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Practice report in the advertising agency (magistracy). Topic: Report on practice in the advertising agency Report on educational practice advertising agency


Main part




In accordance with curriculum I passed an industrial practice in a partnership with limited liability advertising agency "Asia Direct" from the ninth of June 2008 On the twelfth of July 2008

I was adopted for the passage of production practices in the staff of the partnership for the position of the manager.

Together with the head of practice, the work plan was drawn up directly in the partnership, which I successfully completed.

In the process of passage of production practice, I:

I got acquainted with S. constituent document - the charter approved by the founder of the company;

Got acquainted with the structure of the organization;

Got acquainted with the organization and the functions and responsibilities of the employees of the enterprise;

Got acquainted with the content of economic and organizational work;

Got acquainted with the features of working with databases;

Familiarization with telemarketing;

Got acquainted with the features of the work manager of the BTL department (see Appendix);

Participated in the conduct of homemade sampling of the dining water "Akvaphin";

Led, as a supervisor team of promoters;

The reporting statements on the promotion of home selection of dining water "Aquaphine";

Table accounting tabel.

Main part.

ASIA Direct agency is one of the first professional direct marketing agencies On the territory of Central Asia.

Is a member:

· 1999 - Radm (Russian Association Direct Marketing)

· 2000 - FedMA (Federation of European Associations Direct Marketing)

· 2003 - Interdirect Network (International Network of Independent Direct Marketing Agencies)

The company is organized in the form of a limited liability partnership on March 31, 1998. Full name of the enterprise - Limited Liability Partnership Advertising Agency "Asia Direct"

Advertising agency "Asia Direct" was established in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Limited Officers". A partnership is guided in its activities Civil Code Of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the constituent agreement on the creation of the partnership and the statute of the enterprise.

The leadership of the current activities of the partnership is carried out sole executive body - General Director.

Company's mission - promote the development and promotion of the business of its customers.

The company carries out its mission through the "Direct Marketing".

Direct Marketing - Continuous process of attracting new customers, customer satisfaction permanent customers and development with them long-term relationships, as well as strengthening a positive attitude to the company and an increase in sales.

Basic principles of work:

· Professionalism

· Individual approach to each client

· Creative approach to solving problems of any complexity

· Privacy

· Ethical norms



· Procter & Gamble Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

· Samsung electronics

· North Winds Kazakhstan

· Banksman

· Styx & Leo Burnett

· McCann- Erickson Kazakhstan

· Panda Promotion.



· DM Club (Moscow)

· Sonnexions (Moscow)

More information about the main aspects of the company's activities is described in the Appendix. In particular, you can familiarize yourself with the Direct Marketing, BTL (Below The Line under the line), promotion-shares, talemarketing and databases.

Permanent staff Companies are 37 people:


Deputy gene. director;

Marketing department - 6 people,

BTL department - 4;

IT department - 5;

Field Department - 14;

Accounting - 3;

Drivers - 2;

Secretary - 1.

Attracting temporary employees has a certain seasonality. IN summer time held a large number of Promotion of stocks, since in warm weather it is possible to carry out shares on the streets, in parks, on recreation areas, etc. It is also easier to hire promoters that are mainly students of high schools and students who want to work during the summer holidays and agree to a low wage.

Structure of the cost of production of Asia Direct LLP, tho. TG:


S / n with accruals


Loading costs, unloading

Rental of premises

Communal payments

Depreciation of the main production. Funds

Other costs

Conducting the analysis of this table, it should be noted that the greatest share in the cost structure has wage With accruals - 43-45%, the costs of materials 22 - 30%. It is associated with a feature of an advertising business that is not energy-intensive, material consumption, etc. And on the forefront in the cost structure of the cost of workers to 70% (in some cases) comes out.

The main indicators of the financial and economic activities of Asia Direct LLP for 2005-2007, thousand TG.

Production efficiency refers to the number of key categories market economywhich is directly related to achievement ultimate goal Development of social production in general and every enterprise separately.

Profit occupies an important place in the economic system. It is profit that ensures the economic sustainability of the firm and its financial independence.

Profitability there is a relative indicator that has a property of comparability can be used when comparing the activities of different enterprises. Profitability characterizes the degree of profitability, profitability, profitability.

The profitability of the implementation (turnover, sales) is determined by the ratio of the value of the annual balance sheet profit of the enterprise to the magnitude of the annual revenue from the sale of products expressed as a percentage:

In the annual revenue from the sale of products (TG / year);

2005 R SALE (turn) \u003d 22815/72120 * 100% \u003d 31.7%

2006 Rapale (turn) \u003d 26500/78200 * 100% \u003d 33.9%

2007 Rapalezh (turn) \u003d 39180/98500 * 100% \u003d 39.8%

This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activities: how many profits have an enterprise with 1 tenge sales, work performed, services rendered.

From these calculations you can see. That the level of profitability grows every year, as well as net profit Increases.

In the structure of profits the greatest fraction - 45% has the Direct-Mail, i.e. sending individual mailing;

promotions - 35%;


Working practice is an important element. educational process on the preparation of a specialist in the field of economics.

During its passage, the future economist applies knowledge gained in the process of learning, skills and skills in practice.

The main tasks of production practices are:

Getting practical experience.

Improving the quality of vocational training.

Education of a specialist in the spirit of respect for the law.

Fastening the knowledge gained on general and special economic disciplines.


About Direct Marketing

In the last quarter of a century, Direct Marketing is firmly among the most promising and effective ways commodity. Therefore, specialized agencies, which use the maximum efficiency and selectivity of direct marketing, began to appear on the Kazakhstan market.

Unfortunately, the modern Kazakhstan entrepreneur is still very difficult to distinguish traditional advertising from direct marketing due to its small experience in our market, although it was created as a new product of commodity back in 1917. One of his founders was American Bob Stone. It was he who formulated 30 "infinitely direct marketing principles.

So what is the difference between traditional advertising and direct marketing?

The answer is simple: Direct Marketing (Direct Marketing) gives maximum efficiency and selectivity.

What is Direct Marketing?

Direct Marketing is a continuous process of attracting new customers, meeting the needs of regular customers and development with them long-term relations, as well as strengthening a positive attitude to the company and an increase in sales.

One of the main levers of turning an impersonal buyer in an individual consumer of goods and services today is the databases today in which extensive, multilateral and personalized information on legal entities and individuals accumulate.

Using such applied direct marketing disciplines, like telephone marketing, direct mail (Direct Mail), Internet marketing, database marketing (Database Marketing) and marketing of building relationships (loyalty marketing), you not only get new customers and significantly increase your sales of your Goods and services, but also get the opportunity to calculate the return from each embedded amount.

What are the basic principles of the work of the Direct Marketing?

· Personalized customer search, i.e. Defining a circle of persons directly interested in the consumption of a particular type of products or services

· Establishing double-sided contacts with customers

· Regular maintenance of these contacts (creating a loyalty club

The growth rate of the use of the marketing directory is already noticeable in our market.

If, at the beginning of 1998, few people generally knew what it was, to date, more and more domestic producers appeals to this type of commodity. And this is not by chance, since polls show that personal contact, personal appeal is much more important and influence when choosing a type of product or service than impersonal treatment on TV or in newspapers.

The creation of a loyalty club is one of the main ultimate goals of the Direct Marketing. What is it? In fact, many companies are already trying to create these clubs, realizing the importance of establishing permanent personal contacts with their consumers (Procter & Gamble).

20% of regular customers bring 80% of the profits of any company are the indisputable rule know many, but, unfortunately, few know how to use it. But to attract the client is much easier than to hold it. Direct marketing is just engaged in the development and holding of "holding" activities according to the scheme: you know your client - your client knows you. With correctly and competent events for retention, potential customers, passing different stages ("potential customer", "client", "Permanent Client") become devoted supporters, the so-called "lawyers" of this brand. This is higher point The so-called "pyramid of loyalty". On this top, the client himself is already becoming a devotee of this brand, its advertising agent.

Methods Direct marketing work in almost all industries. Most actively use them insurance companies, travel business, airlines, banks, large industrial and trading corporations.

But no less productive direct promotion is also working in companies of medium and small businesses. It is enough to bring a small example:

If in the hairdresser (it does not matter, whether it is a respectable expensive beauty salon or a salon for people with sufficient average) to offer each visitor to fill in a special questionnaire containing the date of his birth and the birthdays of his loved ones, as well as the phones and the address for which you can with Customer contact, and then, on the eve of his birthday, congratulate and offer a discount on service as a gift, you can be sure that this client will not leave you. Moreover, he will tell all his friends, colleagues about what beautiful salon is serving, what kind of qualified and attentive staff there.

Thus, you not only receive a regular customer, but also attract new, not spending big money for advertising.

BTL and promotion stock.

The legend about the emergence of the term BTL (Below The Line - under the line) is as follows:

In about the middle of the last century, one of the leaders of some large company (argue that this is Procter & Gamble) compiled a estimate of the upcoming marketing costs. Including standard elements in it (advertising in the press, on television and radio, PR, development of new packaging, etc.), he calculated the costs, led the line, and suddenly remembered that he did not take into account the distribution of free samples of goods, the cost of organizing the city The holiday on which people will try its products produced by its company. Considering all the additional costs, it compiled a final estimate. So the term BTL appeared that below the feature or non-prior marketing.

The BTL-Services Industry has recently been developing in a huge pace. The complex "Below The Line" includes PR, Sales Promotion, special promotions.

Let's talk about promotion-shares, as about one of the directions of Sales Promotion, whose popularity has grown significantly recently, about their purposes and typical errors.

The entire process of preparing and conducting a promotion-action can be divided into several stages:

· Formulation of the problem

· Definition target audience (Ka)

· Calculation of the cost of the promotion-shares

· Drawing up a promotional-action plan

· Selection of promoters

· Training for promoters

· Order equipment, uniforms for promoters involved in promotion-shares and promotional materials

· Selection of reporting forms for the period of the Promotional Promotion

· Conduct promotion-shares

· Analysis of the results.

To begin with, it is necessary to find out what particular task is set in front of the planned promotion action. It may be the introduction of a new product to the market, increasing the awareness of the brand, stimulating sales, creating a positive image of the company and its trademarks, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to choose the form of a promotional-action based on the features of the goods that need to be advertised, it can be sembling (from the English sample - sample), tasting, drawing prizes, demonstration of goods, etc. For example, tasting tastings are very effective. When conducting promotion-shares of goods of the non-food group, depending on the type of products, it is possible to demonstrate the best properties, the qualities of goods, sample (distribution of free samples of products), drawing prizes, instant lottery, etc.

In order for money to be wasted, before the start of any advertising campaign, it is necessary to determine the CA, which is calculated by this product or service. This approach is used in preparation for the promotion-shares.

Depending on the specific Central Asia, spatial-temporal resource flows are determined for the promotion-shares. It can be supermarkets, night bars, summer sites, cinemas, pools, beaches, bowling, fitness clubs, etc. The most suitable time for the promotion-shares in supermarkets is the period from 16.00 to 20.00. It is at this time that the majority of people make evening shopping. The time of the promotion-shares in other places is determined depending on the day of the week, the location, the time of year and many other factors that are accounted for in each case. For example, when conducting promotion-shares for the promotion of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, there may be several space-time streams of the given Central Asia, namely, it may be not only supermarkets in the optimal attendant time, where the Central Asia may acquire this product, but also bars, Disco, restaurants, etc. I would like to note the promotion action, which was held by Coca-Cola in August-October of this year. The action was called "together in life." The venue of this promotion selected regulations. On the day of registration, newlyweds received the products of the company "Coca-Cola" as a gift. Naturally, each registration was accompanied by video filming. Now imagine how the company "Coca-Cola" in the eyes of its potential consumers has sociable, because memorable photos and video materials will be viewed more than once, both themselves, and their friends and friends themselves.

But it is not enough to choose the place and time, you need to choose also the style of behavior, the type of promoter. In other words, it is true to set ourselves to the target audience. Depending on your Central Asia, you can choose girls and young men in four directions:

· Classic

· Home

· Tinagers

If your Tsa is men, then, most likely, promoters will be girls with spectacular appearance. Although it is worth learn, and whether the purchases are performed in this place married couples. In this case, it should be focused on an interesting, attracting the attention of the outfit. Similarly, elegant, modest and tidy girls should work on promotion-shares directed to housewives, without causing irritation with long legs and "red" nails, and this is a huge number of different products.

We approached the most important thing in the preparation of a promotion, namely, this is a search and attraction of promoters, because it is these people that you have to entrust the image of your product and the money you will spend. Of course, you can gain personnel from the team of your company, which is quite effective, if we are talking about complex technical products when you need to give qualified information on product characteristics, but does it make sense if the promotion you are going to spend should pass In several places or for a long period of time. In addition, your employee can be a brilliant specialist, but be a bad promoter. Under the quality of personnel, it is necessary to understand the compliance of the promoter of your Central Asian, their appearance (attractiveness), their behavior, ability to respond to emerging freelance situations, unconfluousness.

One of the most effective promotion tools is a promoter smile. Unfortunately, very often we see in the stores the opposite: promoters are sad looking into the floor, thinking "would rather end it", so judge for yourself, what a invaluable resource loses the agency and their client in this situation. Here, the times of the Soviet Union are remembered: the engineer sleeps, the salary drips. The reason here lies sometimes in low wages, and most often due to a non-professional approach in the preparation of promuter.

As a rule, training should include several stages:

· Determining the properties of goods, innovations

· Segmentation of the consumer market (determination of basic consumers of this product: gender, age, demographic and social data, etc.)

· Role-playing games (in games form various types of buyers are simulated, freelance situations to verify the correctness of the information for each individual consumer group)

· Promoter duties (10 It is impossible for promoters: smoking, eat, chew a chewing gum, etc. during the work).

This form of preparation allows you to most effectively consolidate the information obtained and in the future, when carrying out a promotion-action to avoid unpleasant situations when, for example, to the question: "What is this product made from what is made?" Promoter really can not answer anything. Unprofessional training of promoters leads to a better case to an inefficient promotion, and at worst - to a decrease in sales. But, of course, the selection and preparation of the supervisor is of great importance in the process of conducting a promotion-action. There is an erroneous opinion that the duties of the supervisor include the timely delivery of the material at the promotional point and its mission ends. But is it? After all, with a proper control of the return from the event itself will be higher.

In addition to trainings, the selection of uniforms play a huge role in carrying out promotions. We often have those cases when the client whatever wants to save. Rather, even such a majority. In an understanding of the client, efficiency is associated more with money saving for stocks, rather than with real figures reflecting sales. Hence the absence of a bright, attracting the attention of the clothing of a promoter. The promoter is lost in the crowd. And in the end, it turns out an absolutely non-distinguished action, what a lot. Listen to the opinion of the consumer: "If I see a promotional group in the store, inspiring the trust looking beautifully and brightly, then I can approach this group and take part in the promotion ...". The person, due to its physiological features, perceives 90% of the information visually, and that is why it would be a mistake not to use vision, refusing the manufacture of an interesting and bright uniform for a promotion.

Remember the promotion-share, which was conducted by Coca-Cola in June of this year to introduce the new "Fanta Exotic" to the Kazakhstan market. Because The main objectives of this action were: familiarization of the consumer with the new taste of "Fanta", increasing the recognition of the trademark, as well as the creation of a positive image of this brand, tasting was chosen by the mechanism of this action. But not because of the mechanism of holding many Almaty men and guests of the capital remember this bright and unusual campaign, which was held not only in the largest supermarkets of our city, but also in water parks, in cinemas and parks, and because of the selected and the costumes made.

Wouldn't you pay attention to four huge and bright growth-fruit dolls: orange, lemon, pineapple and mango, who were tired of shops, communicated with children and adults, danced, and at the same time offered to try a new "Fanta" with exotically taste? Even if you did not pay attention to dolls, which is very unlikely, then your attention would have attracted two girls in exotic outfits of residents from Oceania's islands with no less exotic appearance. The resutate of this action was the fact that Fanta Exotic not only took root in our market, but also ranked a certain segment of the Kazakhstan market.

After completion of the work, it is necessary to analyze the results. This will require reporting forms that are developed with the customer before the start of the action, and in the future, will be filled during the promotion. You have the opportunity to receive any information you are interested in, ranging from a quantitative increase in sales of the trading point during a promotion and ending with the dynamics of shopping on the clock, days, weeks. To do this, it is necessary to determine in advance what information you need.
In conclusion, losing the line, I want to remember the data of the American trade organization POPAI, 80% of consumers make a purchase decision directly in the store. Buy what:

Know better (what they heard about more) and what trust

What now reminded

What to buy "more convenient"

Faster came to the eyes, more conveniently located

What advised and convinced to buy this is:



3. Forked

4. The favorite and forced to believe (check for free).


Sharing database management systems and telecommunication technologies opens up new opportunities to use marketing functions, such as: promotion of goods and telephone services, organization of service centers, full selection and processing of collected information in any field of activity, all this can be generalized by one - Telemarketing.

Telemarketing is:

1. Promotion of goods and services;

2. Identify the degree of readiness of the client to the expected sale (transaction);

3. Evaluation of the needs of the alleged client to offer;

4. Assessing the potential customer capabilities to offer;

5. Organization of meetings of your managers with buyers and responsible persons to conclude trade transactions;

6. Detection of buyers and / or decision makers (responsible persons);

7. Work with clients after a direct mail;

8. Funds collection programs for charitable goals;

9. Search for sponsors;

10. Distributor support programs;

11. Invitations to participation in events, seminars and conferences;

12. Collection and organization of the necessary information;

13. Sales stimulation programs;

14. High-quality / quantitative assessment of the alleged buyers and the choice of priority;

15. Implementation of a new product / market services;

16. Detection of new markets;

17. Competition research (as far as your product or service is competitive in the market);

18. Assessment of product / service satisfaction;

19. Positional assessment of the place of your business in the market;

20. Maintenance and development of customer contacts;

21. Programs of the periodic customer call;

22. Processing and reception of orders;

23. Restoration of connections with inactive customers.

Purpose of telemarketing

The main criteria for selecting the media, of which you can select exactly the mass media (given the factors that the most displays your specialization), which will most effectively distribute information both about your products or services and about you and your company.

1. Circulation of information.

2. Quick response.

3. The possibility of making changes.

4. The ability to achieve the audience at its location.

5. High audience involvement.

6. Geographical selectivity.

7. Demographic selectivity (age, floor, marital status, nationality, etc.)

8. Measured response.

9. The best possibility of checking demand and greater choice of opportunities.

10. perseverance.

11. Abundance of the place for your message.

12. Psychological selectivity.

13. Various features to answer.

14. Target selection of the audience.

Short time input and fast coagulation of information.


Circulation information

Rating newspapers and magazines for all indicators is low, because many of their readers do not pay attention to ads. The same applies to television and radio, because people are watching and listening to their choice.

Fast response

If you can wait a few days, try using radio or television. Television also provides a quick response, often for those of several minutes while advertising transfer is underway, but only after you have spent a lot of time and money on its production.

If you want to check the offer immediately and make sure the response within a few hours, use telemarketing.

The possibility of making changes

Due to the high cost of production, television gives less opportunities to make changes. Due to a long input time, logs are less flexible in this regard. At the same time, thanks to the brief period of input, newspapers and local radio also make it possible to make changes.

Telemarketing offers the greatest possible to make changes, as you can make changes within a few minutes.

The ability to achieve the audience at its location

If you want to get to your consumers when they are at home, use well by television. On the way from home to work to achieve them will help radio or advertising in the subway. Wanting to catch them at work, it is not bad to use newspapers and magazines. But it does not guarantee that they respond to your offer about anything.

Telemarketing provides you with all these opportunities to achieve the audience at work and at home (if you have the necessary databases).

High audience involvement.

Some long-lasting television show can also attract viewers to varying degrees to participate in them (with the help of surveys and the opportunity to participate in the show on the phone).

Telemarketing is an undoubted winner on this indicator, as it can easily engage the listener in the conversation.

Geographic selectivity

You will not throw money to the wind giving advertising for the whole circulation in the magazine that extends throughout Kazakhstan, if 80 percent of your target audience is, for example, only in Almaty?

Most often, direct marketing requires a choice of some individual regions, so telemarketing and direct mail is best suited for this.

Demographic selectivity (age, gender, marital status, nationality, etc.)

Some magazines and few radio, and tV shows Also ensure demographic selectivity.

Telemarketing, using demographic databases, is definitely the best from this point of view, because The desired target audience is achieved.

Measured response

The faster you can evaluate the response, the faster you can extend the offer to other markets or the means of information. But using standard advertising techniques, you risk just losing time.

The highest rating of this indicator from telemarketing, because you do not have to use the time to wait for any response suitable for the assessment, since you get it already in the first hours of the campaign.

Brief input and fast coagulation

Rating of magazines is lower, because the magazine cannot be made in a matter of hours. Newspapers and radio can make some competition telemarketing, primarily due to the short time input.

The more flexible temporary structure, the more often you can check the offer and the faster you can return your company if the situation requires it. To funds mass media With the most flexible temporary structure refers to telemarketing.

The best opportunity to verify the demand and greater choice of opportunities

The magazines practically do not allow this to do this due to the specifics of the periodicity. The broad-speaking agents of the information due to brevity of the time sold intervals and sometimes high costs give a smaller opportunity to check the proposals of several species.

Telemarketing provides tremendous demand checking. Significant and insignificant changes of the script will allow you to experience several species of the same offer at once.


Television advertising, previously considered persistent, however, now it is not, as the viewer can easily switch from the channel to the canal, so as not to score his head. When reading the magazine, a person can simply miss the announcement, and the radio advertisement is not so persistent because the audience is involved to a lesser extent.

Can people avoid receipt of information from you? If not, the means of information is considered persistent. Telemarketing is such because it is almost impossible not to respond to the phone if it is calling.

Abundance of places for your message

Most broadcasting media, with the exception of long television programs, offer very little space.

Telemarketing with an average speed of human speech 150 words per minute (and this is two thirds of the A4 format pages), provides you enough space.

Psychological selectivity

Most magazines adhere to a certain style, as well as various sections of newspapers (sports, news, business, art) are also intended for certain groups of the population. The growing number of specialized newspapers, magazines (for certain groups, about fashion, computers, business, etc.) also provides psychographic selectivity.

Telemarketing allows you to directly enter certain psychographic groups, that is, people with a certain style and lifestyle.

Various features reply

Broadcasting media do not give such an opportunity. In general, you can offer some one way to appeal to you. The problem arising from most broadcasting media, especially when broadcasting, is that the viewer never can go back to see the phone number again, which he was offered before he had a pencil. In such cases, the possibility of the response is almost equal to zero. Or, imagine how you travel in the car, and on the radio passes an important phone number, with such a scenario not far to the accident.

The more opportunities to answer people, the more good and faster they will make an order. If they can make an order by phone as when using telemarketing is wonderful. If they can send a request by fax or by e-mail - good too.

Target class selection

For example, television does not allow you to achieve such a degree of selectivity as telemarketing. Radio is also a low-selection of the media, however, unless you are trying to refer to certain psychographic groups using their addiction for music. External stands provide low selectivity and are rarely used for DM. Magazines allow to produce aimed selection of the audience and, perhaps, are the best means for DM after telemarketing and direct mail.

One of the main advantages of DM is the target selection of the audience. From all media telemarketing and straight postal sending allow you to best carry out the target selection of the audience.

If you need to get closer to the target audience to achieve efficiency from your campaign if you are concerned about the percentage of return from each transaction in recalculation to each embedded marketing dollar, and you want to save on advertising, then use telemarketing!

List or databases?

The concept is the database, now hearing. I would even say that there is a kind of fashion, talk about databases. But most often it turns out a list of customers and well, if in electronic form.

What is the difference between the client list from the database?

The answer is simple - as soon as your client list, except for their names and addresses, will add additional and interesting information for you, for your business, the list will begin to turn into a database.

These details, or speaking professional, language additional data fields, should describe your customers in the most detail, create a consumer portrait. The closer this portrait to the original, the more successful will be advanced, and sell your product / service. Because you will know who to sell and when to do it (at the right time in the right place and with the right people).

The list with addresses and phones can have any source and belong to anyone, but the database will only belong to you. It will contain information taking into account the characteristics and needs of your business and your customers.

Many spend decent money, not receiving enough return due to the fact that they are missing - it is impossible to buy a database for your business, you can only create it. It will be better for the matter if you become based on the fact that any alien database is just a list for you.

Where to take this information? Most often this information is in the company, only it is in the scattered form from various managers and on various sources. The main thing is to find it, assemble in a single whole, into a single format.

But do not lose time and money on obtaining information in general and place this information in your database. This information, even reliable and interesting, most often turns out to be completely useless. There is only one faithful way to "drag" the necessary people into your database: you get, buy a list of promising, in your opinion, the audience, naturally, structure it and enter into a computer (branch database). Then you begin to communicate with these clients until they strike out all whoever does not respond to your wonderful sentences. Those who remained - your potential capital.

Gordon Grossman said: "If your customers do not make you rich, then who is then? .."

If you are tormented by doubts about the need to create a database, try to answer a few questions:

Is your company, your business is not in an aggressive competitive environment?

Do not you think about regular communication with your customers to keep them? And how to keep the old client is not cheaper than to buy a new one?

So it turns out that the first place where the source listings should be forced to compile the database, these are your own "crust". Perhaps some sources are so obvious for you that you just stop noticing them.

Start with what is needed:

· To oblige everyone who contacts with clients, record their names and addresses - this is a telephonist, secretariat, marketers, complaints department and other employees.

· If you use retail sales, agents or dealers chain, then enter them into official duties same.

· Do you provide guarantees to customers? Secure their names and addresses.


Main part




In accordance with the curriculum, I passed a production practice in a limited liability partnership advertising agency "Asia Direct" from the ninth of June 2008. On the twelfth of July 2008

I was adopted for the passage of production practices in the staff of the partnership for the position of the manager.

Together with the head of practice, the work plan was drawn up directly in the partnership, which I successfully completed.

In the process of passage of production practice, I:

Got acquainted with the constituent document by the Charter approved by the founder of the company;

Got acquainted with the structure of the organization;

Got acquainted with the organization and the functions and responsibilities of the employees of the enterprise;

Got acquainted with the content of economic and organizational work;

Got acquainted with the features of working with databases;

Familiarization with telemarketing;

Got acquainted with the features of the work manager of the BTL department (see Appendix);

Participated in the conduct of homemade sampling of the dining water "Akvaphin";

Led, as a supervisor team of promoters;

The reporting statements on the promotion of home selection of dining water "Aquaphine";

Table accounting tabel.

Main part.

ASIA Direct agency is one of the first professional direct account of marketing agencies in Central Asia.

Is a member:

  • 1999 - Radm (Russian Association Direct Marketing)
  • 2000 - FedMA (Federation of European Associations Direct Marketing)
  • 2003 - Interdirect Network (International Network of Independent Directarkeling Agencies )

The company is organized in the form of a limited liability partnership on March 31, 1998. Full name of the enterprise - Limited Liability Partnership Advertising Agency "Asia Direct"

Advertising agency "Asia Direct" was established in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Limited Officers". The partnership is guided in its activities by the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a constituent agreement on the creation of a partnership and the company's charter.

The leadership of the current activities of the partnership is carried out by the sole executive body - the Director General.

Company's mission Promote the development and promotion of the business of its customers.

The company carries out its mission through the "Direct Marketing".

Direct Marketing - Continuous process of attracting new customers, meeting the needs of regular customers and development with them long-term relations, as well as strengthening a positive attitude to the company and an increase in sales.

Basic principles of work:

  • Professionalism
  • Individual approach to each client
  • Creative approach to solving problems of any complexity
  • Confidentiality
  • Ethical norms


  • Coca-Cola.
  • Procter & Gamble Kazakhstan
  • Samsung Electronics.
  • NET Style.
  • Nursat.
  • North Winds Kazakhstan.
  • Bankaturas
  • Kazkommertsbank
  • Texakabank.
  • Hamle
  • Styx & Leo Burnett
  • McCann- Erickson Kazakhstan.
  • Twiga.
  • Panda Promotion.
  • DM Club (Moscow)
  • Sonnexions (Moscow)

More information about the main aspects of the company's activities is described in the Appendix. In particular, you can familiarize yourself with the Direct Marketing, BTL (Below The Line under the line), promotion-shares, talemarketing and databases.

Permanent staff Companies are 37 people:


Deputy gene. director;

Marketing department - 6 people,

BTL department 4;

IT department 5;

Field Department 14;

Accounting 3;

Drivers 2;

Secretary 1.

But in some cases, for the full work of the agency of this number of people is missing, and the company resorts to temporary hiring Additional employees. This is mainly not a qualified work promoters, movers, operators for telemarketing. Hiring temporary workers is associated with one-time advertising actions And the lack of need to constantly keep the big staff.

Attracting temporary employees has a certain seasonality. In the summer, a large number of promotions are carried out, since it is possible to carry out shares on the streets, in parks, on recreation areas, etc. It is also easier to hire promoters that are mainly students of high schools and students who want to work during the summer holidays and agree to a low wage.

Structure of the cost of production of Asia Direct LLP, tho. TG:

Indicators2005g.2006g.2007S / n with charges2127322500 27250Materials1128015880 17550 Puts for loading, unloading230500 840Arpendes of rooms55305530 5530 Communal payments647640 700Mortation of the main production. Funds43004950 5100Prochi costs16501700 2350 litows: 49305 51700 59320

Conducting the analysis of this table, it should be noted that the greatest share in the cost structure has wages with accruals of 43-45%, the costs of materials are 22 30%. It is associated with a feature of an advertising business that is not energy-intensive, material consumption, etc. And on the forefront in the cost structure of the cost of workers to 70% (in some cases) comes out.

The main indicators of the financial and economic activities of Asia Direct LLP for 2005-2007, thousand TG.

Indicators2005 g.2007g7Product revenue 721207820098500 The cost of services rendered49305 5170059320 sales from sales of products228152650039180Nelog on profits456353007836chny profit182522120031344

Production efficiency is the number of key categories of a market economy, which is directly related to the achievement of the ultimate goal of the development of social production as a whole and each enterprise separately.

Profit occupies an important place in the economic system. It is profit that ensures the economic sustainability of the firm and its financial independence.

Profitability there is a relative indicator that has a property of comparability can be used when comparing the activities of different enterprises. Profitability characterizes the degree of profitability, profitability, profitability.

The profitability of the implementation (turnover, sales) is determined by the ratio of the value of the annual balance sheet profit of the enterprise to the magnitude of the annual revenue from the sale of products expressed as a percentage:

PB is the magnitude of the annual balance sheet profit of the enterprise (TG / year.);

In the annual revenue from the sale of products (TG / year);

2005 Rapalezh (turn) \u003d 22815/72120 * 100% \u003d 31.7%

2006 Rapale (turn) \u003d 26500/78200 * 100% \u003d 33.9%

2007 Rapalezh (turn) \u003d 39180/98500 * 100% \u003d 39.8%

This indicator characterizes the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activities: how many profits have an enterprise with 1 tenge sales, work performed, services rendered.

From these calculations you can see. That the level of profitability is growing every year, as well as net income increases.

In the structure of profits, the largest fraction of 45% has direct-mail, i.e. sending individual mailing;

promotional promotions 35%;


The passage of production practices is an important element of the educational process on the training of a specialist in the field of economics.

During its passage, the future economist applies knowledge gained in the process of learning, skills and skills in practice.

The main tasks of production practices are:

Getting practical experience.

Improving the quality of vocational training.

Education of a specialist in the spirit of respect for the law.

Fastening the knowledge gained on general and special economic disciplines.


About Direct Marketing

In the last quarter of a century, Direct marketing is firmly among the most promising and efficient ways of commodity. Therefore, specialized agencies, which use the maximum efficiency and selectivity of direct marketing, began to appear on the Kazakhstan market.

Unfortunately, the modern Kazakhstan entrepreneur is still very difficult to distinguish traditional advertising from direct marketing due to its small experience in our market, although it was created as a new product of commodity back in 1917. One of his founders was American Bob Stone. It was he who formulated 30 "infinitely direct marketing principles.

So what's wrong

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

Higher professional education

"Don State Technical University"

Department "History and Cultureology"

Head Department

history and cultural studies

N.V. Shishov



at managerial practice

Head Offer from DGTU:

enterprises (RA): Ph.D., Assoc. Support A.S.


_______________________ ______________________

"___" ______________ 20___ «___» ___________ 20___

Amounted to (a) report:

student (ka) GRM-41 groups



"___" ____________ 20___

rostov-on-Don 2011

I was accepted for practicing the staff of Art-El employees on June 27, 2011 to July 23, 2011, to the position of Manager.

In the process of working practice, I: - got acquainted with the constituent document - the charter approved by the founder of the company; - got acquainted with the structure of the organization; - knowing with the organization and the functions and responsibilities of employees of the enterprise; - got acquainted with the content of economic and organizational work;

I got acquainted with their educational and vocational training and experience in the advertising sector.

I got acquainted with the features of the work of the project managers, on customer service, personnel. - participated in the tasting of the drink "Pokrovsky Limonads" in the supermarkets of Rostov-on-Don - led, as a supervisor team of promoters; - in the organization of shares and was engaged in preparing promotional staff for the furniture salon "Lazurit". - Customer database has survived customer call. - was the reporting statements on promotions.

IP Solovyov or advertising agency "Art El" exists in the market advertising services Since 2007. I began to operate as agency specializing in promotions. At the moment, continues its activities in the field of BTL - services, expanding the specifics of its activities and now it is the BTL agency of the full cycle. The agency has established close partnerships with many media, radio stations and transport companies. Thanks to the high professionalism of the agency staff, you get a comprehensive solution made by the team of professionals who have extensive experience in developing and supporting various projects, carrying out promotions, promotional activities, which can significantly reduce the cost of implementing and maintaining complex marketing tasks.

Mission : We are ready to offer the most non-standard approaches to solving the tasks you have. We will most effectively use our skills and resources to create bright promotional images for you - our customers. With the help of an advertising agency "Art El" surrounding learning about you more. We convince them to give preference to your services and your products!

Common goals: Conquest of leading positions among Rostov-on-Don advertising agencies specializing in the promotion. Become one of the most sought-after agencies specializing in BTL-services. The desire to continually increase profits from more orders.

Special goals:1) Attracting more customers in 2012 by 15% by improving its services and active advertising policies.

2) to achieve profitability of about 40% for the next year and the preservation of this trend by attracting more customers.

Strategy:"Art-El" chooses a growth strategy, because it is inherent, first of all, to young organizations, regardless of the scope of activity seeking as soon as possible Take a leading position. This strategy ensures the increase in the competitive advantages of the company and its divisions due to the active implementation of markets, diversification on the burden production activities, Implementation of permanent innovations. These are primarily new types of shares, new types of services, new markets.

"Art El" At the moment, performs the following activities: Salespromotion.

· Tasting

· Cross-promo

· Lifletting.

· Purchase gift

· Promotional consultant

· Raffle prizes

· Sampleling

· Themed Event

· Provisions Center

· Questioning


· Audit shopping points

· Merchandising

· Mystery shopper


· Corporate events

· Presentations, VIP receivers

· Mass community events

Tasting keeper is a very efficient and affordable marketing reception. Here, the famous principle is important: "It is better to see once than hear than a hundred times." And today it can be rephrased: it is better to try once. After all, the path to the heart and wallet of the buyer lies through his stomach! If you are confident as your product and in what he will like your potential buyers - Belly offer them to try a novelty! This method acts trouble-free - after all, each person is always looking for something new, interesting, unusual. And tasting new products - What is needed in this case.
Cross-promotional sales-Promotion - promotion of your product together with the product of another non-competitive manufacturer.
The method is used to establish in the consciousness of the consumer of the associative communication between the two products of various purposes, a kind of "relativeness" on any sign.
LiflettingDistribution of leaflets promoters from hand to hand is the most prompt and inexpensive way to convey to a potential consumer information about your company, as well as the advantages of the proposed goods and services.
A gift for the purchaseboard loves to receive gifts? Everything! This is the answer to the question of how effective the shares involving a "purchase gift". If the bonus is a useful and worthwhile thing - the action efficiency will definitely be high. You can find an interesting course for any product, in this sense, the action "Gift for the purchase" is universal and always effective. They stimulate people to buy more of your goods, consume more products, and quickly increase your sales.
Promo-consultant-consulting is an event, which is based on direct work with the consumer, aimed at solving the client's problem, where the main means of exposure is a certainly built conversation.
Raffle of prizes of prizes - ZTO type of promotion, in which focus on entertainment and the possibility of getting a light gain.
Promotions aimed at the active consumer involvement in the TM promotion process in order to create additional interest, the formation of the image of TM.
SamplingSample or distribution of free product samples - an effective action to promote a new product to the market, dating buyers with an updated product line, stimulating sales and improving the image of the brand. Offering buyers to try the goods, you can quickly convince people as your products and conquer them as constant consumers.
Thematic event events are projects that work for strengthening corporate culture and the formation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of the public.
Center for issuing a prime common mechanics for consumer participation in promotion "Center for issuing prizes" - "Cut, Gather, Bring and Exchange." The advantages of this type of promotional shares are adapted to any event, theme, product, good compatibility with other types of promotions, the possibility of attracting consumer interest due to the most valuable and small prizes. One of the disadvantages of the "Provisions Center" is a high dependence of the number of participants in the promotion of the perception of the trademark from the utility, the value of prizes, creativity and technical execution.
Questioning or survey is carried out in order to clarify a number of marketing issues, identifying the target audience or any other points of interest to the customer. These promotions are carried out with the help of special questionnaire questionnaires compiled by marketing companies or our experts. Venues - Street, shopping centers, Exhibitions.

Introduction 3.

1. Organizational and economic characteristics of LLC "4

1.1. general characteristics LLC "" 4

1.2. Organizational structure 6.

1.3. Strategy and Mission 8

1.4. SWOT analysis 10

2. Functional responsibilities 17

3. Individual task in the specialty 19

4. Research work 23

Conclusion 28.

List of references 30

Applications 32.


One of the most important conditions for the formation of sustainable bonds between producers and consumers in a market economy is the successful functioning of advertising business. Over the past decade, the Russian economy has been observed a rapid growth of the advertising market, which is actively affecting the development of market relations in the country. This process is accompanied by the formation of a large domestic advertising business that is incorporated gradually into the activities of the global advertising market. Although Russia has rich development traditions advertising activities, Currently, a lot has to start again. This is due to the fact that in the era of socialism advertising performed the functions differ from the conditions of the market economy. In the absence of competition, its exceptional task was the dissemination of information on products produced by state-owned enterprises focused on receiving profit, but to minimize prices for their products. Advertising and news agencies themselves were fully funded from the budget and were not aimed at making their profits and the growth of sales of their products. In the era of market relations, they switched to most Russian enterprises to their own funds. Here, their main task, like all other enterprises, becomes the cost of its products and the growth of its sales to maximize profits.

Industrial practice was passed by me in the advertising agency LLC "" in the position of a PR specialist.

1. Organizational and economic characteristics of LLC ""

1.1. General characteristics of LLC ""

Limited Liability Company "" was established in 1998. Society is guided in its activities by the Civil Code Russian Federation, Federal law "On Limited Liability Societies", as well as a constituent agreement on the establishment of society and the Charter.

The main activities are:

1. Design - development of logos, corporate identity, design of input groups.

2. Manufacturing - volume letters, light boxes, appliqué, photo printing, engraving - milling, silk-screen printing.

3. Installation - installation of any complexity from a simple plate, to the roof installations (own assembly brigades).

4. Registration - receiving permits for the installation of outdoor advertising funds, prolongation of passports, assistance in solving complex coordination issues, professional advice.

5. Maintenance is a small repair, replacement of lighting elements, the wash is spring and autumn, the installation of timers and twilight relays, replacing the electrical wiring.

6. Project documentation - Production of drawings, load calculations, specifications, electric projects, Mosexpertization services.

Today LLC "" is a strong and competitive market player to develop full-scale PR programs. ............

1.2. Organizational structure

As an advertising agency, LLC "" is a full-cycle agency, i.e. Implements the entire complex of work related to the preparation and holding of an advertising company, as well as the assessment of its results, which implies the specific organizational structure of the company.

The organizational structure of LLC "" is presented in Fig. one.

1.3. Strategy and Mission

LLC "" is a client agency that creates effective marketing communications between brands and their consumers.

Development Strategy LLC "": Creating a professional team, the best in the advertising market of the Moscow region, able to develop the resulting advertising campaigns, to produce all necessary materials and manage complex advertising projects in the interests of our customers.

Mission LLC "":

- "We work for our customers": LLC "" sincerene believes that customers need one advertising that is useful to consumers. Therefore, the meaning of the activities of the Republic of Armenia sees to provide customers only quality services. The task of RA LLC "is not to create abstract advertising, but to increase customer sales. Ra works so that each client is confident that by choosing LLC ", he chose the best.

Last year, according to experts, more than 300 advertising structures worked in Moscow. The advertising services market has grown by 24% compared with 2006. While the saturated segment of outdoor advertising showed a lower growth percentage - approximately 16%.

A pronounced seasonality in the dynamics of sales LLC "" is not observed, however, in the summer period, the turnover rises by 30-40%.

Table 1

External capabilities and threats of LLC ""

Lists of weak I. strong Parties Organizations, as well as external capabilities and threats are used to build a SWOT matrix (see Table 2).

table 2

SWOT matrix LLC ""

    Elimination of significant cyclic (seasonal) fluctuations in the volume of services rendered.

So, the key factors of the success of LLC "" are:

2. Functional duties

During the passage of practice in LLC "" I performed the responsibilities of a PR specialist.

Work with internal and external PR;

Strategic planning of PR programs and strategies;

Analysis of the effectiveness of PR strategies;

Organization of presentations and other public events;

Analysis of the cost part for PR-shares, programs, embodiment of strategies;

Work with pubicati;

Work with investors and creditors;

Maintaining and adjusting the image of the company.

PR is the management of the company's communicative processes in public relations in order to achieve mutual understanding and confidence.

I worked in the following directions PR:

Internal PR - management of relationships within the company;

Creating a favorable company / product / brand image;

Anti-crisis management;

Creation of favorable relationships with customers (consumers);

Work to maintain confidence between the company and its investors;

Work with the media;

Work with the government agencies and public organizations;

Presentations, various public events.

It should also be noted that during the practice I have acquired rich skills and knowledge:

Communicability, competent speech, stress resistance;

Knowledge and ownership of sales techniques;

Customer focus is an understanding of the needs of the client and the construction of an ideal decision on the available basis;

Competent building relationship with the client;

Customer Development and Retention Skills;

Experience permission of conflict situations;

Experience active search customers;

Experience in writing commercial proposals;

Confident user package MS Office, preferably knowledge of PowerPoint.

3. Individual task in the specialty

Project Scale: Regional.

Marketing goal:

1. To withdraw new trademark In the segment of alcoholic beverages (vodka) category Low-Premium.

2. To achieve the perception of the brand by consumers as a famous "classic" brand characterized by an original design, innovative, but at the same time emotional packaging and consistently high quality products.

3. To achieve for six months after the start of the advertising campaign and sales of brand's knowledge among the target audience at 25-30%, advertising knowledge is at the level of 50%.

4. Research work

Various sides of production, sales, equipped and financial activities Enterprises receive completed monetary assessment in the system of financial results. The most important indicators of the financial performance of the company are presented in Table. five.

Table 5.

Efficiency performance indicators financial resources and economic growth LLC ""


The main purpose of creating LLC "" is implementing commercial activities To extract profits.

The company's goal is the desire for professional and technical excellence of the services offered, as well as the incarnation of the most bold wishes of customers.

RA LLC "- a dynamically developing company that implements a wide variety of projects using the whole range of opportunities for modern information technologies. Thanks to the high professionalism of the company's employees, today RA LLC "" is one of the leading Russian advertising agencies.

The main activities of RA LLC "":

Creation of websites, their technical, information and advertising support;

PR companies and the creation of an image;

Multi-year successful experience Works of employees of RA LLC ", as well as strictly following the internal corporate quality standards, allows us to develop and implement the most effective solutions that meet the tasks and requirements of a particular business.

Using the services of RA Oooh, "you can get a comprehensive solution made by a team of professionals with extensive experience in developing and supporting various projects, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of implementation and maintenance of complex marketing problems.

During the existence of the agency, he has formed a stable organizational structurecorresponding to linear functional type. Currently, the agency is almost 50 people, which, together with an assessment of the scale of the agency and the effectiveness of its business processes, allows us to conclude that the Agency has entered the stage of maturity in accordance with the concept of the life cycle of the Organization.

The staff of the staff consists of professionals who have received good practices and having tremendous experience in the advertising business. The own production base, machine tools, equipment and special transport allow you to qualitatively and quickly solve any issues of manufacturing and installing both simple and very complex advertising structures. Reasonable pricing policy, high quality allow you to successfully compete with large and medium-sized advertising companies.

List of used literature

    Kostina A.V., Makarevich E.F., Karpukhin O.I. Basics of advertising. - M.: Knourus, 2006.

    Pankratov F.G., Bazhenov Yu.K., Shahurin V.G. Advertising Basics: Tutorial. - 8th ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation Dashkov and K, 2007. - 526c.