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What are the deadlines for the certification of jobs. The procedure for holding job certification under the working conditions is the Russian newspaper. The frequency of the special evaluation of jobs

The most important specific direction in the prevention of industrial injuries and professional morbidity is certification of workplaces under working conditions, This Russian version of the classic analysis, assessment and risk management at workplaces.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation determines the certification of workplaces under working conditions as an assessment of working conditions in the workplace in order to identify harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and implementing measures to carry out working conditions in line with state regulatory requirements of labor protection.

Certification of workplaces under labor conditions allows you to identify and objectively assess dangerous and harmful production factors in the workplaces.

Certification of jobs, in turn, subject to the establishment of the procedure and norms of the free issuance of these protective equipment, will allow employers to more fully provide their employees with means of protection depending on working conditions at each workplace and thereby contribute to a significant improvement in workers' work.

The procedure for certification of jobs

In accordance with Article 212 Labor Code RF Employer is obliged to ensure certification of jobs under working conditions.
The certification of jobs under labor conditions is carried out in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body, which performs functions to develop public policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of labor.

Certification of workplaces makes it possible to objectively evaluate each workplace from a number of key items:

  • on individual factors of the production environment;
  • on the tensions and severity of the labor process;
  • on the injury security of the workplace;
  • for employee security by means of individual protection.

The actual outcome of the certification is knowledge of the situation on working conditions and their dangers, formal - filled certification cards. It is the cards of certification of jobs that are the basis of all subsequent actions, and all preventive work on the prevention of industrial injuries and professional morbidity depends on the correctness of their filling.

Main options for holding job certification under labor conditions

According to the first option The fulfillment of the entire complex of work is carried out by the fully forces of the institution itself.

The practice of conducting job certification convincingly shows that only individual institutions with the average number of working people can successfully cope with this work.

According to the second option The fulfillment of the entire complex of work is fully ("turnkey") is conducted by a third-party organization (having permission to carry out this type of work.

According to the third, most optimal, option,the implementation of the entire complex of work is carried out mainly by the forces of the institution itself together and under the methodological guidance of specialists of a third-party specialized organization (having permission to carry out this type of work, as a rule, regional health care centers). At the same time, a third-party organization provides qualifying assistance in the implementation of measurements and training for conducting individual elements of the certification of jobs in the field by the establishment of the institution.

The main regulatory document on the organization and certification of jobs under labor conditions is " Regulations on the procedure for conducting job certification under labor conditions "(next ), approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social Development Russian Federation On March 14, 1997 No. 12 (enacted from July 1, 1997). On September 1, 2008, a new "procedure for the certification of jobs under working conditions", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of August 31, 2007 No. 569.

Deadlines for certification:

set at least once every 5 years from the moment of the last measurements;

mandatory re-certification are subject to jobs after replacing the equipment used, change technological process, reconstruction of collective protection tools, etc., as well as at the request of organs State expertise working conditions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in case of detection of violations during certification of jobs under labor conditions;
The results of iterates are made in the form of an application according to the appropriate positions to the certification map of the workplace under working conditions. It should be remembered that the certification of jobs under working conditions is long-term, actually constant, the work of any institution!

Stages of certification

1. Preparatory stage;
2. The main stage (actually attestation of jobs);
3. Final stage;
4. Evaluation and use of the results obtained;
5. Preparation of a facility to certify labor protection work.
We will now analyze the maintenance of works at various stages of their execution.
At the preparatory stage the following events are carried out.

1.1. The head of the institution or on his instructions, one of the employees - the future chairman of the attestation commission forms the composition of the attestation commission.
For the certification of jobs in small organizations, it is recommended to create a certification commission as part of: head of the institution or his deputy - Chairman of the Commission, a labor protection specialist, a mechanic, specialist of personnel service, a specialist of the labor department and wages, energy, technologist, chairman of the trade union committee et al. Each institution independently determines the composition of the attestation commission.
In institutions with greater numbers, as a rule, a central attestation commission and commission in the divisions are created.
The composition of the commissions is approved by the order by establishment. Possible an option for certification by divisions.

1.2. It is advisable to begin certification of jobs under working conditions with the training of members of the Attestation Commission, by contacting regional labor protection centers or others. training centers, preferably under the management bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, having permits For conducting educational activities and sufficient experience in the procedure for holding job certification under labor conditions.
For this, the Chairman of the Commission should organize the provision of methodological assistance by inviting the Regional Labor Condition Center and holding two or three day studies (educational seminar) with members of the Commissions. This is the following sequence of actions.

1.3. The head of the institution is published an order for job certification, indicating its deadlines.

1.4. The attestation commission is developing a schedule of institution and certification of jobs under labor conditions, in which it is necessary to distribute events and stages of certification, indicate deadlines and responsible performers.
It is advisable to certify jobs first in the main divisions, and then in the auxiliary. This will avoid measuring the repetitive factors in the same place for various categories of workers. For example, the results of measurement of factors at the workplace of the main production can be taken as a basis for subsidiary services of the relevant jobs (repairmen, managers, managers, etc.) when concretizing the exposure time and only if necessary, you can additionally measure the missing factors.

1.5. Since all the dangerous and harmful production factors (physical, chemical, biological), the severity and tension (physical, chemical, biological), the severity and tension of labor, the attestation commission forms lists of jobs to be certified, are subject to evaluation, indicating harmful factors for instrumental measurements, .
To compile a list of jobs to be certified, it is recommended to use the staffing schedule, the "all-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employees and tariff divisions" OK 016-94.
When drawing up a list, the attestation commission comes from:
characteristics of the technological process;
equipment composition;
used raw materials and materials;
similar data for previously conducted measurements of levels of dangerous and harmful production factors, gravity and labor intensity;
Complaints of employees for working conditions.
In institutions where technological regulations are available, the characteristic of the technological process can be obtained from this document. There also also provides detailed data on harmful production factors, the appearance of which is due to the technological process, as well as their main sources.
The main factors subject to mandatory estimate are: the strength of the employment process, the severity of the labor process. It does not require any special money. Specialists of the institution - members of attestation commissions according to the methods and proposed samples of the completed gravity assessment protocols and the labor process tension protocols are also required.
Mustly measured factors include the parameters of the microclimate and illumination at workplaces, electromagnetic radiation levels (on workplaces with computers).
The whole combination of harmful and dangerous production factors in the workplace is formed due to the presence of raw materials and materials (or semi-finished products), as well as processing products that have harmful properties for humans with which the employee contacts. To this should be added to the harmful factors arising directly from functioning technological equipment (Heating, cooling, noise and vibration from the operation of equipment, ventilation and air cleaning systems, manual and mechanized tools, etc.).
The discussed list of jobs indicating harmful factors is approved by the Chairman of the Attestation Commission.

1.6. The attestation commission is a list of regulatory documents, which will be needed to evaluate the injuries factor, the provision of employees with personal protective equipment.

For the purposes of traumatically safety jobs, it is recommended to use two types of protocols: one is intended for systematic receipt Information on learning labor protection workers, as well as to verify knowledge of electrical safety, etc., the other - to enhance all the equipment, tools and devices for all jobs included in the list of jobs. Similar protocols should be filled with PPE, the severity and tensions of labor, etc.

To evaluate jobs for the severity and strength of the labor process, as well as the exposure time of harmful factors, it is recommended for each workplace to compile a timing of working time (a photograph of the working day). Protocols for the preliminary survey of jobs largely streamline the work of direct performers.

In order to simplify the tasks set by direct performers, it is recommended to prepare samples of completed certification protocols for some similar jobs.

After organizing such a job and fill in the prior survey protocols, photographs of the working day, a list of regulatory and legal documents is drawn up. If he was drawn up in advance, then any changes and additions are made to it.

Functions of the Attestation Commission:

  • the implementation of the methodological guidelines and control over the certification of jobs under working conditions at all its stages in all divisions;
  • the formation of the entire necessary regulatory database for the certification of jobs and the organization of its study by the participants of the attestation process;
  • drawing up a complete list of workplaces of the institution with the allocation of similar works and working conditions similar by the nature of the work and working conditions;
  • identification based on the causes of industrial injuries in the establishment of the most traumatic sites, works and equipment;
  • the compilation of a list of hazardous and harmful factors of the production environment, indicators of gravity and the intensity of the labor process to be estimated at each workplace, based on the characteristics of the technological process, the composition of the equipment used by raw materials and materials, the data of the previously carried out measurements of the indicators of hazardous and harmful production factors, gravity and labor intensity, complaints of workers on working conditions;
  • assigning codes by production, workshops, sites, workplaces for the automated processing of the results of certification of workplaces under labor conditions;
  • certification of specific jobs and decision making further use work places;
  • development of proposals for improving and improving working conditions;
  • preparation of an institution for certification of labor protection work.

In relatively large institutions, with a number of 500 people and more, are created, as a rule, the Commission in the structural divisions.

If the Chairperson of the Central Commission and its deputies is responsible for the organization and management of all work on the procedure for holding job certification, including responsibilities for compliance with certification charts and the quality of certification materials, the chairmen of the Commissions in the structural divisions are responsible:

  • for organizing and fulfilling work on certification of jobs (collection of source data, the implementation of instrumental measurements of harmful and dangerous factors, filling the cards of certification, etc.);
  • for registration of a consolidated statement in a structural unit for the development of measures to improve the working conditions of workers, for holding meetings of the attestation commission;
  • for providing materials certification of jobs in the Central Attestation Commission.

Determination of the actual values \u200b\u200bof dangerous and harmful production factors at workplaces

In case of certification of the workplace under the conditions of labor, all the dangerous and harmful production factors (physical, chemical, biological), the severity and tensions of labor are subject to evaluation.

This assessment is made in accordance with hygienic criteria defined in the "Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the employment process. Criteria and classification of working conditions "(Guidelines 2.2.2006-05) introduced from November 1, 2005.
We note that in this manual there is a replacement of generally accepted and official (under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) the terms "production environment", "a dangerous production factor", "harmful production factor" new, and, in our opinion, not quite successful, the terms "worker Wednesday, "harmful factor", "harmful factor of the working environment", "Dangerous factor of the working environment", almost without changing their meaning and content of the concept, which can cause a well-known complexity and confusion when issuing official labor protection documents in practice and what we We can not not pay attention to our listeners.

When measuring, it is necessary to use the measurement tools specified in the regulatory documents. The measurement tools used should be metrologically certified and are attacked by state verification authorities on time.

Instrumental measurements of production factors are issued by protocols.

The form of protocols is established regulatory documentsdefining the procedure for measuring the levels of indicators of one or another factor.

Protocols must contain the following data:

  • the name and code of the division of the workplace institution;
  • date of measurement;
  • the name of a third-party organization (or its division) attracted to the measurement;
  • the name of the measured production factor;
  • measurement Means (Name of the instrument, tool, calibration date and verification certificate number);
  • the measurement method with an indication of the regulatory document, on the basis of which the measurement is carried out;
  • measurement venue, sketch of the room with a measurement point on it (sample sampling);
  • the actual value of the measured parameter;
  • position, surname, initials and signatures of the employee who carried out the measurement and representative of the administration of the object on which measurements were carried out;
  • signature of responsible person, printing third-party organization (or stamp of its division) attracted to the measurement.

Similar information is indicated when making protocols for determining the severity and strength of the labor process. Considering that the assessment of the severity and strength of the employment process is carried out by the organization independently, the methods of assessing the severity and strength of the labor process are given below, as well as recommendations for measuring and evaluating the factors of the production environment by the methods of laboratory and instrumental research.

Evaluation of trauma safety jobs

The main objects for assessing the injuries security of jobs are:

  1. production equipment;
  2. fixtures and tools;
  3. security tools for learning and briefing.

Evaluation of production equipment, fixtures and tools are made on the basis of regulatory legal acts that extend to them on labor protection (state and industry standards, labor protection rules, typical instructions on labor protection, etc.).

Methodical base D.to conduct certification of jobs on the injury factor is " Methodical instructions According to the interaction of workplaces for the purposes of their certification for labor conditions. MU from PM 02-99. "

Before assessing the training of workplaces, the availability, the correctness of the maintenance and compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of labor safety is checked.

Evaluation Evaluation is carried out by checking the compliance of production equipment, fixtures and tools, as well as training and instructional tools to the requirements of regulatory legal acts. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the availability of safety certificates for the established sample on production equipment.

In cases where production equipment and adaptations at workplaces are manufactured before entering into force regulatory legal acts that extend to them or when these documents are not developed and not approved in the prescribed manner, the assessment of the safety of production equipment and devices is carried out for compliance with the requirements set forth in national regulatory legal acts providing safe working conditions on workplaces, including:

  • the presence of means of protecting employees from the effects of moving parts of equipment that are a source of danger;
  • the device of fencing cables and other elements whose damage may cause danger;
  • availability and compliance with the regulatory requirements of the signal color and safety signs;
  • ensuring the functioning of protective equipment during the action of a corresponding dangerous or harmful production factor;
  • eliminating the occurrence of dangerous situations with full or partial termination of energy supply and subsequent recovery, as well as damage to the power supply control circuit;
  • protection of electrical equipment, electrical wiring (including grounding) from mechanical influences, rodents and insects, solvent penetration, performing wire connections and cables in connecting boxes, inside the housings of electrical products, devices, machines;
  • conformity of the size of the passages and travel by regulatory requirements; the corresponding location and execution of controls (including emergency stops) for vehicle;
  • equipment of vehicles by means of protection and safety signs;
  • availability of labor protection instructions and compliance with their regulatory documents;
  • availability and compliance with the regulatory requirements of manual tools and fixtures.

Evaluation of the trauma safety of the workplace is issued by the protocol.

When choosing regulatory and legal documents, which are required to assess injuries, should be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2000 No. 399 "On regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection". According to this document, when evaluating equipment injuries, equipment, fixtures and tools are recommended to use first of all Documents located at the top of the table - inter-sectoral rules for labor protection. If there are no corresponding inter-sectoral rules for this equipment, it is used by industry rules for labor protection, etc. In the absence of approved regulatory legal acts on labor protection of direct action or their insufficient quality, national rules and standards for labor protection should be applied: GOST 12.2.003-91 "Production equipment. General requirements security "; GOST R 12.4.026-2001 "Colors of signal, safety signs, signal markup. Appointment and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods "; GOST 12.0.004-90 "Organization of labor safety training. General provisions"Also, several NAPs from the list should be used in the trauma assessment protocol, since often not all features of production equipment can be assessed with one document. A similar situation occurs when evaluating devices and instruments, instruments of briefing and learning on labor protection.

In the trauma protocacy, it should not fully rewrite all sections of the regulatory documents that are used in assessing, it is only necessary to reflect the most important points and inconsistencies in the working conditions at this workplace (on the injury factor) from the point of view of regulatory and legal documents. The "Regulatory Security Requirements for Workstation" section of the Integrafacy Evaluation Protocol fit, as noted above, the most important points from the point of view of the appraiser.

In the "Compliance of the NPA" section, it is written either "corresponds" or "does not correspond."

In the section "Necessary Events and Recommendations" provide possible technical and organizational decisions aimed at correcting the discrepancies identified. Recommendations and activities of this section must be specific and fulfilled.
In the approved interim security assessment protocol, unfortunately, there is no section "Safety Requirements to Production Premises". Nevertheless, sometimes there is a situation that the equipment meets the requirements of regulatory documentation, but is located in premises that do not meet the requirements, or the placement of the equipment does not comply with the requirements of the regulatory documentation. Evaluation of external in relation to the equipment of the working space and reflecting these conditions in interim security assessment protocols is required. For example, special requirements for the placement of production equipment; Passages between equipment; floor covering, wall cladding; Number of emergency exits, etc. As a rule, this is reflected in the "Safety Requirements for Equipment" section.

Such important moments as availability necessary instructions, registering journals, the availability of protocols, certificates of testing knowledge, passports and instructions for the operation of the equipment and other necessary in the practical, daily work of documents, the methodology refers to the preparatory stage when conducting a workplace on the trauma factor. However, as experience shows the certification work, the specified information must be made in the Protocols for Evaluating the Instrumentation Safety of the Workplace.

Information on the timeliness of training, teaching on labor protection is recommended to contribute to the section "Requirements for the means of briefing and learning on labor protection".

Recommendations for assessing the workplace on the trauma factor:

1) Correct the list of equipment, fixtures and tools. This task may be assigned to the mechanic department or technological bureau. It should be coordinated to agree on the list of equipment, fixtures and tools assigned to the workplace with responsible technical services;
2) before filling out the protocol, analyzing injuries in the enterprise for previous years (at least 5 years);
3) Select regulatory documents and draw up a list of requirements, for compliance with which the workplace will be assessed on the trauma factor. It is impossible to use regulatory legal acts that are canceled (rules, GOST, etc.);
4) to assess the factor of injuries to the definition of a hazard class (optimal, permissible or dangerous);
5) put the hazard class in the string 61 card certification card;
6) According to the results of the assessment, develop a plan of activities that ensure trauma security of jobs.

The final assessment of the working place (on the factor of injuries) of each workplace should be attributed to one of the following classes:

optimal (class 1) - equipment and tools fully comply with standards and rules (regulatory legal acts). The required remedies are installed and the required tool; Tools of briefing and learning are compiled in accordance with the requirements, the equipment is properly;

permissible (Class 2) - damaged and defective means of protection that do not reduce their protective functions (partial contamination of the signal color, weakening of individual fasteners, etc.);

dangerous (class 3) - Damaged, faulty, or missing equipment provided by the design of the equipment and transmissions (fences, locking, signaling devices, etc.), is defective tool. There are no instructions for labor protection, or the existing instructions are drawn up without taking into account the relevant requirements, the conditions for their revision are violated. There are no learning tools for labor safety (rules, training and control programs, tutorials etc.), or the available means are drafted poorly and violated the conditions for their revision.

Upon classification of the workplace on the injuries factor to class 3, working conditions are dangerous, such a workplace is considered conditionally certified.

Evaluation of SIZ workers' assessment is carried out through the comparison of the actually issued SIZ with the standard sectoral provisions of the free issuance of work and employees of special shoes and other personal protective equipment, other regulatory documents (GOST, TU, etc.), as well as taking into account the specifics and types of work performed.

SIZ effectiveness is estimated:

  • availability of certificates of conformity;
  • observance of the socks;
  • corrected list of PPE.

The work of a specialist conducting such an assessment includes two stages.

First stage:
Determination of the procedure for issuing PPE, conformity of the set and degree of provision of the requirements of the standard sectoral standards of free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
At this stage should be checked:
Availability internal norms issuing workwear, specialobuvi and other personal protective equipment. As a rule, such rules are approved by the heads of the institution and are included in the appropriate section of the collective agreement;
Compliance with the internal standards of standard sectoral standards according to the degree of coverage of employees of the institution, on the list of issued protection and their number.
The procedure for issuing workwear workers, specialobuvi and other personal protective equipment.
Visiting jobs and conversations with employees.

The second stage of evaluation:
To start work on this stage, it is necessary to prepare and have:
Protocols of instrumental measurements of the factors of the production environment (microclimate, illumination, noise, vibration, thermal radiation, chemical factors and etc.);
Traumatic Evaluation Protocols;
Protocols for assessing the provision of personal protective equipment;
Analysis of injuries in the enterprise over the past five years.
A comparison of the properties of the properties of actually issued to the facilities of the production environment should be compared, the data on which is available in the protocols. This applies, first of all, special protective clothing.
According to the analysis of the trauma assessment protocol and directly in the workplace, it is necessary to determine whether the use of protective helmets, facial shield, protective glasses is necessary, they are correctly selected in their protective properties. It should also be determined whether to protect employees from injuries issued tools for protecting hands and legs.
Particular attention should be paid to the assessment of compliance with the conditions of the production environment of the issued means of individual protection of the respiratory system: whether the brands of the gas masks are correctly selected, whether their protective properties are sufficient for the discovered concentrations of harmful substances.

The results are made in the form of protocols where information is made on each certificate workplace. The identified disadvantages are described in the final part of the protocol. There are also proposals for improving employees with personal protective equipment.

Data on the actual provision of an employee by means of individual protection is recorded in the line 070 card certification of the workplace under working conditions.

Evaluation of the actual state of working conditions in the workplace consists of an assessment:

  • degree of impact of harmful and hazardous production factors;
  • the degree of interaction (i.e. dangers of injury);
  • property of employees with personal protective equipment, as well as the effectiveness of these funds.

Evaluation of the actual condition of working conditions According to the degree of impact of harmful and hazardous production factors, it is carried out in accordance with the hygienic criteria for estimating working conditions based on the comparison of the measurement results of all hazardous and harmful factors of the production environment, the severity and strength of the employment process with hygienic standards established for them.
It is advisable to carry out such measurements only after the work of the preparatory phase, as well as to evaluate the injury and security of employees with personal protective equipment, including their effectiveness.

Workplaces must be appropriately prepared, i.e. Burning lamps are recommended to replace new, windows, the equipment should work on technology, raw materials and materials - to fit the technology. This will help to avoid repeated measurements and reduce the cost of performing tool measurements.

On the basis of comparisons of the results obtained with regulatory requirements, the class of working conditions is determined, both for each factor individually and for their combination and combination, as well as for the workplace as a whole.

According to the protocols for estimating the training of the workplace, in accordance with the classification of working conditions for injuries, the danger class is separately established separately or a conclusion is made on the full compliance of the workplace by security requirements.

The results of the evaluation of the actual state of working conditions in the workplace are recorded in the card attestation of jobs under the conditions of labor, in which the attestation commission of the institution is given a conclusion about the results of certification.

In the absence of hazardous and harmful production factors in the workplace, their actual values \u200b\u200bof optimal or permissible values, as well as when performing injuries and security requirements and employee security with personal protective equipment, it is believed that working conditions in the workplace meet the hygienic requirements and safety requirements. In this case, the workplace is recognized as certified.

In cases where the actual values \u200b\u200bof hazardous and harmful production factors exceed the existing norms or requirements for injuries and security of employees with personal protective equipment and do not comply with existing standards, working conditions at such a workplace are harmful and (or) dangerous.

If working conditions are classified to grade 3 (harmful), the workplace is recognized as conditionally certified with an indication of the appropriate class and the degree of harmfulness (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) and the introduction of proposals for bringing it into line with regulatory legal acts on labor protection Improving and improving working conditions in the institution.

After modernization of the conditionally certified workplace, instrumental measurements of the levels of production factors previously exceeding the remote control should be carried out.

If working conditions are classified to the 4th grade (dangerous), the workplace is recognized notcertified and subject to immediate retrofit or liquidation.

Card certification

Map of certification workers (His) places (a) under labor conditions (hereinafter referred to as the card) is a document containing information about actual working conditions at the workplace applied by benefits, compensation, supplements to employees and compliance with their current legislation, workwear issuing norms and protective funds, As well as recommendations for improving working conditions at this workplace or a group of similar jobs and, if necessary, proposals for cancellation of benefits and compensation or introducing new ones.

The map is designed for:

  • comprehensive assessment existing conditions and content of labor at workplace or group of similar (typical) jobs;
    trauma estimates;
  • identifying jobs that do not meet the norms, rules and standards of labor safety;
  • justifications of benefits and compensation for unfavorable working conditions (surcharges for tariff rates, additional leave, abbreviated work weekpensions on preferential conditions);
  • development of activities aimed at improving the working conditions and the preservation of the health of employees;
  • familiarize employees when taking work with working conditions, their influence on the health and necessary means of individual protection.

On the final stage Foreign documents are formed

At the same time fill:
The statement of jobs (PM) and the results of their certification under labor conditions in the unit in which information about certified workplaces and working conditions are included on them, the number of employees employed under these conditions, their assurances of individual protection;
The consolidated statement of jobs (PM) and the results of their certification under the conditions of labor in the institution, where the number of jobs is indicated by structural divisions And in general, at the institution, the number of jobs on which certification was carried out with the distribution of their working conditions for working conditions, the number of workers employed in the workplaces on which certification was carried out, information about providing employees with personal protective equipment.
The results of the work of the attestation commission of the institution are issued by the protocol attestation of jobs under working conditions.

The protocol must be attached to:
Certification cards of jobs under working conditions;
Vedomosti jobs (PM) and the results of their certification in terms of labor conditions in the divisions;
Consolidated statement of jobs (PM) and the results of their certification under the conditions of labor in the institution;
Action plan for the improvement and improvement of working conditions in the institution.

Implementation of the results of certification of jobs under labor conditions

The implementation of the results of certification of jobs is to develop an action plan for improving and improving working conditions in the institution.

According to the results of certification of jobs under the terms of work, the attestation commission, taking into account proposals received from the structural units of the institution, individual workers, is developing a plan of measures to improve and improve working conditions in the institution.

The plan indicates the timing of the execution of events and responsible performers. The plan should include bringing all jobs in accordance with the regulatory requirements for labor protection.

The plan is signed by the Chairman of the Attestation Commission, and after coordination with the Joint Committee (Commission) on labor protection, professional unions, is approved by the head of the institution.

The results of certification of workplaces under the conditions are done to the attention of employees of the institution.

Documents of certification of jobs under labor conditions are strict reporting materials and are subject to storage for 45 years.

The procedure for developing and approving instructions

Recall that the head of the institution (divisions) is responsible for the timeliness and correctness of work with the instructions [on labor protection].

The first head of the institution organizes timely development, approval and availability of instructions for labor protection for all types of work performed in its institution or in an independent structural unit type of branch.

In the presence of deputies, they instructs this work. The latter monitor the timely development, approval and availability of instructions for all types of work performed in subordinate units.

If the institution has a labor protection service or at least a labor protection engineer, they directly participate in the work on the preparation and approval of instructions. If the institution has a labor protection management system, which provides and regulates the responsibilities of all managers to ensure labor safety, then it also regulates work on writing and approving instructions. If the institution is small, then this work will have to fulfill the leader or refer to the specialists. Development of instructions for employees is carried out on the basis of orders and orders of the head of the educational institution.

The main link on how to work with the instructions is the middle manager - the level of the head of the workshop, the department head. He knows the specificity of its production better and is responsible for the legislation for this work.

He is directly
First, it develops together with the work of labor protection and labor department and earned fees (OTD), a list of necessary instructions for labor protection,
secondly, it is developing himself personally or entrusted to his deputy or another competent employee such a development;
Thirdly, monitors the timely approval and the availability of instructions for labor protection for all types of work performed in the workshop leadership, department.

The list is developed on the basis of an approved enterprise staff schedule In accordance with the "single tariff-qualification reference book of works and professions of workers" and "the qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and other employees." The list is approved by the head of the institution and is sent to all structural divisions (services, departments, etc.).

Directly developing instructions for labor protection, persons appointed by the order of the head of the independent division (subject teachers, etc.) are engaged in the disposal.

The timing of certification of jobs - information enshrined in legislation, which establish the procedure for conducting such an audit. They should be clearly observed and anyone who will be convicted of their violation will be punished. Regardless of whether the employer is either one of the experts that have been evaluated. And in order not to be punished for such a misconduct, you need to know the order and timing of the certification.

Certification of workplaces under working conditions and its deadlines - Legislative Regulation

It is worth starting with the fact that this procedure is complex, and there is an influence of many factors. And, most importantly, it is obligatory for any employer who has production or a leading other economic activities On the territory of the Russian Federation. Such a check is carried out by the head of the enterprise itself.

He is obliged to assemble the necessary commission from experts, to raise third-party organizations that have passed the appropriate accreditation and, at the end of the certification, to obtain the necessary certificates. The deadlines for the certification of jobs are established in the legislation - it should take place at least once every 5 years.

The fact that such an inspection is mandatory for all employers of the Russian Federation, enshrined in the relevant legislative act - Art. 209 TK RF. There also indicates the timing of certification, as well as its main goals and objectives. The Labor Code states that the testing of jobs under labor protection conditions is needed in order to establish how much the workplace meets legislative standards, whether there are factors that can harm the health of the employee or represent a danger to him.

And if such factors are found, then solutions should be indicated in the results that will help bring the workplace to compliance with legislative norms. All actions that are aimed at improving working conditions in production are not obliged to fit at the time of certification of jobs under working conditions.

If the results of the certification identified the factors that threaten the lives and health of the employee, the Commission should draw up a project to bring the workplace to the appropriate mind. And the order of all drawn up activities is redirected to federal bodies, which are engaged in the control of working conditions in enterprises.

Also, the legislation establishes that the employer is obliged to provide everything necessary in order for checking jobs and conducting follow-up certification normally. If the head of the enterprise accidentally or deliberately violated the procedure, the timeline or some other way prevented the certification, then it can be brought to justice.

In addition to the very TK RF, there are other documents that affect, directly or indirectly, on what is the deadlines for the passage of certification

  • GOST 12.4.011-89, where standards and criteria approved on individual and collective protective equipment approved.
  • GOST 12.1.005-88, where standards approved on the quality and composition of air at the workplace of the worker.
  • Sanpin, where standards extending to hygiene and microclimate of industrial premises are installed and legalized.
  • SanPine, where it is described about the specific requirements nominated to the sources of ionizing radiation.
  • Sanpin, where the requirements for the protection of personnel from impulse and electromagnetic fields emitted by any electrical equipment at the enterprise are put on.
  • SanPine 2.2.4 /, which refers to standard and criteria that are put forward to radiation having a radio frequency range.
  • Sanpin 03, where the sanitary and hygienic requirements are referred to the ionization of air inside the working and industrial premises.
  • Manual R 2.2.2006-5 establishes norms and methods with which specialists consisting in the expert commission can assess how clear the conditions for work in production meet the norms of hygiene.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 01.06.2009 №290, where the rules for which the employer is obliged to provide employees to work in the enterprise, especially if it concerns the harmful places of work is approved and legalized.
  • Manual R 2.2.013-94, where the rules and methods that experts consist in the Commission should be used to correctly assess the hygienic factors that can threaten the lives and health of employees.

All information that will be collected by the expert commission during the inspection of jobs is processed and analyzed not only by specialists, but also by the Federal Working Service for Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation. Factors such as the deadlines for certification of employees, methods and criteria by which the working conditions are estimated, are described in the order federal Service According to work and employment of 08/25/2008 No. 166.

If the employer decides to attract a third-party organization to evaluate the workplace under working conditions, he has the right to receive the widest range of information from this organization. It may include experience workers who have the right to hold certification, the level of their education, the presence of a laboratory accreditation, working with the organization and other facts that may affect the choice of the employer. It is also worth noting that in an appropriate order regulating the activities of such organizations, the impossibility of restricting competition between them is enshrined.

The procedure for certification and accurate terms

The results of the passage of workplaces are extremely important for the employer. According to their results, it becomes clear what activities need to be carried out to improve work. And is it worth waiting for any legislative effects. And so that the assessment of the working conditions has passed normally, and its results were recognized as legitimate, the head of the enterprise and attestation specialists must comply with a certain procedure for conducting. One of the stages of the examination - a list of mandatory documents necessary for evaluation:

  • The employer must publish an order to the enterprise, which will talk about the beginning of the certification, the composition of the expert commission and the approval of its composition;
  • The schedule for which certification works will be carried out;
  • The contract concluded between the head of the enterprise and the organization, which will conduct certification. It is worth noting that the attestation organization must be independent and in no way connected personally with the head;

After the attestation commission is approved, the verification process itself begins. Experts are obliged to check all jobs that are in the enterprise, evaluate all negative factors and analyze all the information that you managed to collect. After that, they must form a report on last checkapproved by a majority vote. This document must have the following items:

After the certification has ended, the head of the organization is obliged to publish a decree where the fact of verification will be enshrined. Also in this documents should be approved by the Commission received by the Commission.

The entire procedure for certification for working conditions for the first time created jobs should be carried out no more than 60 days. This period is established in the legislation and begins from the moment the head of the organization published and approved the appropriate order for the creation of new jobs.

Also, the legislation establishes that the verification of all jobs for working conditions should be carried out at least 1 time in 5 years. The manager himself appoints the frequency of conducting such certification and, if there are no documents governing its scope, he has the right to specify any time. Within the above framework.

After the certification has ended, the head is obliged to collect all the results and send them to the structural division of the State Labor Inspection. In addition, the packet of documents should be information about independent organizations that participated in the overall assessment.

Punishment for violation of the rules and deadlines of certification

In most cases, the responsibility for how and what time will the certification will be carried out, the employer initiating the inspection. If he violates the rules for holding this event, then the manager will be imposed a fine of 20-30 of its minimum wages. If it comes to whole organization, it will be fined in the amount of 200 to 300 minimum wages. This is stated in Federal Law from 30.03.99 NO52-FZ.

Also this question concerns Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code, which states that a person who violates the rules for holding certification violates the laws on labor. And this entails the punishment in the form of a fine, the size of a thousand to fifty thousand rubles (depending on the existing factors). Also, a person responsible for such a violation can be removed from its activities for up to 90 days.

Responsibility of technical independent organizationswho help in conducting certification, not fully established. Relations between similar organizations and an employer, who attracted them to such work, are regulated and held within the framework of a civil contract. And if state bodies Controls will detect violations in the procedure that were not found in the work of attestation organizations, all responsibility, and as a result, the punishment will fall on the employer who has concluded a contract.

It is worth remembering that the punishment for people who have already been noticed in violating the order of certification differs from what is indicated above. If such a person performs this offense once again, it will be removed from activities for a fairly impressive term - from one to three years.

The severity of the punishments and the magnitude of the fines clearly suggests that the state is directly interested in the workshop certification in time and in all the rules. Only so the Government of the Russian Federation can guarantee employees engaged in the enterprise, the safety of their work. And considering that the purpose of modern labor protection is to ensure the safety of the life and health of the employee, there is nothing surprising. Moreover, in connection with this fact, the employer should always expect the criteria, standards, as well as punishment for their violation, will only become tougher.

Assessment of workplaces

In accordance with Article 2212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "Responsibilities to ensure safe working conditions and labor protection are assigned to the employer. The employer is obliged to ensure the certification of jobs under working conditions with subsequent certification of labor protection work. "

Certification of jobs (AWA) under working conditions - Labor involves conducting an assessment of working conditions in the workplace in order to identify harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and implementing measures to bring labor conditions in line with state regulatory requirements of labor protection.

Assessment of workplaces Under labor conditions, it includes a hygienic assessment of working conditions, an assessment of injuries and security of employees with personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as SIZ) (paragraph 2 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 569 of August 31, 2007).

The combination of factors of the production environment and the employment process affecting the performance and health of the employee (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is called working conditions.

Industrial factors: physical, chemical, biological.

Labor factors: the severity and tensions of labor, injuries security.

Harmful factor of the working environment - the factor of the environment and the employment process, the impact of which to the employee can cause a professional disease or other violation of health status, damage to the health of the offspring.

Dangerous Work Environmental Factor - The factor of the environment and labor process, which may be the cause of acute disease or sudden sharp deterioration in health, death. Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, individual harmful factors of the working environment may become dangerous.

The main factors of the labor process

To the main factors of the employment process, i.e. The factors are permanently present at any workplace include gravity and (or) labor tensions, as well as injuries. From industrial factors or factors ambient In the workplace will be attended: the illumination of the workplace (work surface) is usually indoors and the parameters of the microclimate both in the room and in the open territory.

The main documents based on the certification of jobs

1 Decision of the Russian Federation of 20.11.2008 No. 870 "On the establishment of a shortened duration of working time, annually additional paid leave, increased remuneration to employees engaged in hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions Labor. "

2 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 31.08.2007 No. 569 "On Approval of the Procedure for conducting certification of jobs Under working conditions. "

3 p 2.2.1766-03 Professional risk assessment guide for workers' health. Organizational and methodological foundations, principles and evaluation criteria.

4 P 2.2.2006-05 The production of hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the employment process.

5 Methodical instructions. Evaluation of trauma safety jobs for their goals certification By working conditions.

The remaining documents used to carry out measurements and evaluation of industrial factors, trauma and security and security of PPE and overalls: sweat, GOST, SanPiN, SP, RD, CH, TI, tone, etc.

What consequences are carried out or not spent ARMS?

Conducted arm. If the workplaces with harmful and dangerous conditions were identified as a result of the ART for UT, the employer should have events to improve working conditions on these PM. What is developed by the plan of measures to improve working conditions.

For the employer, the certification of jobs carries several positive:

    The possibility of reducing payout costs and for the issuance of milk.

    Guarantees in case of claims from employees.

Not holding certification of jobs Fantasies fines established by the Code of Administrative Offenses. Executive It is fine in the amount of 1 to 5 thousand rubles, legal - from 30 to 50 thousand. Here it should be noted that it is important not so much the amount of the fine, as part 2 of article 5.27 of the same code, where it is written that if you have violated the labor for the first time Legislation, then you are flying, but if during the year you were re-caught on the same, then the inspector is obliged to send to the court. And already in court will be the question of the disqualification of the manager for a period of one to three years.

Certificate organizations.

The organization involved in the purpose of certification of jobs under working conditions should have the following package of documents:

1) the acting certificate of accreditation of the measuring, test or analytical laboratory in the accreditation area of \u200b\u200bwhich the types of measurements and estimates on which the laboratory is accredited (is issued by the accrediting body for a period of no more than 5 years). Systems in which the laboratory accredited can be several (GOST R; SCHOT; GSEN; SALA);

2) Unattended certificates, certificates, certificates of training and confirming the knowledge of the laboratory personnel to carry out measurements of the factors of the working environment and the employment process in specialized agencies.

No less important when choosing an organization for certification of jobs is the experience of working on the certification of jobs in the sphere (industry) to which the certificate organization belongs.

Additionally, I would like to note that when carrying out ART for the Specialized Organization for this purpose for this purpose, the number of specialists of conducting measurement and evaluation of harmful and hazardous production factors, as well as injuries and security of PPE cannot be carried out by one person. As a rule, at least three people are in the group.

2. A contract with a certificate organization.

Non-stationary or non-permanent jobs

Certification of non-stationary jobs, i.e. places with geographically changing work areas, where the working area is considered part of the workplace, equipped with the necessary means of production, in which one or more workers perform the work of work or operation (plumbing, locks, electricians, construction Workers, etc.), is carried out by pre-determining typical technological operations with a relatively stable set and the magnitude of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and the subsequent assessment of these operations. The execution time of each operation is determined by the expert route (based on local regulatory acts) clause 14 of Order No. 569.

Non-permanent workplace -A place where a smaller part is located (less than 50% or less 2 hours continuously) of its working time.

What kind of factors are subject to evaluation in the workplace and how to determine them?

In accordance with paragraph 15 of the order No. 569, all the harmful and (or) hazardous production factors (physical, chemical and biological factors), gravity and (or) tensions are subject to certification of workplaces under work conditions.

This is a complete list of organization's workplaces in accordance with Appendix N 1 to the order with the allocation of similar jobs and the indication of the estimated working conditions, based on the characteristics of the technological process, the composition of production equipment used by raw materials and materials, the results of the previously carried out measurements of the indicators of harmful and (or) hazardous production Factors, complaints of workers for working conditions (paragraph 11, subparagraph 3 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 569 of August 31, 2007)

All the harmful and dangerous factors, governed by sanitary standards and rules, hygienic standards, as well as the severity and tension of labor, are subject to control. To compile a list of factors to be measured and evaluating, use technical, organizational and administrative documentation, certificates of conformity for raw materials, materials, equipment, etc. (P 2.2.2006-05 "Guide to the hygienic assessment of the factors of the working environment and the employment process. Criteria and classification of working conditions", Appendix 6, paragraph 6.4).

Application of the results of certification of jobs under working conditions.

The results of job certification under labor conditions conducted in accordance with the procedure are used in order to:

1) monitoring the condition of working conditions in the workplace and the correctness of providing employees with certified means of individual and collective protection;

2) assessments of professional risk as the probability of damage (loss) of the health or death of an employee associated with the fulfillment of their obligations under the employment contract and in other cases established by law, control and professional risk management, which involve the analysis and assessment of the health of the employee in the causal investigative connection with working conditions, informing about the risk of subjects labor law, control of the dynamics of risk indicators, as well as carrying out measures to reduce the likelihood of damage to the health of employees;

3) providing employees to work, reliable information on working conditions at workplaces, on the existing risk of health damage, on measures to protect the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and relying workers engaged in hard work and work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, guarantees and compensation;

4) the provision of workers engaged in the work with harmful working conditions, on the works performed in special temperature conditions or related to pollution, free certified special clothing, special shoes and other PPEs, as well as flushing and neutralizing in accordance with established norms;

5) preparation of statistical reporting on working conditions;

6) subsequent confirmation of the organization of labor protection of labor by state regulatory requirements of labor protection;

7) preparation of contingents and the named list of persons subject to mandatory preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during the work) medical examinations (surveys) of workers, as well as extraordinary medical examinations (surveys);

8) calculating discounts and allowances to the insurance rate in the system of compulsory social insurance of workers from accidents at work and occupational diseases;

9) decisions on the relationship of the disease with a profession in suspected professional disease, about the diagnosis of a professional disease;

10) Justification of the decisions made in the established manner on the application of administrative punishment in the form of administrative suspension of organizations, their branches, representative offices, structural units, production equipment, sites;

11) consideration of the issue of suspension of the operation of buildings or structures, machinery and equipment, the implementation of certain types of activities (works), the provision of services due to the immediate threat of life or health of employees;

12) consideration of issues and disagreements related to ensuring the safe working conditions of workers and investigating accidents that have occurred with them at work and occupational diseases;

13) take action on the proper sanitary and preventive provision of employees of the organization;

14) Justification of labor restrictions for some categories employees;

15) inclusion in labor contract characteristics of working conditions and compensation to employees for working in severe, harmful and (or) hazardous conditions of labor;

16) substantiation of planning and financing measures to improve the conditions and safety of labor in organizations, including at the expense of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

17) creating a data bank of the existing working conditions at the organization level, municipal Education, executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and at the federal level;

18) conducting activities to implement the federal executive authority authorized to hold state Supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms;

19) the applications of responsibility measures provided for by the legislation to persons guilty of violations of labor protection legislation.

After the certification of jobs under labor conditions (28 of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 569 of August 31, 2007) The employer sends: a list of jobs (Appendix N 1), the statements of the workplaces of the organization's units and the results of their certification under the working conditions (Appendix N 6) and the consolidated statement of the organization's workplaces and the results of their certification Under labor conditions (Appendix N 7), including information according to Appendix N 10 to this Procedure, to the State Labor Inspectorate in the city of Moscow at: 115582, Moscow, ul. Domodedovskaya, 24, Corp. 3, central boxing, 7 floor, cab. No. 9.

In accordance with paragraph 4.1 of the Resolution "On the conduct of certification of jobs under work", according to the results of certification of jobs, such documents are filled as:

1) the statement of jobs and the results of their certification in terms of working conditions in the division, which includes information about certified workplaces and working conditions on them, the number of employees employed under these conditions, their assurances of individual protection;

2) the consolidated statement of jobs and the results of their certification under the working conditions in the organization, where the number of jobs on structural divisions and the organization as a whole, the number of jobs on which certification was carried out with the distribution of their working conditions, the number of workers engaged in In the workplace, which carried out certification, information about providing employees with personal protective equipment.

The results of the work of the Attestation Commission of the Organization are issued by the Protocol attestation of jobs under labor conditions.

To this protocol must be attached:

1) certification cards for labor conditions;

2) the above-mentioned statements of jobs and the results of their certification in terms of labor conditions in the divisions;

3) a consolidated statement of jobs and the results of their certification in terms of working conditions in the organization;

4) Action plan for improving and improving working conditions in the organization.

Nevertheless, the results of re-certification are drawn up in the form of an application according to the appropriate positions to the certification map of the workplace under the working conditions.

The order of filling out the card certification (its) places (a) under working conditions. Card certification of workers (his) places (a) under labor conditions is a document containing information about the actual working conditions at the workplace applied by benefits, compensation, supplements to employees and compliance with their current legislation, the norms of issuing workwear and protective funds, as well as recommendations for Improving working conditions at a given workplace or a group of similar jobs and, if necessary, proposals for cancellation of benefits and compensation or introducing new ones (paragraph 1 of the procedure for filling out the certification card of workers (it) (a) in terms of working conditions).

It is designed for:

1) a comprehensive assessment of the existing conditions and maintenance of labor in a workplace or group of similar (typical) jobs;

2) injury assessments;

3) identifying jobs that do not meet the norms, rules and standards of labor safety;

4) justifying the provision of benefits and compensation for unfavorable working conditions (surcharges for tariff rates, additional leave, abbreviated working week, pensions on preferential terms);

5) developing activities aimed at improving the working conditions and the preservation of the health of employees;

6) familiarization of employees when admission to work with working conditions, their influence on the health and necessary means of individual protection (paragraph 2 of the procedure for filling the card certification (s) of places (a) under working conditions).

For filling in the cards themselves, job layouts are used, the procedure for the arrangement of workers in production teams, technical and technological documentation, the results of timekeeping, hygienic and psychophysiological studies conducted at workplaces, criteria for assessing the harmfulness and danger of working conditions, the norms of issuing workwear and protective equipment, legislation To determine benefits and other documents (clause 5, the procedure for filling out the card certification card (s) in terms of working conditions).

The corresponding lines are affixed by the card number, the name of the profession and the post of workers. Cadods of professions and posts of workers are filled in in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employees and tariff devagments OK 016-94, approved and enacted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 N 367.

The names and codes of production, the workshop (department), sites (bureau, sector), the workplace are filled in accordance with the encoding system available in the organization. It is indicated by the number of similar jobs with identical working conditions and their codes. Each workplace is assigned, if necessary, a number in the form of eleven digit code:

XXXX XXX XXX, where:

The first group of numbers is the workplace number on the site;

The second is the brigade number (first digit number of the site);

The third is the workshop number;

The fourth is the production room, a branch (p. 6 of the order of filling the card certification of workers (it) places (a) under the working conditions).

In the address part of the attestation card, the full name of the organization, the industry (sub-sectors) and territory is indicated.

When analyzing materials as a state of working conditions for automated processing of certification results in the certification map, a coding system is provided.

Table "Codes" Filled:

1) Count "Organization" - in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations (OKPO), approved and enacted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 N 297;

2) Count "Ministries (Offices)" - in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of the Public Authorities and Management (Coat), approved and enacted by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 N 294. In the absence of the relevant ministry or department, to put a dashboard;

3) Count "Industry" - in accordance with the Union-Union Classifier "Industry of the National Economy" 1750-18, approved and enacted by the Resolution of the USSR State Standard dated November 14, 1975 N 18;

4) Count "Territory" - in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of administrative and territorial division (OKTO) facilities, approved by the Resolution of the Russian State Standard of July 31, 1995 N 413.

Control over the filling of attestation cards is carried out by the responsible employee of the organization (clause 3.1 of the Procedure).

ON THE. Alimova
Large handbook Kadrovika


The procedure for the certification of jobs under labor conditions was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 342N of April 26, 2011. The certification of jobs under working conditions implied a comprehensive assessment of working conditions in the workplace in order to identify harmful and (or) hazardous production factors and activities To bring the conditions of labor in line with state regulatory requirements for labor protection, identifying the degree of harmfulness and danger to the employee. The regulatory database of certification of jobs under working conditions was:

  • labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • regulatory legal acts containing state regulatory requirements for labor protection, as well as other labor protection documents;
  • systems of labor protection documents operating in separate species economic activity.

The term "workplace certified" meant - the workplace was subjected to the procedure for certification under working conditions. At the same time, the assessment of working conditions could be different depending on the conformity or inconsistency of the actual values \u200b\u200bof the factors of the production environment and the employment process of hygienic standards, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the requirements of the training and security requirements of the workplace of the PC. In general, the certification of jobs under working conditions included:

  • hygienic assessment of the conditions and nature of labor (instrumental measurements and assessment of physical and chemical factors: illumination, noise, vibration, microclimate, non-ionizing radiation, chemical composition of the working area);
  • an assessment of the psycho-physiological factors of the employment process (the severity and strength of the labor process);
  • expert assessment of trauma security workplace;
  • evaluation of employee security with special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the established standards.

The results of certification of jobs under labor conditions were used in order to:

  • providing employees admitted to work, reliable information on working conditions in workplaces, on the existing risk of health damage;
  • justification of benefits and compensation to employees for working in severe, harmful or hazardous working conditions;
  • justifications of labor restrictions for certain categories of workers;
  • substantiation of planning and financing measures to improve the conditions and protection of labor in organizations, including at the expense of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;
  • the rationale for the provision of free certified special clothing workers, special shoes and other PPEs, as well as flushing and neutralizing in accordance with established norms;
  • decisions on the relationship of the disease with a profession in suspected professional disease;
  • calculation of discounts and premises to the insurance rate in the system of compulsory social insurance of workers from accidents at work and occupational diseases (a discount can reach up to 40% of the insurance factor).

Certification began with the choice of a certification commission formed from the organization's employees who were trained on the general issues of job certification. Certifying commission.

All jobs are subject to workplaces available in the organization. The validity of the results is the same as in the special price of 5 years from the date of the first instrumental measurements of harmful and hazardous production factors. Documents on the certification of jobs under labor conditions were recommended to store in the organization within 45 years.

Obligatory re-certification of jobs under working conditions (re-certification) were subject to workplaces:

  • after replacing production equipment;
  • changes in the technological process, collective protection tools, etc.

If as a result of measuring the program production control Overall sanitary rules Critical changes in the levels of labor factors were found, the data obtained are subject to evaluation, as well as the consideration of the need to make changes to the certification cards of jobs. The newly organized jobs were certified after commissioning them.

The results of the certification of jobs under labor conditions were made in the form of a package of documents containing:

  • order of the certification of jobs under working conditions and attracting a certificate organization (if necessary);
  • the list of jobs of the organization to be certified by jobs under working conditions, with the allocation of similar jobs and the indication of the estimated factors of working conditions;
  • copies of documents for the right to carry out measurements and evaluations of working conditions at a certificate organization;
  • card certification of jobs under working conditions with measurement protocols and estimates of working conditions;
  • vedomosti jobs (PM) of units and the results of their certification of jobs under working conditions and the consolidated statement of the workplaces of the organization and the results of their certification under labor conditions;
  • plan of measures to improve and rehabilitate working conditions in the organization;
  • minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission on the results of certification of jobs under labor conditions;
  • order on the completion of job certification and approval of its results (performed by the certified organization).

After the certification of jobs under the terms of working conditions, the employer sends a list of jobs, statements of jobs for the organization and the results of their certification, under working conditions and the consolidated statement of the workplaces of the organization and the results of their certification on working conditions in the State Labor Inspection in the subject of the Russian Federation.

The costs of certification of jobs under labor conditions could be returned. FSS could also partially refund the costs of the institution for certification and to improve the working conditions of workers. So, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2007, N 787 "On financing in 2008 and within the planning period 2009-2010 of preventive measures to reduce production injuries and occupational diseases of workers and a sanatorium treatment of workers engaged in work with harmful works and (or) hazardous production factors "Ministry of Health and Social Development developed the financing rules approved by the Order of January 30, 2008 N 43N.

According to paragraph 2 of the Financing Rules for funding due to the amount of insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, the costs of conducting job certification under labor conditions are subject to.

Financing of preventive measures was carried out by the insured, respectively, the amounts of insurance premiums to be transferred to the FSS in the current calendar year. The amount of funds sent by the insured to finance preventive measures could not exceed 20 percent of the amounts of insurance premiums accrued for the previous calendar year, less expenses for the payment of collateral for the specified type of insurance produced by the insured in the previous calendar year.

To obtain a reimbursement, the institution should have submitted to the FSS office until August 1:

  • plan of financing preventive measures to reduce injuries and caregings;
  • plan of measures to improve the conditions and safety of labor;
  • a copy of the act on the results of the audit of the State Labor Inspectorate, in which should be recommendations to certify jobs and (or) to reduce the level of dust and gas supply;
  • a copy of the contract with an accredited organization for work on job certification;
  • cost calculation;
  • a copy of the accreditation certificate with accreditation area;
  • copies of documents on the results of certification of jobs;
  • copies of documents confirming the acquisition of equipment, carrying out work to reduce the level of dustiness and gas supply of workplaces;
  • documents of an accredited organization on the results of repeated measurements of dustiness and gas supply.

Reimbursement was paid within the limits of allocations allocated by the FSS regional funds.

It was necessary to take into account that the financing of job certification under the working conditions and certification of labor protection could be carried out by (20%) insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. In addition, an organization that conducted certification of jobs under working conditions, could expect a discount to the insurance rate on the obligatory social Insurance from accidents and caregings (necessary foundations).

According to the results of the work, it was possible to justify:

  • Benefits and compensation, relying workers for harmful conditions labor;
  • Additional vacation and short-range working day;
  • Surcharges for harmful working conditions;
  • Issuing milk or other equivalent products;
  • Preferential pension provision.