities increases significantly.

The difference between the two types of production is in the product being created. The result of material production is a variety of items and services.

In finished form, nature gives us only very few. Even wild fruits cannot be harvested without difficulty. And it is impossible to take coal, oil, gas, wood from nature without significant efforts. In most cases, natural materials are difficult to process. Thus, production appears to us as a process of active transformation of nature (natural materials) by people in order to create the necessary material conditions for their existence.

For the production of any thing, three elements are necessary: ​​first, an object of nature, from which this thing can be made; secondly, the means of labor with which this production is carried out; thirdly, purposeful human activity, his work. So, material production is the process of people's labor activity, as a result of which material benefits are created, aimed at satisfying human needs.


The needs and interests of people are the basis that determines the purpose of work. Purposeless pursuits don't make sense. Such work is shown in the ancient Greek myth of Sisyphus. The gods doomed him to hard work - to roll a large stone up the mountain. As soon as the end of the path was near, the stone fell off and rolled down. And so over and over again. Sisyphean labor is a symbol of meaningless work. Work in the proper sense of the word arises when a person's activity becomes meaningful, when a consciously set goal is realized in it.

To achieve the goal in work, as in any other, various means are used. These are, first of all, various technical devices required for production, energy and transport lines and other material objects, without which the labor process is impossible. All of them together constitute the means of labor. In the production process, the impact on the subject of labor is carried out, that is, on the materials undergoing transformation. For this, various methods are used, which are called technologies. For example, you can remove excess metal from a workpiece using metal cutting equipment.

It can be said in another way: labor productivity is the efficiency of labor activity, expressed by the amount of products produced per unit of time (think about what labor productivity depends on and it is always connected only with the desire of a person).

In each specific type of labor activity, labor operations are performed, divided into labor methods, actions and movements (are you familiar with any types of labor? What operations and methods are applied to them?).

Depending on the characteristics of a particular type of labor, due to the subject of labor, means of labor, the totality of the operations performed by the employee. their ratio and interrelation, from the distribution of functions (executive, registration and control, observation and debugging) in the workplace, we can talk about the content of individual labor. It includes the degree of diversity of labor functions, monotony, conditionality of actions, independence, the level of technical equipment, the ratio of executive and managerial functions, the level of creative capabilities, etc. Changing the composition of labor functions and the time spent on their implementation means a change in the content of labor. The main factor in this change is scientific and technological progress. As a result of the introduction of new technology and modern technologies into the content of the labor process, the ratio between physical and mental labor, monotonous and creative, manual and mechanized, and the like, is changing.

The modern technical base of enterprises is a complex combination of different types of labor instruments, therefore, there is a significant differentiation in the level of technical equipment of labor. This leads to its significant heterogeneity. A large number of workers are engaged in monotonous, uncreative work. At the same time, many perform work that requires active mental activity, solving complex production problems.

The most important feature of people's labor activity is that it requires, as a rule, joint efforts to achieve the set goals. However, teamwork does not mean that all team members who create a product do the same job. On the contrary, there is a need for the division of labor, thereby increasing its efficiency. Division of labor is the distribution and consolidation of occupations between participants in the labor process.

So, workers who create blocks, panels and other details of the future house at the factory, and transport drivers who deliver these parts to the construction site, and crane operators who operate construction cranes, and builders, assemble a house from finished parts, and plumbers are involved in the construction of a house. / and electricity, install the appropriate equipment, and workers who carry out painting and other work, and the like. This division of labor within enterprises is determined by the separation of its complex elements in the technological process. In accordance with them, labor functions are separated, technological specialization occurs.

For the well-coordinated work of all participants, communication is necessary, which in the lori of human history was associated with the emergence of language, the development of consciousness. Communication between the participants in the labor process allows them to coordinate their activities, transfer the accumulated production experience and skills.

On the scale of the whole society, there is also a division of labor, it forms various spheres of labor activity: industry, agriculture, services, etc. It is embodied in numerous industries modern production, in the specialization of a huge number of enterprises of different profiles.

Scientific and technological progress - computerization, integrated automation, unification of equipment - leads to the integration of production processes within the enterprise and to the expansion of the division of labor on the scale of society.