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Hamming. “You and your research. The meaning of the word enterprising In the process of economic activity, responsibility, efficiency, enterprising

(book). Entrepreneurial character, resourcefulness, combined with energy and practicality. Have great entrepreneurial spirit. Show entrepreneurial spirit.

Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "ENTERPRISE" is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    ENTERPRISE, oh, oh; iv. Able to do something. at the right moment, resourceful and practical. P. businessman. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (enterprise) 1. Entrepreneurial organization, private or public (public). 2. The combination of initiative, foresight and the desire to take risks, which is necessary for successful entrepreneurial activity. Economy. Explanatory ... ... Economic dictionary

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  • Underground millionaires: the whole truth about private business in the USSR, Mikhail Kozyrev. Did “business” exist or did not exist in the USSR? And what was this "business"? Entrepreneurship, initiative, freedom - was it in Soviet times? Does it exist today? It would seem that life... electronic book
  • Novgorod alternative. The true capital of Russia, Andrei Burovsky. If Kiev is “the mother of Russian cities”, then who is the father? Which city personified the masculine, active beginning of Ancient Russia? Who drank the Dnieper beauty, giving rise to Russian civilization? Certainly,…

In the article, I will tell you about the quality that distinguishes successful individuals from losers (losers).

In order to be successful at something, you have to try.

If you don't try, you basically can't achieve anything. How simple and logical these things are... but I have long noticed that the simplest things are the most difficult to understand.

I know a lot smart people. Who have a lot of useful knowledge. But, the trick is that MIND = NOT EQUAL TO SUCCESS! Must be enterprising! Something that makes you TAKE and ACT!

Without this (without enterprise) = knowledge is meaningless.

What's the use of knowledge when you don't apply it? Knowledge = it's great, whoever owns knowledge (information) owns the world, a fact, but without entrepreneurship = sense from them, like from a goat's milk ...

Here's the formula for you: KNOWLEDGE + ENTERPRISE = EFFECT. No other way. No way. If in the end you don’t try (don’t act) - as you were zero, you remain zero. Dot.

In principle, you cannot achieve something (success in some area) without trying. Understand that)).

My 1 piece of advice to you: it's better to try and fail = than not to try at all. Do you know why?

Because if you try = you will immediately begin to develop your enterprise, you started, understand, you started, you took the first step, you are beautiful (the vast majority of people cannot even do this) = and even if you did not succeed (did not achieve the desired success) = you get invaluable experience that will develop you and generally make you better, and in the end, you will still achieve what you want (success). Because you try, you do, you act. You are active, you are not passive. Understand?

My 2nd advice to you: very often the PROCESS ITSELF = more important than the result. Take this into service.

How to pump entrepreneurship?

B*tch! Just take and download! Take. Act. And not to be stupid, to think about something indefinitely, to doubt, to wind oneself up, to come up with excuses, etc. etc.

Stop fucking and thinking. Take it and do it. The simplest things = the most difficult to understand...

  • How to pump up muscles? => Take and pump muscles.
  • How to lose weight? => Take and lose weight.
  • How to start running in the morning? => Take it and start running in the morning.
  • How to learn a foreign language? => Take it and start learning the language you need.
  • How to learn to meet girls? => You take and meet girls.
  • How to develop entrepreneurial spirit? => You take and develop.
  • etc. You can pump anything, if there is a desire, and then everything will be.

The main problem is that people don't. And pi * dyat pi * dyat and again pi * dyat. And it would not be bad to lose weight by the summer. And it would not be bad to pump up muscles. And it would not be bad to know a foreign language. And it would not be bad to get acquainted with that girl over there or that girl, etc. etc.

And give excuses, BUT: I have a lot of work, study. BUT: I have a lot to do, worries. But I have no time. BUT: I don't have money for a subscription. BUT BUT BUT. This is me describing the behavior of losers (losers) who cannot even get out of their comfort zone. Therefore, they sit in a cage, not doing a damn thing.

Remember: one of the differences between a winner and a loser is that winners constantly step out of their comfort zone, while losers (losers) do not.

If you want to build muscle = but do nothing for this, you basically cannot build them. If you don't start learning a foreign language, you basically won't be able to learn it. Etc.

In order to WIN (to achieve success) = you need to ACT! Dot. If you endlessly doubt whether to do or not to do, endlessly think, come up with excuses, stupid, think, wind yourself up = you LOSE. You are a LOSSER (loser).

You can also read this article: That's it. Good luck to you!

Sincerely, administrator.

A manager's entrepreneurial spirit is his resourcefulness combined with energy and practicality. IN practical activities Entrepreneurship is the ability to find and use reserves to improve the efficiency of personal work and the activities of the team, to overcome difficulties in work, this is the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the population in goods and services based on well-established commercial work.

In the conditions of transition to a market economy, an enterprising person is characterized by such qualities as a creative and responsible approach to the performance of duties, the ability to independently, without administrative interference, solve emerging economic problems. Entrepreneurship is guided by the novelty of managerial decisions. It is implemented by substantiating the unusualness, originality of managerial actions. An enterprising manager is a person capable of independent atypical actions, thinking flexibly, on a large scale and perspective, able to analyze, recognize and use the prevailing circumstances in the interests of the conceived business, solve complex issues in a timely manner economic activity who knows how to take risks. An enterprising manager is characterized by making decisions based on deep economic analysis circumstances and social phenomena.

Often, the concepts of "efficiency" and "initiativity" are used as synonyms for entrepreneurship. But although these words are close in meaning, they are not synonymous. Efficiency is a form of manifestation of the business qualities manager, which are expressed in his competence and organizational skills, the ability to quickly respond to changes in trade conditions, quickly resolve emerging conflict situations, and also prevent them in time. business executive actively participates in the introduction of everything new, advanced, organizes subordinates and seeks from them the implementation of the planned.

Entrepreneurship is a broader and more meaningful category than efficiency. It necessarily implies an original approach to the assessment and implementation of the situation, based on a creative understanding of this situation, free from stereotypes and bias. Entrepreneurship is alien to the narrowness of thinking and action. An enterprising person (leader) sees his most important task in the community of interests of the entire team, in his material support And social development. Efficiency should be considered as an integral part of enterprise.

In comparison with initiative, entrepreneurship is also a broader concept. Initiative is the action of local interests on any specific object as a result of entrepreneurship, which is its generator.

M. Woodcock and D. Francis identified seven main factors that influence entrepreneurship:

Human laziness: Creativity takes time and effort. Devoting time to creative endeavors requires discipline, and often requires overcoming boredom. In creative tasks there are often genuine difficulties and almost unsolvable problems, but if you do not succumb to laziness, then you can try and master the various stages of creativity;

Settled habits: All people develop stereotypes in movements, work, manner and thinking, but habits can become the enemies of creativity. The need to study established habits, and here the question "Why?" can be a very useful tool; excessive tension. In our creative endeavors, we are often confronted with a sense of insecurity. People who are in a state of tension try to adhere to some rules and norms that are well known to them, and as a result their strength and energy are not fully used;

Enterprise- enterprising character, resourcefulness, combined with energy and practicality.
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov

Enterprise- business activity, initiative, the ability to start and carry out a business that brings success. To undertake something means to take proactive, proactive action, to be active before its conditions and consequences are clearly defined.
V. P. Poznyakov | Encyclopedia of the Humanities

  • Entrepreneurship is an active life position, quickness in thinking and activity in actions.
  • Entrepreneurship is a creative approach to everyday, ordinary affairs, forcing others to look at them in a new way.
  • Entrepreneurship is the subtlety of intuition, the strength of "business acumen" and the ability to move towards a goal, bypassing or overcoming obstacles.
  • Entrepreneurship is one of the main qualities that accompany success in the modern world.
  • Entrepreneurship is an alloy of willpower, diligence and efficiency.
  • Entrepreneurship is the ability to see the new in the familiar, the original in the traditional, the achievable in the unattainable.

Entrepreneurial Benefits

  • Entrepreneurship creates conditions for career and personal growth.
  • Entrepreneurship gives freedom - in decision-making.
  • Entrepreneurship gives strength - for the implementation of the most ambitious plans.
  • Entrepreneurship provides interest - in all manifestations of life.
  • Entrepreneurship gives energy - for active action.

Manifestations of entrepreneurship in everyday life

  • Business. In the presence of equal starting conditions different people reached different heights. The most successful businessmen are always enterprising.
  • Invention. People who create technically complex devices at home and engage in inventions show entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Household. Person applying household items not only for its intended purpose, but using them with fiction (creating, for example, a wall clock from old vinyl records or a country chair from used car tires) shows entrepreneurial spirit.
  • extreme situations. Resourcefulness, energy, presence of mind help an enterprising person to act most successfully in an emergency situation.

How to be entrepreneurial

  • Education. The more knowledge a person has, the more refined and “trained” his mind is, the easier it is for entrepreneurship to develop in him.
  • Psychological trainings. Trainings will help a person develop self-confidence, become more purposeful and energetic, and therefore more entrepreneurial.
  • Professional activity. Trying to be creative labor process, a person develops entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Goal setting. Having defined a real goal for himself, it is easier for a person to start thinking about the strategy and tactics of achieving it, and then to act, showing and at the same time developing entrepreneurial spirit.

Golden mean



Greed | imposing a "win / lose" strategy on partners (I win - you lose), the desire to get everything

Winged expressions about entrepreneurship

Courage, initiative, energy, spirit of enterprise, and various qualities of character, which are acquired very slowly, can wear out rather quickly when they have no more reason to exercise. - Gustave Lebon - The enterprise of the young is worth the experience of the old. - Josephine de Knorr - Enterprise is audacious planning and energetic execution. - John Christian Bovie - Joseph G. Boyett, Jimmy T. Boyett / Guide to the Realm of Wisdom. Best Ideas largest entrepreneurs Living examples of entrepreneurship. Experiences of 70 successful entrepreneurs of the world, presented in a fascinating way. S. Azimov, O. Sashechkina / Start your business. What to do after layoffs Practical guide to cultivate in oneself the virtue of enterprise. Have you been made redundant? A great chance to change your life for the better!

Encyclopedia of the Humanities 345


V. P. Poznyakov

(Moscow University for the Humanities, Institute of Psychology RAS)

Entrepreneurship - business activity, initiative, the ability to start and carry out a business that brings success. To undertake something means to take an initiative, preventive action, to show activity before its conditions and consequences are clearly defined. Entrepreneurship in everyday usage means the ability to regularly and successfully carry out this kind of activity, the ability to make quick decisions and act in conditions of uncertainty. In a more rigorous scientific sense, entrepreneurship as a set of psychological characteristics of a person correlates with entrepreneurship as special kind economic activity associated with the creation and implementation of one's own business, an enterprise aimed at achieving monetary or other benefits, which is a measure of its success. In this aspect, entrepreneurship is defined as an activity carried out under conditions of risk and responsibility for the results of the enterprise, fierce competition between entrepreneurs,

and the desire to search for new profit opportunities (J. Schumpeter, F. von Hayek, etc.).

In the framework of research in the field of entrepreneurial psychology, there were empirically identified personality traits successful entrepreneurs, which can be considered as the criteria and correlates of entrepreneurship. These include, first of all, the features of the motivational sphere: the predominance of the motivation to achieve success over the motivation to avoid failures, a clear setting of positive goals of activity and an active consistent desire to achieve them, confidence in one’s ability to achieve success (self-efficacy), a positive attitude towards the situation of achieving and competing with other people, adequate self-esteem and level of claims. The leading motive for choosing entrepreneurial activity is the creation of one's own business, the achievement of economic independence and material success.

Another distinctive psychological feature of successful entrepreneurs

is the predominance of the internal locus of control, i.e., confidence in one’s ability to control events that are significant for oneself and take responsibility for both one’s achievements, successes, and failures. The predominance of internality is combined with the manifestation of such qualities as high activity and initiative, self-confidence, independence and autonomy, high self-esteem, self-control and responsibility for one's behavior.

The results of psychological studies of the attitude of entrepreneurs to risk allow us to conclude that, in contrast to common everyday ideas, entrepreneurs in general are not people who are inclined to live and act in conditions of a high degree of risk. Rather, they are characterized by emotional stability and self-control, which determine the ability to effectively make decisions and act in conditions of risk and uncertainty, a positive attitude towards competition (competition) in economic activity and a high assessment of their own competitiveness.

Along with the identified socio-psychological characteristics of successful entrepreneurs, an important role in their activities is played by partnerships and relationships with representatives of other social groups(officials, clients, employees). The ability to build business and personal relationships with representatives of various social groups is an important factor business success.

Entrepreneurship can be viewed as a broader psychological phenomenon not associated only with business activity, which ensures successful adaptation of a person to life in conditions market economy. The importance of this quality in modern conditions Russian life says recorded in empirical studies

There is evidence of the growing importance of entrepreneurship as a vital value (according to representatives of various social groups). This value is most pronounced among the youth.

Studies in the sociology of entrepreneurship and the sociology of youth (S. V. Grishaev, V. G. Nemirovskii, R. V. Ryvkina, I. A. Surina, F. E. Sheregi, and others) have shown that in life plans youth orientation to create own business(which also implies an attitude towards entrepreneurship) is widespread, while at the same time, a significantly smaller number of young people achieve success in entrepreneurial activity.

Lit.: Poznyakov V.P. Psychological relations and business activity of Russian entrepreneurs. M. : IP RAN, 2001; Sheregi F.E. Sociology of Entrepreneurship: Applied Research. Moscow: Center for Social Forecasting, 2002; Poznyakov V.P., Vavakina T.S. Types of psychological attitude of Russian entrepreneurs to business partnership // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. 2011. No. 2. P. 100-103; Zhuravlev AL Actual problems of socially oriented branches of psychology. M. : IP RAN, 2011.

ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT V. P. Pozniakov (Moscow University for the Humanities, The Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Bibliography (transliteration): Pozniakov V. P. M. : IP RAN, 2001; Sheregi F. E. Sotsiologiia predprinimatel'stva: prik-ladnye issledovaniia. M. : Tsentr sotsial'nogo prog-nozirovaniia, 2002; Pozniakov V. P., Vavakina T. S. Tipy psikhologicheskogo otnosheniia rossiiskikh predprinimatelei k delovomu partnerstvu // Znanie. understanding. Umenie. 2011. No. 2. S. 100-103; Zhuravlev A. L. Aktual’nye problemy sotsial’no orien-tirovannykh otraslei psikhologii. M. : IP RAN, 2011.