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Commercial department: structure and management. Job description of the head of the commercial service Functional responsibilities of the head of the commercial department


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___


Head of commercial department

1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and official duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the commercial department [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The head of the commercial department is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The head of the commercial department belongs to the category of managers and is subordinate to:

  • sales managers;
  • consultant managers;
  • manager-coordinator;
  • secretary.

1.4. The head of the commercial department reports directly to [position title of the direct manager] of the Company.

1.5. A person who has a higher professional education without presenting requirements and at least 3 years of experience in sales structures is appointed to the position of head of the commercial department.

1.6. In his activities, the head of the commercial department is guided by:

  • normative documents regulating the work of the enterprise and the commercial department;
  • regulation on the work of the commercial department;
  • the business plan of the enterprise and the work plan of the commercial department;
  • methodological materials related to relevant issues;
  • the charter of the enterprise;
  • rules work schedule;
  • orders and orders of the immediate supervisor and the head of the Company;
  • this job description.

1.7. The head of the commercial department should know:

  • resolutions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher authorities relating to the operation of the enterprise;
  • list of services of the enterprise and its division;
  • normative legal acts, regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and regulatory documents governing the organization of marketing and sale of goods, the provision of services, methodological materials for organizing marketing and assessing the financial and economic condition and market capacity;
  • organization of a business process for the provision of services to the unit;
  • the fundamentals of the technology used to produce the division's services;
  • rules and procedures for working on a computer, with MS Office programs;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • labor legislation;
  • rules and norms of labor protection;
  • methods for determining the solvency of demand for manufactured products and the procedure for developing promising and current plans production and marketing of products;
  • development prospects and needs of the industry, enterprises, institutions that are potential buyers (customers) of the services provided;
  • methods for studying market conditions and developing forecasts for the need for manufactured products and services;
  • conditions for concluding commercial transactions and methods of bringing goods (services) to consumers.

1.8. During the absence of the head of the commercial department (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the commercial department is obliged to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Plan the activities of the enterprise in terms of the services of the unit in accordance with the procedure and rules established by the regulation on the work of the commercial department and other regulatory documents of the enterprise.

2.2. Ensure that the plans of the enterprise are detailed in the plans of the department and each employee of the department, explain to each employee of the department his role in the implementation of general plans and the significance of his work.

2.3. Ensure the implementation of plans by the department and each employee of the department by systematically monitoring the activities of employees, advising employees, sending employees for advanced training, timely identification and replacement of incapable employees, and other methods.

2.4. Coordinate the actions of employees in order to ensure that their activities comply with the regulations on the work of the commercial department and other regulatory documents, coordinate the interaction of employees among themselves, with other departments of the enterprise and with external contractors.

2.5. Timely identify problems and violations in the work of the department, in the interaction of department employees among themselves, with other services of the enterprise and with external contractors, take all measures to eliminate problems and immediately report on emerging problems and the actions taken to solve them to a higher manager.

2.6. Organize the systematic maintenance of reporting by employees of the department in accordance with the requirements of the regulation on the work of the commercial department and other regulatory documents and the systematic and timely provision of this reporting to the relevant officials enterprises.

2.7. To study personally and organizes the study by the employees of the department of all available information on the market for the services of the unit by using available sources and constantly searching for new sources of information.

2.8. Organize the development and implementation of promotional activities in the media, participation in industry exhibitions, fairs, sales exhibitions to inform potential consumers and expand the sales markets for the division's services.

2.9. To ensure the most complete saturation of the employees of the data bank department on potential and real customers of the enterprise, to ensure the safety of information and the inaccessibility of information to competitors.

2.10. Participate, together with other departments of the enterprise, in the development of proposals and recommendations for changing the technical, economic and other characteristics of products in order to improve their consumer qualities and stimulate sales.

2.11. When need-to-know the head of the commercial department may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The head of the commercial department has the right to:

3.1. Request and receive necessary materials and documents relating to the activities of the commercial department.

3.2. Engage in relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues production activities within its competence.

3.3. Represent the interests of the enterprise in third-party organizations on issues related to its professional activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The head of the commercial department bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, also criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to enforce labor discipline.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of the head of the commercial department is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation by the employee of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Attestation Commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of the work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of the head of the commercial department is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of the head of the commercial department are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the head of the commercial department is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

The head of the sales department is a key figure in any company. To produce a quality product is an internal matter, it can be constantly debugged with your employees, and this process does not become public. And sales are an external significant issue. The well-being of the company depends on the establishment of trading processes. Therefore, the selection of an employee for this position, introduction to business, is a very important task. We talked about how to find a professional in one of our articles. Here we will help you to draw up the correct job description so that your sales manager can fully understand what his job will be, how he should behave, what he is responsible for, what knowledge he should have, what documents to use in his work. .

Job description of the head of the commercial department

PC and various software.

  • The head of the sales department is guided in his activities by:
  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company;
  • orders and directives of the management;
  • this job description.
  • Is the head (positions of subordinates are listed): sales representatives for key retail clients, supervisors.
  • Replaces (lists the positions, the work of which is performed by the head of the sales department in their absence): supervisors.
  • Job Responsibilities of the Head of Sales
  1. Participates in the implementation of the plans of the sales department, aimed at organizing the sale of products within a certain time frame, in the planned quantity and assortment.

Job description of the head of the commercial service

Supervisor commercial service bears personal responsibility: 4.1. For the activities of the commercial service as a whole and the work of each employee of departments and services subordinate to him, for the performance by them of the functions defined in the job descriptions; 4.2. Ensuring the smooth operation of the sales department in the organization technological process shipment of goods to customers; 4.3.


For dishonest actions of their subordinates, if they are caused by the lack of proper control; 4.4. For unreasonable overspending of financial and material resources; 4.5.

For the timely provision of reliable information on the results of the work of the commercial service; 4.6. For violation by employees of departments and services subordinate to him of financial and labor discipline; 4.7.

For the safety and confidentiality of information entrusted to him by the Society. 5.

Error 404 page does not exist

Documents regulating the activities of the head of the department commercial work 3.1 External documents: Legislative and regulations relating to the work performed. 3.2 Internal documents: Charter of the enterprise, Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise; Regulations on the department of commercial work, Job description head of the department of commercial work, Rules of internal labor regulations. 4. Job responsibilities of the head of the commercial work department The head of the commercial work department performs the following duties: 4.1.

Manages the work on the timely conclusion of contracts for transportation with the clientele and ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations. 4.2. Participates in the development of long-term and current transportation plans, carries out quarterly, monthly transportation planning for the clientele.4.3.

Job Descriptions


Job description of the head of the commercial service 1. General provisions: 1.1. Appointment to the position of the Head of the commercial service and dismissal from it are carried out in accordance with the order of the General Director of LLC "A" (hereinafter referred to as the Company).


In his activities, the Head of the Commercial Service reports directly to the General Director of the Company. 1.3. The activities of the Head of the Commercial Service are regulated by this Instruction, instructions and orders of the General Director and the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. All employees of the commercial service are subordinate to the Head. 1.5. Persons who have higher education, experience in the field of sales of products and personnel management.
2. Responsibilities: 2.1.

Job description of the head of the commercial department sample form

The more detailed you write down the duties of this specialist in the instructions, the fewer problems you and he will have in his work. In our article, we do not present the finished form. Each company has its own sales volumes, its own rules and procedures.

The heading of the job description is known to everyone, but its internal content raises many questions, as a rule. We have prepared for you the maximum possible content of the job description.


You can choose from the sections those items that are really useful to you in your work. They will form the basis of your document. Important sections of any instruction Each instruction, and in particular the job description of the head of sales, should contain the following main sections.

The general provisions describe in detail the meaning of the functioning of a specialist in this position.

Job description of the head of sales department

The commercial director is responsible for: — the proper organization of work on the sale of products in accordance with the approved programs (plans) of the Company; - performance and labor discipline of employees of commercial services; — safety of information (documents) containing information constituting the trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees; – ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, complying with fire safety rules in the premises of the sales service. 1.6. Persons with a higher professional (economic or engineering-economic) education and experience in economic work for leadership positions at least 5 years. 1.7.

Head of commercial department job description

JOB INSTRUCTION 00.00.0000 No. 00 (signature) (full name) Structural unit: Commercial work department Position: Head of commercial work department 00.00.0000 1. General provisions 1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the department commercial work.1.2 The head of the commercial work department belongs to the category of managers.1.3 The head of the commercial work department is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.1.4 Relationships by position:1.4.1 Direct subordination to the Director of the enterprise1.4.2.

Additional subordination 1.4.3 Gives orders to the Employees of the commercial work department 1.4.4 The employee is replaced by the Deputy head of the commercial work department 1.4.5 The employee replaces 2.

Head of commercial department job description

Entrusts the conduct of certain areas of activity to other officials, his deputies. 4.15. Suspends from work employees of the department who have not passed in the prescribed manner a medical examination (certification), testing of qualification knowledge, checking knowledge of safety regulations, etc. 5. Rights of the head of the commercial work department The head of the commercial work department has the right to: 5.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding the activities of the commercial work department.5.2.

Submit proposals to improve the activities of the commercial work department for consideration by the management of the enterprise. 5.3. Interact with the heads of all (individual) structural divisions of the enterprise.5.4.

Sign and endorse documents within their competence.5.5.

Commercial department manager job description

Organize the conduct of marketing research in the Company, including with the involvement of third-party organizations (institutions), as well as the development and implementation of comprehensive programs to increase competitiveness and product sales plans. 2.7. To carry out personally and through subordinates effective control over the actual indicators of sales of products, their compliance with planned values, the state of the sales infrastructure, as well as the observance of discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety in the sales service.

2.8. Organize the participation of the Company in fairs, auctions, exhibitions to advertise and sell products, as well as promotions aimed at promoting new (including those planned for release) types and samples of products. 2.9.
Failure to perform or improper performance of their labor functions and tasks entrusted to him; 4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes; 4.1.4.

Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him; 4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees; 4.1.6.

Failure to comply with labor discipline; 4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; 4.1.8. Causing material damage and (or) losses to the enterprise or third parties related to the action or inaction during the execution official duties. 4.2.

Job description of the head of the commercial work department

  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the commercial work department.

1.2 The head of the commercial work department belongs to the category of managers.

1.3 The head of the commercial work department is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4 Relationships by position:


direct submission

Director of the enterprise


Additional submission



Gives orders

For employees of the commercial department


The employee replaces

Deputy Head of Commercial Department


The employee replaces


  1. Qualifications Head of Commercial Department:



Higher professional education



At least 4 years



Charter of road transport;

fundamentals of transport legislation;

fundamentals of labor legislation;

road transport rules;

resolutions, orders, orders of higher organizations, regulatory documents on the organization of transportation by road;

the procedure for concluding and executing civil law contracts;

economics, organization of the transportation process; the basics of organizing financial work at the enterprise;

methods of accounting and analysis of road transport;

methods of managing and managing an enterprise;

basics of labor organization;

rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.



specialty work


Additional requirements


  1. Documents regulating the activities of the head of the commercial work department

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise; Regulations on the commercial work department, Job description of the head of the commercial work department, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job Responsibilities of the Head of Business Operations

The head of the commercial department has the following responsibilities:

4.1. Manages work on the timely conclusion of contracts for transportation with clients and ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

4.2. Participates in the development of long-term and current transportation plans, carries out quarterly, monthly transportation planning for the clientele.

4.3. Carries out control over the implementation of the transportation plan and its analysis.

4.4. Participates in determining the need for rolling stock and preparing proposals for its distribution.

4.5. Ensures timely preparation of cost estimates and other calculations, statistical reporting on the implementation of the transportation plan.

4.6. Controls the observance of the organization's contractual obligations to counterparties, the timeliness of settlements under contracts, the implementation of the plan for income (profit) and other financial indicators.

4.7. Develops activities to expand economic activity enterprises, direct and long-term economic relations, improvement of work with the clientele.

4.8. Participates in the development of measures for the rational use of rolling stock, improving the technical, operational and economic indicators its work, resource saving, strengthening financial discipline and economic accounting.

4.9. Manages department employees.

4.10. Issues orders (instructions) in all areas of activity of the commercial work department.

4.11. Defines the functions and tasks of the commercial work department.

4.12. Provides: a combination of economic and administrative methods of leadership, unity of command and collegiality in discussing and resolving issues, material and moral incentives to improve the performance of subordinates; application of the principles of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work assigned to him and the results of the work of the department.

4.13. Establishes responsibilities for sales staff.

4.14. Entrusts the conduct of certain areas of activity to other officials, his deputies.

4.15. Suspends from work the employees of the department who have not passed in the prescribed manner a medical examination (certification), a test of qualification knowledge, a test of knowledge of safety rules, etc.

  1. Rights of the head of the commercial work department

The head of the commercial work department has the right to:

5.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding the activities of the commercial work department.

5.2. Submit proposals to improve the activities of the commercial work department for consideration by the management of the enterprise.

5.3. Interact with the heads of all (individual) structural divisions of the enterprise.

5.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

5.5. Demand assistance from the management of the enterprise in the performance of their duties and rights.

  1. Responsibilities of the head of the commercial work department

The head of the commercial work department is responsible for:

6.1. Per improper execution or failure to fulfill their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions of the head of the commercial work department

7.1. The mode of operation of the head of the commercial work department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for the head of the commercial work department are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the General Director of the enterprise.

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


Familiarized with the instructions:


(surname, initials)


Instructions for the position " Head of Commercial Department", presented on the site, complies with the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY qualification characteristics occupations of workers. ISSUE 67. Water transport. Section "Maritime transport" (With amendments and additions made by orders of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine N 189 of 10.05.2005, N 671 of 06.08.2007). The second edition, supplemented, revised as of 08/06/2007 ", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine on 10.12.2001 N 863. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and social policy Ukraine.
The status of the document is "valid".

Preface to job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. Document approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Head of the commercial department" belongs to the category "Managers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete higher education in the relevant field of study (master, specialist). Work experience in a profession related to commercial activities in maritime transport: for a master - at least 3 years, for a specialist - at least 5 years.

1.3. Knows and applies:
- current legislature;
- resolutions, orders, orders, regulations, rules and other governing documents on issues commercial activities in maritime transport;
- profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise;
- organization of commercial activities in the field of maritime transport;
- prospects, domestic and world trends of economic and social development maritime transport;
- the procedure for concluding and executing contracts;
- basics of economics and activity;
- management and marketing;
- maritime and transport law;
- English language at the level necessary to maintain business communication, correspondence and paperwork;
- ethics of business communication and conduct business negotiations;
- rules and norms of labor protection;
- organization of labor and management;
- Fundamentals of labor law.

1.4. The head of the commercial department is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The head of the commercial department reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The head of the commercial department directs the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. The head of the commercial department during his absence is replaced by a duly appointed person who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Supervises work on market research and preparation commercial offers, cost estimate preparation of production, foreign economic activity, load analysis and forecasting of the production activity of the enterprise.

2.2. Forms a portfolio of orders of the enterprise in order to maximize the use of its capabilities and existing production capacities.

2.3. Participates in the development of the production program and long-term and short-term planning.

2.4. Provides coordination and coordination of actions of all departments of the enterprise in the implementation of a single commercial policy.

2.5. He studies the experience of gaining positions in regional and global markets.

2.6. Determines ways to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the foreign market.

2.7. Develops measures to improve the commercial activities of the enterprise, aimed at increasing profits and expanding the customer market.

2.8. Provides preparation of contractual documentation and organization of relationships with clients.

2.9. Monitors the proper fulfillment of the terms of agreements (contracts).

2.10. Coordinates the activities of the department's employees, ensures and controls the accounting and established reporting.

2.11. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents relating to its activities.

2.12. Knows and complies with the requirements of normative acts on labor protection and environment, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The head of the commercial department has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate the occurrence of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The head of the commercial department has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. The head of the commercial department has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The head of the commercial department has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The head of the commercial department has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The head of the commercial department has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The head of the commercial department has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The head of the commercial department has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The head of the commercial department has the right to get acquainted with the documents that define the rights and obligations for the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The head of the commercial department is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the rights granted.

4.2. The head of the commercial department is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The head of the commercial department is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a commercial secret.

4.4. The head of the commercial department is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and the legal orders of the management.

4.5. The head of the commercial department is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The head of the commercial department is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The head of the commercial department is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

Without delving into the essence of the work, one might think that sales department completely follows the line-staff principle. The commercial department is not a single whole: its functions and sales are divided into autonomous components, but at the same time they have the same value and are equivalent to the work of the entire department. Their only common goal is to get the buyer to buy this or that product. The fact that each component works independently in the commercial department should not negatively affect the work, each of the activities brings its own small contribution to the activities of the entire enterprise.

What does the commercial department in the company do?

Distinctive features of any activity are the presence of its direction and the organization of tasks to achieve the desired heights. The purpose of the commercial department is the acquisition by individuals or legal entities goods and services offered on the market, or their exchange for other goods for mutual benefit. Interestingly, the elements operated by marketing are also operated by the commercial department. The organization of the commercial department is complex, but at the same time allows it to perform many tasks.

The main goal of the commercial department is the creation of a certain system of measures aimed at regulating the processes of sale and purchase, meeting demand and making a profit.

All processes regulated by the commercial department of the enterprise are divided into two types: technological and commercial.

Technological processes are connected with logistics. This concept refers to all operations performed during the transportation of goods (transportation, unloading, storage, packing, packaging). These operations are a continuation production process and direct traffic.

Commercial transactions are all processes, one way or another connected with the purchase and sale. This list also includes organizational and economic processes. It cannot be said that they are directly related to the purchase and sale, but these processes definitely affect the systematization of the trade flow.

Commercial operations are also functions of the commercial department:

  • study of demand for goods, its forecast. Research of consumer demand for certain groups of goods;
  • search and identification of suppliers;
  • all actions related to the formation of an assortment of goods;
  • assortment management;
  • economic justification for choosing a particular supplier;
  • organization of relations with suppliers;
  • organization of service maintenance;
  • conclusion and termination of contracts, all work with documentation;
  • the choice of marketing techniques for the sale of goods;
  • the use of marketing in social networks, advertising on the Internet, etc.
  • evaluation and study of their own activities.

Examples of standards for the commercial department

The basis for the application of any techniques and actions in commercial activities should be the conditions currently prevailing in the market.

The correct and productive work of the commercial department of the enterprise will develop only with the full understanding of all the staff, what are the tasks of the commercial department:

  • implementation;
  • sales forecast;
  • implementation policy - sales and service;
  • studying the situation on the market;
  • advertising, marketing, trade development;
  • setting prices for the entire range of goods;
  • packaging and distribution;
  • commercial footage.

Responsibilities of the commercial department

Many firms still transfer advertising responsibilities to specialized agencies. The management of the enterprise determines only the policy of conducting advertising campaigns. But it's time to understand that advertising largely determines the policy of the company itself, the perception of the company by customers directly depends on it. The best solution in this case, there will be the introduction of the position of administrator of the commercial department.

This person is needed in order to ensure that advertising reinforces the company's policy, but does not establish it. Good publicity- one of the important conditions for the sale and purchase of goods. Companies need to scale their efforts according to sales, production and distribution capabilities.

Market research

It does not matter where the information about the current state of the market comes from (advertising agencies, own observations, use of general information as a source), it is an essential component for marketing campaigns. Responsibility for finding information placed on top management will turn any knowledge gained into useless and unnecessary. It would be much better to assign it to the "working layer", then any information received will become a powerful planning tool for you. This market research technique helps to organize the activities of all layers of employees in the sales department, and also predicts sales. Market research is not yet so widely used in the work of enterprises.

Product range planning and pricing

Price setting in commercial departments by administrators has not yet taken root in domestic companies. The fact that prices should be fixed in commercial departments is considered heresy. But the fact that employees of the commercial department should have influence on the range of goods is clear to everyone. The compromise with which to get out of this situation will be the creation of a new price-setting headquarters, which will be supervised by commercial administrators.

Forecasting and planning income and salaries

The planning of future sales volumes and incomes depends on the planned profit. This duty is usually assigned to all levels of management. However, in order to calculate the planned profit, you need to make a sales forecast. This is what the commercial department does, where the current market situation and past sales are studied. This is the only way to get the most accurate forecast.

Sales organization in general business activities

One of the advantages of this concept is the ability to coordinate the work of the personnel services of the commercial department. Also, a definite plus is that the use of this concept implies the coordination of commercial operations with the rest of the components of the work (production, administrative work and finance). But the most significant contribution made by this concept is that marketing becomes closely connected with other types of commercial activities. Thus, the head of the department gets more freedom of action and a lot of new tools for managing the commercial department. The head of the department establishes links with the management of advertising, research work, planning and development of operations. By joint efforts, guided by the general policy of the company, they achieve their goals.

What does the structure of the commercial department of the enterprise look like?

When new organization, the commercial department appears by itself, it develops spontaneously, its work is not coordinated. The commercial department in such companies does not have clearly defined boundaries of responsibility, and the levels of subordination are established using organizational structure. However, this does not prevent the department from continuing its work.

Usually the blame for the unproductive work of the department is placed on the sellers. But the responsibility also lies with the entire commercial department. Each mistake of the subject affects the entire sales system as a whole.

Many different types of structures have been created, each of which is designed to perform certain tasks and achieve its goals. It is extremely important to match the commercial structure and distribution policy of the company, only in this way it will be possible to effectively implement strategic tasks for business development.

Among the many sales departments, the following principles for organizing the work of the commercial department are most often used.

Geographical. To use this type of organization, it is necessary to place a sales unit in each region in the form of an official representative or branch.

Grocery. It implies competition between teams, each of which is responsible for the sale of a certain product, in the same markets.

Client. This type of organization subdivides departments into categories that specialize in a particular client level. Typically, the departments are divided into a department for working with corporate clients and a department retail sales. But there are departments of commercial service with a large number of divisions.

Functional. The case when the sales process consists of the sequential implementation of the following steps:

  • search and selection of the client base;
  • discussion of working conditions and trial sale;
  • subsequent cooperation and service;

This type of specialization considers the division of departments into sales stages. Often used is a division between commercial department specialists who work with the client base and direct sales, and back-specialists involved in subsequent sales and service provision.

Matrix. It is most advantageously used by organizations that sell complex goods, both intellectual and technical. Sales of such companies are formed in the form of projects. Typically, such enterprises recruit leading specialists in each of the areas used in the production, and they all work in turn with the client. A good example of companies using this structure would be consulting agencies, IT companies, etc.

Organization principles




Simple structure and proximity to customers.

Low cost of sales and relatively low administrative costs.

The benefits of specialization are lost.

Limited managerial control over the distribution of sales force.

It is difficult to work with a wide interchangeable assortment.

The performance of the region is highly dependent on the representative.

By products

It is easier to transfer specific knowledge across products.

Easier to plan deliveries to customers.

In the case of competing departments - high coverage of the territory.

Duplication of efforts: one client - several sellers.

Large administrative costs.

A high degree of coordination is required.

By clients

Allows you to better take into account the interests and needs of customers.

A high degree of control over the distribution of sellers' efforts.

There is a danger of “missing out” on a potentially interesting client niche.


Low dependence of customers on a particular seller.

Specializing in sales allows salespeople to focus on what they do best.

Strong sellers can be "unloaded" with the help of less expensive staff.

A high degree of work coordination is required (especially for departments with different functions).

It is necessary to motivate several independent units to overall result in working with a client.

Matrix (project)

Rapid concentration of heterogeneous resources for different periods.

A high degree of control over the work of salespeople and the design team.

High sales and administration costs.

Difficulties with motivation, cost accounting.

Participants' conflicts of interest.

Key principles for the productive work of the organizational structure of the commercial department:

  1. Full compliance of the structure with the goals and priorities of the enterprise.
  2. Building structure around certain functions.
  3. Fixing the rights, duties, and powers in the structure.
  4. Set the degree of control depending on the volume of sales and the independence of sellers during transactions.
  5. Develop structural flexibility. It must adapt to market conditions, the availability of certain products, price fluctuations.
  6. The structure should be balanced and take into account the interests of other departments: supply department, financial department, marketing department.

A well-designed structure is one of the most necessary aspects of a company's development, but not all enterprises can boast of having it and a commercial department. Most consider it a formality, but the absence of these components leads to widespread confusion. If more experienced employees fully understand the "hierarchy" of the enterprise, then for beginners this can be a problem. Creating a certain structure will help them adapt faster. Systems without structure are beneficial to middle managers, in such situations they try to gain undeserved authority.

Each company remains unique, so it cannot be said that the processes in them are the same. The structure created for a large company can be very different from the structure created for a small office. In order to draw up the correct structure, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of possible departments of commercial activity.

Description of the key structural elements of the commercial department

Composition of the commercial department

In some commercial companies, the Board of Directors meets to solve important problems. This is the name of the meeting of leading specialists of the commercial department. Open discussions help them jointly achieve their goals, find best options solving industrial and commercial problems, avoiding the fragmentation of the interests of departments.

The following variant of building an organizational structure is also possible. Marketing director becomes direct manager commercial director or indirectly controls it.

Another option for the development of the organizational structure is the introduction of the position of executive (commercial) director of departments. Such a scheme is useful for those enterprises that need to reduce the number of duties of the CEO and give him the opportunity to deal with more urgent and important tasks. For example, he may spend his time establishing business connections with companies or suppliers. The executive director may also take over the security or commercial department.

Sales department

Not only the sales department is responsible for commercial success, but also other components of production. However, this department brings the main profit to the enterprise. The system of the sales department must be clearly debugged, and the employees must be motivated, only then the income of the enterprise will be as high as possible.

For convenience, the heads of each division are referred to as senior commercial managers. In simple words, each department has its own head, who fully and completely controls its work. Various variations of the names of these positions are possible, but the essence of this does not change.

The statement that the sales department is the heart of the company is confirmed by the numerous flows of finance and information that connect it and other departments.


From whom / to whom (department, service)


Sales policy - the concept of sales, assortment, prices, etc.

Commercial Director.


Methodological support for the organization and management of sales

Head of Sales Department. Commercial Director

Item: Current Sales Availability, Planned Stock, Scheduled Delivery

Merchandising (warehouse)

Delivery of goods to customers: exactly at the address, on time, without deterioration in consumer qualities

Merchandising (distribution)

Information about the availability and movement of goods

Merchandising (warehouse).

Procurement. Logistics. DB


Accounting, financial department

Material support (workplace equipment - telephones, computers, etc.)

Office Manager

Information support, results of analytical calculations

DB, marketing analytics


Analytics based on sales results


Results of claims work


Results of marketing research: a counter sales plan for customers, segments and regions, new forms of working with customers, etc.


Data for economic efficiency sales by goods

Financial department. DB

Customer accounts receivable data

Accounting. DB

Frames that decide everything

Personnel service

Solution contentious issues with clients

Legal service. Security Service


Money to the bank / cash desk, concluded deals, contracts, orders

Accounting, financial department

Sales budget (sales plan)

Financial department. Marketing

Assortment plan-order for goods

Production. Procurement. Merchandising. Logistics. Marketing

Cost budget

Financial department

Information on feedback with the client about the quality of the goods and services of the company


Information about the state of the target market, collected on the instructions of the marketing service


Offers to the sales policy of the company

Commercial Director. Marketing

Databases of current and potential customers. Operational reporting of sales managers. Final reporting of the sales department on the results of work for the period

Commercial Director. Financial department. Marketing

Operational commercial groups

Operational groups are divided according to certain criteria and their number depends on market segmentation, but there are other factors that affect this. With a small assortment and volume of supplied goods, commercial groups are divided according to the region. Otherwise, commercial groups are divided into groups of goods supplied to the interested regions. It is more profitable for organizations that sell or receive goods from a wholesale company to collect groups in relation to these counterparties. The same scheme is used for sales organizations to other enterprises.

Such a group consists of 2-4 people, there is no definite leader in it, and all decisions are made collectively. Accordingly, the entire team is responsible for the miss of one participant. This way of organizing leads to an acceleration of the work process, the full dedication of each employee, an increase in the efficiency and quality of work in general, simplification of the training of new employees and creates a certain competition between groups. The group also performs some analysis of the commercial department.

Work in the commercial department is productive if these immutable rules are observed:

  1. During the working day it is forbidden to miss phone calls.
  2. Each employee must be "savvy" in the area where his group works and cannot afford to have gaps in knowledge.
  3. If the group is not competent in the client's question, he is redirected to service to a group with the necessary knowledge.
  4. Team members must choose their own lunch time, as well as replace each other while one of the employees is on vacation. If the issue cannot be resolved amicably, it is referred to senior management for consideration.

The ideal placement of commercial groups looks like this: all groups are in the same room, separated by screens. Each employee has his own phone and personal monitor connected to the public network.

Coordination and Procurement Department

The organization of commercial activities is almost entirely dependent on the work of this department. He works closely both with other specialized departments and with commercial groups.

The tasks of the Coordination and Procurement Department are as follows:

  • distribution and control of incoming goods;
  • control over the fulfillment of tasks by departments;
  • monitoring the promptness of deliveries and providing guarantees to customers;
  • maintaining a reserve of demanded goods in warehouses;
  • control of the unity of the enterprise policy;
  • creation of proposals for changing the range of goods in relation to their demand;
  • creation of commercial groups to work with suppliers.

Department of Transport and Customs Operations

The department is headed by a commercial director. The main tasks of the Department of Transport and Customs Services are as follows:

  1. Search for the most profitable modes of transportation.
  2. Control of customs documents, registration of transaction passports.
  3. Arrangement of goods escort at the request of the customer.
  4. Creation of new warehouses or zones for transshipment for justified reasons.
  5. Security vehicles, including shipping.
  6. Monitoring the timeliness of deliveries and the receipt by the customer of the necessary documents.
  7. Providing cargo with insurance documents.

The Marketing Director manages multiple departments. Let's take a closer look at the functions and tasks of some of them.

Marketing and Pricing Department

This department is responsible for the continuous study of the buyer's market and the enterprise market. The information received gives them the opportunity to offer the marketing director many options for promoting a particular product, among which you can find:

  1. Changes in the assortment of goods in relation to the forecast and the situation on the market.
  2. Proposals to replace suppliers with more competitive ones (offering goods cheaper or better than the existing one).
  3. Market improvement.
  4. Entry of the company to more developed levels of the market.

This department keeps records of all materials purchased and sold by competitors, collects all existing information about the pricing policy in the market, competing sellers and current indices. At the same time, the department collects data on those firms with which they have ever been in contact.

The price group of the department advises the sales groups on the prices that exist in the market at the moment, checks the reports they have completed and sends them to the head of the commercial department for review. Also, the price group issues new proposals for changing the range of goods.

Before large meetings, the department justifies the reason for discussing new pricing policy, market changes and other important issues that are within their competence.

Required for the following tasks:

  1. Monitoring the effectiveness of advertising a particular product, as well as the company as a whole, compiling the characteristics of the commercial department.
  2. Organization of promotions and calculation of the costs of their implementation, justification of the reasons for their decisions.
  3. Implementation of the approved plan of events by concluding deals with advertising companies.
  4. Distribution of trial or promotional versions of products.
  5. Sending the company's products to participate in various exhibitions and fairs.

Smaller companies can afford to combine the above two departments.

Department of work with intermediaries

Engaged in the development of sales schemes. For high-quality work, the department needs the support of other components of the company: the marketing and pricing department, the customs (transport) department, the maintenance organization department, the department for coordinating purchases and sales. All commercial groups interested in promoting the goods being sold are also involved.

Having developed a proposal, the intermediary department submits it to the Board of Directors for consideration. And after its approval, the proposal turns into a target plan.

Now the department needs to find promising commercial intermediaries, prepare all documents for signing and start cooperation with them. After signing the contract, the department monitors compliance with the conditions specified in the document, as well as the work of the departments. Negotiations on the conclusion of the contract are conducted by the marketing director.

CEO speaking

Sergey Miroshnichenko, General Director of Srednevolzhskaya Gas Company LLC, Samara

We are among natural monopolies, we are a service company, so we do not have sales and purchase departments in the standard sense. Deputies, heads of branches and structural departments are subordinate to the General Director of the company. Each department is a fairly independent structural unit that has financial isolation, a work plan, the procedure for carrying out work and payments. Each purchase is aimed at providing financial means for the construction and transformation of networks. The purchase of the main part of the necessary goods is carried out by the Production and Technological Completion Department (UPTK), which is part of the parent company, it reports to the deputy general director of the commercial department of the enterprise. Over the course of several years of work, the company has a list of trusted partners, the structure of work has been debugged, and therefore, I consider it inappropriate to form a procurement department and provide a position for the head of this department.

UPTK employees and employees responsible for conducting tenders (carrying out activities under the supervision of the First Deputy General Director) select a supplier. After that, the bidding department analyzes the correctness of the purchase procedure, the selection of a supplier, either by request for quotations, or by tender. The final selection takes place in the bidding department, a protocol is drawn up. As a rule, this process is carried out when signing serious and large contracts. A unique product is purchased, as a rule, from a specific supplier, since here attention is primarily paid to quality. The department delivers products to the main warehouse at the request of other departments.

How to organize competent management of the commercial department

The financial component of the activities of companies is not carried out by itself, it needs to be properly managed.

The management system of the commercial department is a complex of components, the relationship between them, as well as the manipulations that carry out the commercial activities of the enterprise.

To systematize the management of the commercial department, you must:

  1. Prepare goals for the implementation of commercial activities.
  2. Distribute the functions of production and management of commercial activities.
  3. Distribute tasks among the employees of the commercial department.
  4. To streamline the interaction of employees of the commercial department and the order of their functions.
  5. Acquire a new technology for manufacturing a product or reconstruct it.
  6. Optimize the system of incentives, supply and marketing.
  7. To carry out the manufacture of products and the trade and technological process.

The management structure is based on several subsystems: methodology, process, structure and management technique.

The process of managing the commercial department of a company is a component of the management area, which includes the development of a communications structure, the creation and implementation of management decisions, the creation of a structure information support guides.

The management organization of the commercial department is based on the following elements:

  1. Development.
  2. Formation.
  3. Establishment of properties of isolated parts, based on tasks.
  4. Creating a coordination scheme that guarantees the ability to adapt to changing business circumstances.
  5. Separation of duties for commercial activities.
  6. Formation of a scheme for providing data that will help in decision making.

The goals of the commercial activity of the company are divided into certain tasks, united by the scope of activity:

  • purchase of goods;
  • storage system;
  • distribution routes, etc.

These principles are considered the basis for creating the organizational structure of the commercial department and its management:

  1. Determination of a clear and precise goal of the organization of the commercial department.
  2. Formation of installation for the commercial department to achieve the overall goals of the organization.
  3. Formation of mutual work among departments.
  4. Formation of a clear apparatus and management system with a single subordination, the correct hierarchy in the enterprise. Accurate division of responsibilities among different management participants.
  5. Building a diversified approach for leadership work.
  6. Striving for the minimum number of links in the chain of command.
  7. Formation of orientation of the management system.
  8. Providing executive information.
  9. Flexibility and adaptability to fluid market conditions.

Business management is inextricably linked with the management of the entire enterprise. Thus, when creating the structure of the commercial department and choosing the way to manage it and its activities, you need to remember the relationship of each element that makes up the management system.

Management practices are a means of influencing the management and processes associated with the business department. They consist of administrative, organizational, economic and legal. These methods of leadership imply a fruitful combination. Their interaction depends on any operating conditions. trade organization and market environment.

  • Sales department: 4 steps to organize effective work of managers

Key positions of the commercial department for the effective functioning of the company

For the competent management of the commercial service department, the participation of people and the systematization of work are necessary. It is necessary to select specialists of the commercial department and provide them with high-quality training, to systematize and manage the activities of commercial departments, and to establish fruitful cooperation between departments involved in customer service. We have already found out, referring to the functional connection of the sales department, that most of the departments are involved in these processes. In this regard, the main task of the organization and management of sales is the availability of professional staff, on which everything depends.

Head of commercial department

At the very first stage of organizing a commercial department, it is necessary to find a responsible head of the commercial department, allocate a position to him and define powers, then orient him in order to work.

The job title is not a formality. Don't treat a job title without the necessary responsibility. Behind the position of an employee who works in the commercial department, the essence should be seen: the duties of the employee, his responsibility to the enterprise, opportunities and powers, as well as the requirements for him.

The commercial department, in most cases, is led by a commercial director. Departments associated with the circulation of money in the company must make manipulations, referring specifically to him. Sometimes, depending on the size of production, close in activity workplace has a different name: director of sales, director of sales and marketing or head of sales.

Primary tasks of the commercial department and its director. Firstly, he must stimulate and in every possible way monitor the process of selling goods, its increase. Second, improve distribution links and develop the regional network. The head of the enterprise must clearly articulate job responsibilities that can be understood and performed by the commercial director.

Another form of interaction is possible - the director himself analyzes the organization of the commercial department, finds new ways of their development and progress of the entire enterprise. At the end of the formation of ideas, an employee of the commercial department puts them forward to the CEO or presents them to the board of directors. Only after such events, the main goals are set and further prospects are formed.

The job description or regulation on the commercial department provides an example of behavior for similar cases. It addresses the above issues related to the definition of the goals and objectives of the commercial director, the construction of the production hierarchy, the system of interaction between employees, methods of assessing work activities and a to-do list.

Business Specialists

Specialists of the commercial department participate in the organization and implementation of the processes of logistics and marketing of products, the sale of services, conduct marketing research and advise on these matters.

Their responsibilities include:

  1. Participation in the planning and organization of logistics, control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations, receipt and sale of funds for raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and equipment.
  2. Definition of requirements for material resources and finished products and compliance of their quality with standards, specifications, contracts and other regulatory documents, drawing up claims for delivered low-quality inventory items and preparing responses to customer claims.
  3. Carrying out a comprehensive study and analysis of markets for goods and services in order to actively influence consumer demand in order to expand sales of products.
  4. Preparation of proposals for planning the production of specific goods (services) and prices for them in accordance with changes in market conditions.
  5. Participation in planning and organization of sales of products (transportation, storage, bringing to the consumer).
  6. Participation in the planning and organization of the service.
  7. Development and participation in promotional activities.
  8. Advising on marketing, other aspects of organizing the work of commercial activities.
  9. Fulfillment of related duties.
  10. Management of other employees.

Examples of professions included in this basic group:

  1. The manager of the commercial department is a specialist directly involved in trading operations: purchases and sales. The scope of duties of the manager of the commercial department depends on the specifics and size of a particular enterprise, on the niche it occupies in the market, etc.
  2. Marketing specialist (market research and analysis).
  3. Advertising Specialist.
  4. Merchandiser.
  5. Economist for contract and claims work.

Is talking general manager

Ilya Mazin, General Director of ZAO Office Premier, Erich Krause Group of Companies, Moscow

The head of the commercial department is needed to organize the work of the commercial department. If it is necessary to link two components: obtaining favorable commercial conditions at the entrance, that is, the terms of delivery (either components or finished products), and achieving favorable conditions sales. In the absence of one of these functions, there is no need for the head of the commercial department.

Very small and very large companies do not need to manage the commercial department. Small because, most often, it is difficult for them to pay for a large administrative apparatus. Usually in such situations, the functions of the head of the commercial department are performed by the owner, if there are several of them, then usually the management areas are divided between them: someone can deal with administrative and economic issues, someone controls financial turnover and profit (and in fact is a commercial director). V big business on the contrary, the duties of the commercial director are often distributed among the directors of the directions.

But for medium-sized businesses, this is a key figure. The head of the commercial department is a top manager who ensures the most important thing in the company - this is the creation of a profitable part.

How to analyze the performance of the commercial department and the sales department

It doesn't matter where your position in the hierarchy of the enterprise is, if your responsibility is to work in the sales department and strategically plan its activities, or, let's say in other words, market and marketing strategy, then you are responsible for generating a certain number of sales and economic growth of the company.

Often the expected sales turnover is not achieved due to the overpricing of the sale, or the high price of raw materials, insufficient funding for advertising or low motivation of employees. If at least one of the listed or similar problems is well known to you, then when organizing the work of the commercial department of the enterprise, you miscalculated in planning. This means that you did not conduct an in-depth study of the previous stages, did not find the real factors that affect the increase and decrease in sales.

If it was not possible to make your area of ​​responsibility for the commercial department accessible and understandable; if you have no way to timely determine the position of the commercial activities of the enterprise, then it is worth waiting for the real financial results. But this does not apply to companies that have a competent CEO.

A good CEO will usually be interested not only in how much you aim to sell next year and how many hot customers you have, he will also be interested in the facts on which your confidence is based. He will not be satisfied with the information that the company has doubled sales for several years, and now there is a need to hire more highly paid specialists in the commercial department in the field of sales, for which you need to increase income by 80%. He will also analyze the growth of the market in the industry, which can be equal to just 50%. The conclusion suggests itself, doesn't it? The answer is obvious: the company has stopped in its development, but exists because of previous successes.
Suppose you manufacturing enterprise or, for example, a professional services firm. With any chosen method of effective promotion, among the employees of the organization there must be employees whose main duties will be interaction with customers. These methods include active sales, advertising, marketing programs, client recommendations, etc. How deep did you analyze the commercial department? Have you given an accurate description of the commercial department? Does your analysis system answer the questions: why is our turnover the way it is, how to proceed in order to sell more, and how much sales do we need? The proposed analysis system, which we will consider, can solve such problems of the commercial department.

What should be analyzed in the activities of your managers?

1. The result of the work:

  • turnover;
  • the established number of active clients and the percentage of clients recently introduced into the process;
  • average number of customer purchases;
  • further prospects in working with the client and our possibilities in working with him;
  • the number of lost customers among those with whom interactions have already been conducted and those who were only a potential client;
  • the number of lost customers in the past.

Entering this information into an Excel worksheet, calculating the necessary indicators, you can get data on the result of the work of each specific manager who works in the commercial department:

  • turnover will notify you of all financial profits brought by the manager for the company;
  • the number of active clients and the number of new active clients will tell you how purposeful the employee is in terms of attracting;
  • the average number of sales per client will indicate the quality of the clients that the manager of the commercial department works with;
  • the customer's ability to purchase your product will inform you how deeply the employee analyzed the customer, in addition, you will receive data for further monitoring of sales;
  • the rest of the data will indicate the development of the manager's abilities in the field of working with clients.
    All individual indicators of managers, individually and in total, are compared with each other, plus there will be an average indicator for the entire department, this will help you objectively look at and evaluate the results of the annual financial turnover.

A start. It is worth noting that when evaluating the results, you will not find the reason why the performance of managers is so different from each other. And if you do not know the reasons, then you cannot properly manage them and correct errors and inaccuracies. In this connection, it is necessary to continue the analysis of the commercial department, delving into it.

2. Activity and effort expended.

If you want to know the full data of the employees of the commercial department for working with clients and the efforts expended by them to achieve success, then you need to first describe the totality of all actions, that is, describe the indicators of sales processes.

The indicators are different, it all depends on the characteristics of your business. Usually, the following indicators carry real information content: calls, meetings, offers. Naturally, they can pursue many different goals, which can be many - the exchange of information, the discussion of the presentation, financial calculations, the features of the payment system or its confirmation, etc. Well, if they serve as a stepping stone to a new stage of relations with the customer, the ladder of such development looks something like this: getting to know the client, then studying him in depth, based on the data obtained, you need to attract him, then develop these relationships and retain them to complete this transaction with a future perspective cooperation.

The most convenient tool for presenting sales processes and searching for a connection between activities and a specific sales stage is the use of the sales algorithm below.

Each period defines the process and stage of sales at which the customer is located. If you compile statistics on current customers, then it will be possible to find the average duration of the transaction process, which will provide initial information to build a sales forecast for "hot" customers. By applying this tactic to "lost" clients, you will discover the stage at which the client decides to refrain from dealing with your company, thanks to which you can find out how interesting your proposals look. The sales algorithm should look like this:

  1. Request a meeting and determine its subject.
  2. First meeting.
  3. Establishing customer needs and your company's ability to meet them.
  4. Sending minutes of discussions and questionnaires of customer expectations.
  5. Schedule a new meeting to discuss the proposal.
  6. First presentation.
  7. Sending an offer.

Of course, when creating this system, you must provide for all options. It is not a fact that the proposal for a meeting will be accepted, even if the client agrees to see him, he does not always sign the contract, so you need to be prepared for many scenarios. For example, if you are refused to sign a contract, and a specialist in the commercial department was able to find out the real reason for the refusal (he must be able to do this), the client was not satisfied with the cost. Next, you can send thank you letter and notify him whenever the price of the item he is interested in changes. With a large base of such customers, you can arrange a sale to increase market share. It is also possible to consider the option of introducing accumulative cards, which, upon reaching the required number of purchases, will reduce the price to the desired level.

To analyze the commercial department, you must obtain the data of the results of the description of the sales business processes:

  • definition of business contacts with the client;
  • definition of sales stages;
  • Assigning a deal stage to identified business contacts.

Performance appraisal of your managers.

To achieve this, you must first educate the sales team on the rules for successful customer interactions. You must convey the advantages of dividing the sales process into stages and determine the goals for which you need to keep track of customers. If you can confidently state your thoughts and convince employees of the benefits of your proposals, then the information will be assimilated and adopted.

The final report of your managers should include the following items:

  • inventory of current customers and determination of their stage of sales and source of appearance;
  • the amount of annual profit, data for each client: the date of commencement of work and the last contact, their result;
  • in case of refusal, it is necessary to indicate the reason, the reason and the stage at which the client decided to refuse.

Be prepared for the fact that, unfortunately, you may receive an incomplete report. Sometimes this is not part of the responsibilities of the manager of the commercial department. If you insist on fixing the history of work with clients, against all odds, you risk getting misleading information. We advise you to introduce this practice when working with new clients.

For large companies, with a huge customer base, it seems logical to focus on key customers, usually about a quarter of the total number of customers.

After reporting on current clients, the manager needs to indicate the number of active manipulations in the direction of each client, this includes calls, meetings, Special offers etc. By dividing customers into groups: “buying”, “new buying” and “never bought”, it will be easier for you to calculate the indicators that determine the success of your managers:

  • calls, meetings, proposals of everything;
  • calls, meetings, offers to new clients;
  • calls, meetings, offers to old clients;
  • calls, meetings, offers to new buying customers;
  • calls, meetings, offers to old buying customers;
  • calls, meetings, offers to non-buying customers.

By combining the obtained information about the manager’s activities, his activity and spent resources into a table, you will find out the answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the amount of effort expended by the manager of the commercial department to work with clients?
  2. Is each manager focused on large, medium or small clients?
  3. Which client brings in the most profit?
  4. How much effort (calls / meetings / offers) does an employee need to spend in order to receive an order?
  5. Does the manager work with new or old clients?
  6. What proportion of buying customers in the entire database?
  7. Having passed what stage, the manager approaches the signing of the contract?
  8. At what stage does a client usually refuse a manager?
  9. What are the main reasons for rejection?
  10. Does the manager have a deep or superficial attitude towards working with a client, does he reveal his full potential for interacting with your company?
  11. What is the proportion of lost customers?

By comparing KPIs and financial results, you will be able to calculate the average number of calls, meetings or offers to sign one contract and its average price.

According to the data, the statistics will say something like this: a specialist calls about 80 clients every month, makes appointments with half of them, and receives 20 offers, as a result, 10 customers with a contract amount of about $ 5,000 begin to cooperate. When calculating backwards, you will be able to notice the required degree of professional effort by the manager to make a profit in the desired amount. By developing a percentage system of remuneration, you will be able to control the activity of employees, thanks to financial incentives and bonuses.

The resulting data will provide you with objective information about the capabilities of the sales manager, you will be able to identify areas for his growth and help develop the required abilities in order to increase his productivity. For example, if a manager holds a sufficient number of meetings per work month, but only a small part ends with the signing of a contract, and the department’s usual indicator clearly exceeds its success, then you need to establish the cause of the failures and help your employee to function successfully and increase income. In case you notice that the worker is quite a large number of spends effort in working with new partners, but they are ineffective, study the list of his clients. It often turns out that the manager worked in a non-target segment. If an employee is busy with an outdated customer base without attracting fresh flow, you should stimulate the interest of such an employee in a different approach, even if the performance of such a manager is above average. The system of introducing bonuses for the appearance of new partners can help you.

At the moment, commercial service departments prefer to look for opportunities to reduce organizational costs in favor of their own benefit, which depends on the fulfillment of customer needs. So, in modern market relations, the economic principle of "calculating the benefit of the consumer" is at the very center of attention of departments that control the finances of the organization.